This document provides a summary of Fikisha Rivera's work experience, education, skills, and certifications. She has over 10 years of experience working in healthcare facilities providing assistance with activities of daily living, medication administration, vital sign measurement, and communication with staff and families. Her education includes a Bachelor's degree in Healthcare Services Management and an Associate's degree in Healthcare Administration. She is CPR certified and has experience with phlebotomy, patient care, billing and coding.
This document provides an overview of a dissertation that aims to assess whether a diachronic comparative study of slavery in ancient Rome and the transatlantic slave trade adds to the understanding of slavery in Rome. It begins by discussing the history and scale of slavery in both contexts. It notes that while comparisons have been made between certain aspects, like slave insurrections, a full comparative study is still lacking. The document outlines the dissertation's objectives to compare manumissions and insurrections in both systems using available evidence. It argues these aspects highlight the necessity of comparison by showing legal constraints on manumission and similarities in aims of slave revolts. The dissertation will critically analyze previous comparative work and use sources to establish compatible points of analysis
Authors: Damien Lanfrey, Donatella Solda
Policy advisors, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy
Open government practice does not guarantee good policy design to translate into impactful processes.
The next step in policy-making asks practitioners to design policies that are "living agents" rather than mere sets of rules. Policies must enable communities and ecosystems, accelerate quality, introduce enzymes, promote agility and be impact-driven.
Distracted Driving is a growing problem not only in Maryland but across the country. Today auto drivers are constantly under the threat of being distracted whether by phone calls, text messages or simply by tuning the radio. This slide presentation exhibits the most common dangers associated with distracted driving and the laws in Maryland that attempt to prevent it and further fatalities.
Manal Bassiouny has extensive education and experience in human resources, marketing, and business administration. She holds an MBA from the German University in Cairo with a focus on human resources, marketing, and strategic management. Currently, she works as an English teacher at Kids Camp Montessori Nursery, where she helps develop individualized learning plans for students. Previously, she held administrative and account executive roles at Globe Telecom and Bright Advertising.
Driving Safely in Maryland: Teens & SeniorsSteve Heisler
Unique considerations influence driving safety for seniors and teens in Maryland. Understanding the risk factors for each demographic can aid awareness and promote driving safety.
Authors: Damien Lanfrey, Donatella Solda
Policy advisors, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy
Open government practice does not guarantee good policy design to translate into impactful processes.
The next step in policy-making asks practitioners to design policies that are "living agents" rather than mere sets of rules. Policies must enable communities and ecosystems, accelerate quality, introduce enzymes, promote agility and be impact-driven.
Distracted Driving is a growing problem not only in Maryland but across the country. Today auto drivers are constantly under the threat of being distracted whether by phone calls, text messages or simply by tuning the radio. This slide presentation exhibits the most common dangers associated with distracted driving and the laws in Maryland that attempt to prevent it and further fatalities.
Manal Bassiouny has extensive education and experience in human resources, marketing, and business administration. She holds an MBA from the German University in Cairo with a focus on human resources, marketing, and strategic management. Currently, she works as an English teacher at Kids Camp Montessori Nursery, where she helps develop individualized learning plans for students. Previously, she held administrative and account executive roles at Globe Telecom and Bright Advertising.
Driving Safely in Maryland: Teens & SeniorsSteve Heisler
Unique considerations influence driving safety for seniors and teens in Maryland. Understanding the risk factors for each demographic can aid awareness and promote driving safety.
Snellerklaarblaadje of huiswerk figuren vervormennathaliekrol
This document discusses techniques for altering figures through enlargement and reduction. It focuses on changing the size or scale of figures through mathematical operations while maintaining their original proportions. The goal is to help students learn methods for transforming shapes and objects.
Sneller-klaar-blaadje of huiswerk breukennathaliekrol
This document appears to be part of a Dutch language exercise, providing space for a name and including the headings "Exercise 1" and "Exercise 2", suggesting there are two language exercises for a student to complete.
Meander | Biodiversiteit | Breng de natuur in de stadTanja Nolten
Met natuurinclusief bouwen breng je de natuur terug in de gebouwde omgeving en dat is goed voor onze gezondheid, de biodiversiteit, het klimaat en ons levensgeluk.
Dus als het gaat over biodiversiteit, dan gaat het over meer dan een vogelkastje, een insectenhotel of een bloemrijke berm. Prachtig maar dat is niet genoeg! Het moet gaan over systemen, over verbindingen, over water en bodem als basis en over leefgebieden.
We willen klimaatadaptie en natuur zodanig combineren dat dit:
Voor de bewoners aantrekkelijke groene woonmilieus oplevert
De temperatuur in de stad getemperd wordt
Water vastgehouden wordt (belangrijk bij hevige regenbuiten)
Vogels, vleermuizen, eekhoorns etc een nest kunnen maken
Zo worden zwaluwen (en vleermuizen) met holle stenen naar Sleeuwijk gelokt om daar de jaarlijkse muggenplaag te beteugelen
Meander, Fianne Bakker geeft inzicht
Hoe zorg je voor integriteit in je ontwerp zodat je voorkomt dat je een vermogen kwijt bent aan installaties en het huis of gebouw altijd comfortabel is?
We hebben nogal wat uitdagingen in de energiesystemen van de toekomst. We. willen het comfortabel hebben in het huis of gebouw. Hoe ga je dan een optimaal energiesysteem inrichten zodanig dat:
je een lage milieu impact hebt
de energierekening laag is
het onderhoud beperkt is
en hoe maak je het de installateur makkelijker?
Mark Sprenkels van Breman Installatiegroep in Zwolle leert je anders nadenken over onze energiesystemen van de toekomst waarin opgenomen energie en water. Want water wordt in toenemende mate een uitdaging. Oh ja, netcongestie komt ook nog om de hoek kijken
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manualthabsyberber
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Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manual
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manual
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)shidqipurwin
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250221 (WR) v1 Lunchsessie Noordhoff trends digitale technologie en
Ik heb op 6 maart 2025 een lunchreferaat verzorgd voor een groep medewerkers van Noordhoff Zorg. Daarbij ben ik ingegaan op vijf belangrijke trends op het gebied van digitale technologie en leren en ontwikkelen.
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Editionbirteaaguena
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Presentatie Climate CleanupWorkshop | Hoe groen is jouw project?Tanja Nolten
Stel je voor: jullie project wordt een baanbrekend voorbeeld van duurzaamheid. Door innovatieve, groene bouwmaterialen te gebruiken, zoals hout, vlas, olifantsgras en hennep, worden jullie de helden in de strijd tegen CO2- en stikstofuitstoot.
Deze materialen zijn niet alleen milieuvriendelijk, maar ze hebben ook CO2 opgeslagen tijdens hun groei, waardoor jullie project een positieve impact heeft op onze planeet.
Maar hoe bewijs je deze impact? In deze workshop duiken we diep in de kunst van het berekenen van CO2- en stikstofreductie, om niet alleen onze projecten, maar ook onze planeet te transformeren.
Door Climate Cleanup, Jelle Bijl
SMARTCirculair Excellencedag 2025
de heksen van Aspelare en Nederhasselt .JaimeLavid
Verhalen over historische en fictieve toveressen, heksen, aardgeesten en duivels die leefden (en soms ook stierven) in Aspelare en Nederhasselt, of er gewoon bestonden in de verbeelding van de lokale bevolking.
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manualgodlykanani
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