Leopard geckos make good pets that are relatively inexpensive to care for. They grow to be 4-8 inches long and have yellowish skin with black spots. Leopard geckos eat live crickets or mealworms and require a tank with a basking area, hiding places, and a substrate like sand. Their tank should include a UV lamp, heating, and decorations. It needs to be cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis while removing the gecko.
5. Food Crickets(live. Must feed cricket food and liquid or potatoes/oats) Mealworms(live) Wax worms(live), as a treat only Calcium powder dish(needed) and insects coated with calcium powder(preferred) Shallow dish with water
6. Lighting A UV lamp overhead(nocturnal) Light(s) centered on basking spot No white lights at night Under tank heater (preferred)
7. Habitat Basking area-rock or cave (preferred) Hiding area (log or cave (preferred) Substrate (sand or reptile carpet) Food bowl, water dish, and calcium dish Plants and rocks for decoration 10 gallon tank per 1 gecko (aquarium or terrarium(preferred)
8. Cleaning Dispose of shedding (only after gecko is finished shedding!!). To clean tank-get everything out of tank-including gecko. Uninstall lighting. Throw away substrate. Spray tank with alcohol,vinegar and water mix, then wipe. Also rinse out food bowls, water and calcium dishes, and wash rocks and caves. Put in new substrate, put back all materials, reinstall lighting. Lastly, return gecko. When cleaning tank, put gecko in a spare tank (clean fast, or the gecko might die).
9. Handling Handle very gently!! Handle only when necessary Do not take out of tank for too long Do not play with it