The document provides assembly instructions for building a soapbox in 11 steps. It lists the necessary hardware, tools, and wood materials. It then describes each step of the assembly process which includes attaching the front and rear steering axles, connecting the joysticks and pedals, linking the steering to the front axle, attaching the bottom panel and fairing, and finally mounting the wheels. Safety warnings are provided to take necessary precautions during assembly and use.
This document provides instructions for using the CONCORD RIO baby rocker/seat in 3 sentences or less:
The document outlines how to fold/unfold, adjust the backrest, and immobilize the rocking function of the CONCORD RIO baby rocker. It also explains how to use the integrated harness system, seat minimizer, carry straps, and toy bar. The warranty information is also included, noting the guarantee period and exclusions.
The document provides instructions for replacing rear drum brakes over 22 steps. It explains that drum brakes use brake shoes that press against a brake drum rather than pads against a disc. The instructions cover removing the wheel, drum, brake shoes, retainer pins, return springs, and wheel brake cylinder. New brake shoes are then installed along with reattaching related parts. Finally, the wheel is reattached and the braking system is bled to complete the job.
This document describes the development of an open source wheelchair called Uyen's Chair for children with disabilities in developing areas. A team in Vietnam designed the chair over 72 hours as part of a makers event to help 4-year-old Phuong Uyen, who has cerebral palsy and is unable to move without assistance. The chair was designed to be adjustable, lightweight, low-cost and made of materials like plywood that allow airflow for extended sitting. It uses a modular design that can be assembled by local workshops to help more children affordably. The team aims to publish open source blueprints to maximize the chair's accessibility worldwide.
Hoosier Wheel has been creating custom wheel assemblies for over 50 years to meet customers' specifications. They offer a variety of wheel types including pneumatic, semi-pneumatic, plastic, and solid wheels that can be customized. The document encourages readers to contact Hoosier Wheel to discuss their application needs and how Hoosier Wheel can engineer a solution and provide high quality products.
Hoosier Wheel has been creating custom wheel assemblies for over 50 years to meet customers' specifications. They offer a variety of wheel types including pneumatic, semi-pneumatic, plastic, and solid wheels that can be customized. The document encourages readers to contact Hoosier Wheel to discuss their application needs and how Hoosier Wheel can design a custom wheel assembly solution for them.
The document describes the development of a bicycle tyre design that reduces spray generated when cycling in wet conditions. It investigates how the wheel can be redesigned through experiments testing different tyre tread patterns and the application of a hydrophobic coating. Prototypes were produced and testing showed the final design reduced spray by up to 99.5% compared to a regular tyre.
The document is an assembly manual for a noblechairs executive swivel chair. It provides step-by-step instructions to assemble the chair, including attaching the wheel base, chair base, backrest, armrests, and accessories like the neck and lumbar pillows. It also provides information on adjusting the chair's height, tilt, rockability, and armrests. The manual concludes with care instructions and safety information.
Design of Mechanical Tire-Rim Separator-1.pdfabelaxoo046
This document describes the design of a mechanical tire-rim separator. It aims to improve upon the traditional manual separation process, which can damage tires and rims and requires significant time and effort. The mechanical separator is designed to remove and fit tires easily and safely while being low-cost and easy to operate. Detailed drawings and descriptions are provided for each custom part, including the handle, base, turntable, shaft, and other components. Manufacturing and assembly processes are also outlined. The goal of the design is to develop a machine that can separate tires and rims locally in a manner that is more efficient and causes less damage than existing manual methods.
Brake pads are wearing car parts located in the brake caliper that are subjected to high temperatures and wear during braking. The document provides instructions on how to check brake pads for wear and replace worn pads. It advises that front brake pads typically last 18,600-27,900 miles while rear pads last around 37,200 miles. The 8 step process for replacing pads involves loosening wheel bolts, pushing the piston back, removing the old pads, cleaning the caliper, inserting the new pads, and pressing the brake pedal to set the pads. Proper pad replacement ensures safe braking performance.
This document provides information on selecting, mounting, inspecting, storing, and using abrasive wheels safely. It outlines the key hazards associated with abrasive wheels, and how to properly select, mount, inspect, balance, store and dress wheels. It also describes regulations regarding training requirements for working with abrasive wheels and required personal protective equipment.
This portfolio document summarizes Stephanie Tomasetta's projects from 2013. It includes summaries of 6 projects:
1) AudiEVOLVE, which proposes an anticipatory chair for autonomous vehicles that rotates and reclines based on sensors.
2) 4Arm Crutches, which adds hooks and magnets to standard crutches to make everyday tasks easier for leg amputees.
3) A chevron cutting board made of maple and walnut wood.
4) A pop-up hospital room light card that illuminates when opened to bring warmth to patients.
5) A polycarbonate pi?ata that lights up when hit to reveal candy inside, showing the
Hyster b177 (h60 xl) forklift service repair manualjfjkskekfsmem
This document provides service procedures for brake systems on H40XL-H60XL lift trucks. It describes the components of the service brake and parking brake systems. Procedures are provided for removing and disassembling the 260mm service brakes, cleaning brake parts, inspecting components, and reassembling and installing the 260mm service brakes. Key steps include removing the wheel assembly, brake shoes and adjuster assembly; cleaning brake parts to avoid creating dust; inspecting wear limits; and ensuring proper installation of springs, links, and adjuster wheel assemblies.
Hyster b177 (h40 xl) forklift service repair manualfksefkskemm
This document provides instructions for servicing the brake system on H40XL-H60XL lift trucks. It describes the main components of the service and parking brakes. The service brakes use wheel cylinders and brake shoes to slow the wheels. The parking brake engages the service brake shoes using additional linkage. The document then provides detailed steps for removing and disassembling the 260mm service brakes, cleaning the parts to avoid asbestos dust, inspecting components, and specifications for replacement if worn.
Hyster b177 (h50 xl) forklift service repair manualfjjkefkksem
This document provides instructions for servicing the brake system on lift truck models H40XL-H60XL. It describes the main components of the service and parking brakes. The service brakes use wheel cylinders and brake shoes to slow the wheels. The parking brake engages the service brake shoes using additional linkage. The document then provides detailed steps for removing and disassembling the 260mm service brakes, cleaning the parts to avoid asbestos dust, inspecting components, and specifications for replacement if worn.
Message de prévention relatif à la peste porcine africaineJean-michel Neugate
Plusieurs cas de peste porcine africaine ont été confirmés chez des sangliers en Allemagne à 100 kms de la frontière fran?aise (Bas-Rhin). Cette maladie reste très présente en Europe avec de nombreuses détections dans le nord de l’Italie, en Pologne et les pays baltes
Chiffrage des recettes fiscales du programme du Nouveau Front PopulaireJean-michel Neugate
Ce document présente un chiffrage des mesures fiscales dans le programme du
Nouveau Front Populaire.
Plus de deux cents élus, dont Martine Aubry et Patrick Kanner, ont dévoilé ce mercredi une tribune en faveur d’une candidature d’Anne Hidalgo à la présidentielle.
Le président de la République Emmanuel Macron a salué ce lundi l’?engagement net et précis pour la République? des fédérations du Conseil fran?ais du culte musulman, au travers de la charte des principes de l’islam, adoptée dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi.
Barometre politique odoxa dentsu-consulting - decembre 2020Jean-michel Neugate
Dure fin d’année pour le Premier ministre Jean Castex, qui poursuit sa chute dans le baromètre Odoxa – Dentsu Consulting du mois de décembre, réalisé pour France Inter et la presse régionale.
une synthèse des connaissances sur la contagiosité des enfants et adolescents, publiée le 20 mai 2020 par Santé Publique France
Soignez-vous ! : le cri d’alarme des soignants face au renoncement massif aux...Jean-michel Neugate
Comme au printemps, les professionnels de santé s’alarment du renoncement massif aux soins. Au travers d’une campagne sur les réseaux sociaux et via une tribune de la communauté de Doctolib, ils rappellent les dangers d’un retard de diagnostic ou d’un report de traitement.
La surmortalité liée au Covid-19 aurait atteint entre 25 et 30 000 décès de m...Jean-michel Neugate
Un rapport de Santé publique France, organisme d’Etat chargé de la veille sanitaire, établit que le Covid-19 aurait entra?né en treize semaines de crise une surmortalité estimée entre 25 et 30 000 décès. Rien que dans les Hauts-de-France, l’épidémie aurait causé un surcro?t de mortalité de l’ordre de 19%.
Un rapport du Sénat alerte sur l’aggravation de la menace islamiste en FranceJean-michel Neugate
Dans un rapport rendu public ce jeudi 9 juillet 2020, les sénateurs s’alarment de la menace de plus en plus présente de l’islam radical en France. Ils formulent une quarantaine de propositions qui visent à le combattre tout autant à l’école, dans le sport ou au sein des services de l’?tat.
Une France tolérante, un racisme de plus en plus agressifJean-michel Neugate
La Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH), Rapporteur national indépendant sur la lutte contre le racisme sous toutes ses formes, a publié ce jeudi 18 juin 2020 son rapport annuel sur le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie. S’articulant autour de deux grands axes, le rapport a comme objectifs de comprendre le phénomène raciste en France, d’analyser l’action de tous les acteurs étatiques et non étatiques en matière de lutte contre le racisme, et de formuler des recommandations pour le prévenir et le combattre.
Des députés déposent une proposition de loi pour créer un fonds d'indemnisati...Jean-michel Neugate
Portée par le député dunkerquois Christian Hutin (Mouvement des citoyens), une proposition de loi du groupe socialiste et apparentés demande la création d’un fonds d’indemnisation des victimes du Covid-19. Une initiative qui se heurte à la reconnaissance nécessaire par l’?tat de sa responsabilité dans la crise sanitaire.
Pas d’union nationale pour le président de la République, dont la cote de popularité s’effondre dans le dernier baromètre politique Odoxa. Aussi sévères soient-ils, les Fran?ais sont majoritairement opposés à une reprise des mouvements sociaux.
Brake pads are wearing car parts located in the brake caliper that are subjected to high temperatures and wear during braking. The document provides instructions on how to check brake pads for wear and replace worn pads. It advises that front brake pads typically last 18,600-27,900 miles while rear pads last around 37,200 miles. The 8 step process for replacing pads involves loosening wheel bolts, pushing the piston back, removing the old pads, cleaning the caliper, inserting the new pads, and pressing the brake pedal to set the pads. Proper pad replacement ensures safe braking performance.
This document provides information on selecting, mounting, inspecting, storing, and using abrasive wheels safely. It outlines the key hazards associated with abrasive wheels, and how to properly select, mount, inspect, balance, store and dress wheels. It also describes regulations regarding training requirements for working with abrasive wheels and required personal protective equipment.
This portfolio document summarizes Stephanie Tomasetta's projects from 2013. It includes summaries of 6 projects:
1) AudiEVOLVE, which proposes an anticipatory chair for autonomous vehicles that rotates and reclines based on sensors.
2) 4Arm Crutches, which adds hooks and magnets to standard crutches to make everyday tasks easier for leg amputees.
3) A chevron cutting board made of maple and walnut wood.
4) A pop-up hospital room light card that illuminates when opened to bring warmth to patients.
5) A polycarbonate pi?ata that lights up when hit to reveal candy inside, showing the
Hyster b177 (h60 xl) forklift service repair manualjfjkskekfsmem
This document provides service procedures for brake systems on H40XL-H60XL lift trucks. It describes the components of the service brake and parking brake systems. Procedures are provided for removing and disassembling the 260mm service brakes, cleaning brake parts, inspecting components, and reassembling and installing the 260mm service brakes. Key steps include removing the wheel assembly, brake shoes and adjuster assembly; cleaning brake parts to avoid creating dust; inspecting wear limits; and ensuring proper installation of springs, links, and adjuster wheel assemblies.
Hyster b177 (h40 xl) forklift service repair manualfksefkskemm
This document provides instructions for servicing the brake system on H40XL-H60XL lift trucks. It describes the main components of the service and parking brakes. The service brakes use wheel cylinders and brake shoes to slow the wheels. The parking brake engages the service brake shoes using additional linkage. The document then provides detailed steps for removing and disassembling the 260mm service brakes, cleaning the parts to avoid asbestos dust, inspecting components, and specifications for replacement if worn.
Hyster b177 (h50 xl) forklift service repair manualfjjkefkksem
This document provides instructions for servicing the brake system on lift truck models H40XL-H60XL. It describes the main components of the service and parking brakes. The service brakes use wheel cylinders and brake shoes to slow the wheels. The parking brake engages the service brake shoes using additional linkage. The document then provides detailed steps for removing and disassembling the 260mm service brakes, cleaning the parts to avoid asbestos dust, inspecting components, and specifications for replacement if worn.
Hyster b177 (h50 xl) forklift service repair manualfjjkefkksem
More from Jean-michel Neugate (20)
Message de prévention relatif à la peste porcine africaineJean-michel Neugate
Plusieurs cas de peste porcine africaine ont été confirmés chez des sangliers en Allemagne à 100 kms de la frontière fran?aise (Bas-Rhin). Cette maladie reste très présente en Europe avec de nombreuses détections dans le nord de l’Italie, en Pologne et les pays baltes
Chiffrage des recettes fiscales du programme du Nouveau Front PopulaireJean-michel Neugate
Ce document présente un chiffrage des mesures fiscales dans le programme du
Nouveau Front Populaire.
Plus de deux cents élus, dont Martine Aubry et Patrick Kanner, ont dévoilé ce mercredi une tribune en faveur d’une candidature d’Anne Hidalgo à la présidentielle.
Le président de la République Emmanuel Macron a salué ce lundi l’?engagement net et précis pour la République? des fédérations du Conseil fran?ais du culte musulman, au travers de la charte des principes de l’islam, adoptée dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi.
Barometre politique odoxa dentsu-consulting - decembre 2020Jean-michel Neugate
Dure fin d’année pour le Premier ministre Jean Castex, qui poursuit sa chute dans le baromètre Odoxa – Dentsu Consulting du mois de décembre, réalisé pour France Inter et la presse régionale.
une synthèse des connaissances sur la contagiosité des enfants et adolescents, publiée le 20 mai 2020 par Santé Publique France
Soignez-vous ! : le cri d’alarme des soignants face au renoncement massif aux...Jean-michel Neugate
Comme au printemps, les professionnels de santé s’alarment du renoncement massif aux soins. Au travers d’une campagne sur les réseaux sociaux et via une tribune de la communauté de Doctolib, ils rappellent les dangers d’un retard de diagnostic ou d’un report de traitement.
La surmortalité liée au Covid-19 aurait atteint entre 25 et 30 000 décès de m...Jean-michel Neugate
Un rapport de Santé publique France, organisme d’Etat chargé de la veille sanitaire, établit que le Covid-19 aurait entra?né en treize semaines de crise une surmortalité estimée entre 25 et 30 000 décès. Rien que dans les Hauts-de-France, l’épidémie aurait causé un surcro?t de mortalité de l’ordre de 19%.
Un rapport du Sénat alerte sur l’aggravation de la menace islamiste en FranceJean-michel Neugate
Dans un rapport rendu public ce jeudi 9 juillet 2020, les sénateurs s’alarment de la menace de plus en plus présente de l’islam radical en France. Ils formulent une quarantaine de propositions qui visent à le combattre tout autant à l’école, dans le sport ou au sein des services de l’?tat.
Une France tolérante, un racisme de plus en plus agressifJean-michel Neugate
La Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH), Rapporteur national indépendant sur la lutte contre le racisme sous toutes ses formes, a publié ce jeudi 18 juin 2020 son rapport annuel sur le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie. S’articulant autour de deux grands axes, le rapport a comme objectifs de comprendre le phénomène raciste en France, d’analyser l’action de tous les acteurs étatiques et non étatiques en matière de lutte contre le racisme, et de formuler des recommandations pour le prévenir et le combattre.
Des députés déposent une proposition de loi pour créer un fonds d'indemnisati...Jean-michel Neugate
Portée par le député dunkerquois Christian Hutin (Mouvement des citoyens), une proposition de loi du groupe socialiste et apparentés demande la création d’un fonds d’indemnisation des victimes du Covid-19. Une initiative qui se heurte à la reconnaissance nécessaire par l’?tat de sa responsabilité dans la crise sanitaire.
Pas d’union nationale pour le président de la République, dont la cote de popularité s’effondre dans le dernier baromètre politique Odoxa. Aussi sévères soient-ils, les Fran?ais sont majoritairement opposés à une reprise des mouvements sociaux.
Le tuto du Pr Daniel Garin, ancien chef du département de virologie du Centre de Recherche du Service de Santé des Armées.
Evaluation de l'impact économique de la pandémie de COVID-19 et des mesures d...Jean-michel Neugate
Les mesures de réaction à l'épidémie de COVID-19 sur le territoire fran?ais vont avoir un impact économique considérable du fait des mesures sanitaires absolument
nécessaires. L'OFCE estime que l'impact du confinement pourrait être d'un peu plus de 30 points de PIB mensuel par mois de confinement, soit une perte de 2,6 points de
PIB annuel, soit 60 milliards d'euros par mois de confinement.
Projet de loi d'urgence pour lutter contre l'épidémie de CoronavirusJean-michel Neugate
Le conseil des ministres réuni ce mercredi doit entériner le projet de loi d’urgence pour faire face à l’épidémie de Covid-19. Voici le texte du projet.
A Brief Introduction About David CrowderDavid Crowder
David Crowder is a groundbreaking artist whose innovative approach to Contemporary Christian Music has captivated over 1.8 billion global listeners. With five GRAMMY nominations and four Dove Award wins out of 20 nominations, Crowder’s soulful vocals and creative blend of folk, rock, and electronic sounds define his artistry.
Best IPTV Services for 2025:Top (10) Ranks in the USAdorothymcalister2
IPTV delivers high-quality streaming over the internet, offering thousands of channels, on-demand content, and pay-per-view events at a fraction of traditional cable costs. But with so many IPTV providers available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming.
That’s where we come in! We’ve researched and compared the best IPTV subscription services to help you find the perfect fit. In this guide, we’ll break down the top providers, their pricing, features, pros, and cons—so you can make an informed decision.
Whether you’re looking for 4K streaming, sports coverage, international channels, or budget-friendly options, we’ve got you covered.
Say goodbye to cable hassles and hello to endless entertainment with the best IPTV services for you! Let’s dive in! ?
What is IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)?
IPTV is a modern way to stream TV shows, movies, and live channels using the internet instead of cable or satellite. Unlike traditional TV, IPTV offers on-demand content across multiple devices like Smart TVs, smartphones, Firestick, and Android boxes. Enjoy 4K streaming, live sports, international channels, and a vast content library—all at a fraction of the cost of cable.
What to Look for When Shopping for IPTV Service.
Types of IPTV Services
Live IPTV – Streaming live TV channels in real time, similar to traditional broadcasts.
Time-Shifted IPTV – Allows users to watch previously aired content (like catch-up TV).
Video-On-Demand (VOD) – On-demand access to movies, shows, and other content.
Key Features of IPTV Subscription:
Live TV Streaming: Watch live broadcasts of news, sports, or entertainment channels.
Video on Demand (VOD): Access a library of movies and TV shows to watch whenever you want.
Time-Shifted Content: Pause, rewind, or watch previously aired shows (Catch-Up TV).
High-Quality Streaming: Often includes HD or 4K resolution options, depending on the provider and your internet connection.
Device Compatibility: Works on a range of devices, including Smart TVs, streaming boxes (like Roku or Amazon Fire Stick), and mobile devices.
Common Requirements:
A stable and fast internet connection (minimum of 10 Mbps recommended for HD streaming).
A compatible IPTV player app or device (e.g., VLC, Kodi, or a dedicated IPTV box).
An IPTV service provider offering subscriptions tailored to your content needs.
Legality of IPTV Subscription Online Service
While IPTV technology itself is legal, the legitimacy of the service depends on the provider. Some providers may stream unauthorized or pirated content. To ensure legality, choose an IPTV subscription from reputable, licensed service providers.
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Information of a Music Composer.... By PW.snehsoham
Hi Everyone, This is Palash Wani. I have tried to make a Power Point Presentation about Alan Walker which is just for entertainment where people can know about him. I hope all the people would see my presentation. Thanks.
Monique Alexander_ A Journey Through the Adult Entertainment Industry.docxvoice ofarticle
Monique Alexander is a distinguished American adult film actress and model whose career has spanned over two decades. With a strong presence in both the adult entertainment industry and mainstream media, she has garnered numerous accolades, including induction into the AVN Hall of Fame in 2017. Beyond her work in adult films, Alexander is also known for her advocacy for free speech and sex education. Her career, personal life, achievements, and impact on the industry.
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A Brief Introduction About David CrowderDavid Crowder
David Crowder is a trailblazer in Contemporary Christian Music, blending bluegrass, rock, and electronic influences into an unforgettable sound. His many achievements speak volumes about his impact, and he’s known for his live performances that interweave genres.
Most Reliable IPTV Service Providers in the USA in 2025dorothymcalister2
Let’s dive in and find the perfect IPTV Service providers for you!
What is IPTV?
IPTV delivers television content over the internet rather than through conventional cable or satellite formats. This allows users to stream media on demand or through scheduled broadcasts using an internet connection. Unlike traditional TV, IPTV offers a personalized viewing experience, enabling users to watch what they want, when they want.
There are three main types of IPTV services:
Live IPTV – Real-time streaming of TV channels, similar to traditional broadcasting.
Video on Demand (VOD) – Access to a library of movies, shows, and other content at any time.
Time-Shifted TV – The ability to replay previously aired programs at convenience.
Advantages of IPTV
On-Demand Viewing – Watch favorite shows, movies, and events anytime.
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Interactivity – Pause, rewind, and record live TV for a customized experience.
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Global Accessibility – Enjoy IPTV from anywhere with an internet connection.
Higher Quality Streaming – HD and UHD content for superior picture and sound.
Cloud-Based Storage – Digital video recording (DVR) without the need for physical storage.
Most Reliable IPTV Service Providers in the USA in 2025dorothymcalister2
Les plans pour une caisse à savon
1. These soapbox assembly instructions are made available by HME free of charge, for private use and
at the sole risk and liability of the user.
Disregarding the warnings below may result in serious personal injury and property damage, both
during the assembly of the soapbox and the use of the soapbox, for which HME and its affiliated
companies assume no liability.
The user is solely responsible for the correct implementation of these soapbox assembly
The soapbox assembly must be performed by adults, and any children present during the assembly
must be strictly supervised.
The user bears the sole responsibility for the correct and safe use of the soapbox in accordance with
the laws and regulation applicable within the user‘s jurisdiction.
The users should wear protective equipment when constructing the soapbox (protective eyewear,
protective gloves) and when using the soapbox (properly fitting helmet, elbow and knee pads).
Any use of the soapbox by children must always be strictly supervised by adults.
The soapbox is designed for leisure use only, and should be used with caution. It is not designed
for, and is not suitable for high-speed races or for competitive use, and must never be allowed to
become airborne.
The use of the soapbox, and in particular its braking mechanism, is subject to a weight limit of 90
The soapbox is not designed for use in public traf?c. It must never used in public traf?c to avoid
damage and injuries to its user and third parties.
2. ?
Driving a soapbox once and feeling the
pure speed that you have designed and
screwed together with your own hands
is just awesome. For everyone who have
had the opportunity to take part on such
a project, the experience is still one of the
most beautiful memories of their child-
hood. Sitting in your own vehicle for the
first time, feeling the potential of a real
car and pushing your self-screwed cons-
truction to the limits of its load-bearing
capacity - isn‘t this what we all dreamed
of secretly as children and teenagers?
The fascination for soapboxes has always
been special.
Hyundai Motor wants to revive these
bygone days and get both young and old
excited for a joint project with a model
especially designed by Hyundai‘s Euro-
pean design centre. Inspired by the 45
concept car and simplified to be easy to
replicate at home, the Hyundai Soap-
box is also an eye-catcher from a visual
point of view. All the materials needed
to build the soapbox are affordable and
can be bought in any DIY store. With the
buildup booklet in hand, you can start
the Hyundai Soapbox project with your
family or your close friends whenever you
want. Enjoy your time as a team, working
together to build the fastest racer of your
The entire Hyundai Motor Team wishes you lots of
fun and a safe drive!
Relive your childhood
memories together.
3. Stainless Woodscrews
4x (4x25), 6x (5x35), 93x (5x60)mm
Steel Hex Bolt
6x (M5x35), 1x (M10x160), 1x (M10x120), 3x (M12x53)mm
Steel Self-Locking Nut
6x (M5) 4x (M10), 3x (M12)
Steel Washers
8x (M5), 6x (M8), 6x (M10), 9x (M12)
Steel Cariage Bolt
8x (M10x80)mm
Steel Hex Nut
13x (M8)
Steel Threaded Rod
3x (M8x1000)mm
Steel Connecting Nut
4x (M8x24)mm
Steel / 12mm Eye
7x (M8x60)mm
Bicycle Cantilever Brake Pads
2x (6,9x30)mm Bolt
Steel 90° Angle Bracket
2x (70x40), 2x (40x40)mm
Steel 90° Angle Bracket
1x (103x47mm)
4mm Material Thickness
Steel Pull Spring
1x (75x13)mm
Flat Steel Hinges
2x (80x40)mm/ 2,5mm Material Thickness
File Handles
2x (90)mm
Steel Tube
2x (19,80x1000)m (20)mm
Steel Lockrings with Setscrew
4x (20x14)m (for 20)mm
Wheelbarrel Wheels
4x (400)mm (Diameter for 20)mm
Steel Keyring
1x (40)mm
Wood Saw
Metal Saw
MDF Wood plate
4x (800x600)mm
OSB Wood plate
4x (2500x1250x22)mm
Wood beam
1x (60x100x1050), 2x (34x34x310)mm
1x (60x100x125), 1x (44x44x940)mm
To make the assembly as
smooth as possible, cut
and prepare all the required
wooden pieces for each step
beforehand. You can find the
exact dimensions on the plans
provided alongside these
instructions in a folder that
corresponds to the build steps.
Hardware Tools
4. 87 Soapbox ProjectSoapbox Project
In the second step, the front steering axle is initially integrated into a socket through which it will later be connected to the driver‘s joysticks.
Meanwhile, the two joysticks are attached to the left and right sides of the seat with screws. Finally, the two outward running plates on which
the rear steering axle is placed are connected by a cross strut on the underside.
In the first step the foundation for the chassis has to be laid. For this purpose, the front steering axle is attached to the top of the center
brace, on which the seat also finds its place further back. The rear steering axle is placed behind the seat, where the central brace merges
into two outwardly diverging plates. The rear axle is then connected to the seat by two accurately fitting press plates.
5. 15
109 Soapbox ProjectSoapbox Project
Now the joysticks are linked to the front steering axle by thin metal rods. Between the parallel running metal rods the
bracket for the accelerator and brake pedal is mounted on the central brace. These are placed on a plate, which is
screwed to the bracket at an angle of 30 degrees. The chassis is taking shape.
The bottom panel is attached. When doing so, it is important to note that its longer rear end is in line with the rear cross brace, but in return
it protrudes around 15 centimeters beyond the front steering axle. At the height of the two joysticks, two upwardly tapering rectangles are
milled into the bottom panel, which is supplemented by an overlying triangular milling at the height of the accelerator and brake pedal.
6. 2023
1211 Soapbox ProjectSoapbox Project
In the fifth step, the tyres are finally attached to the chassis. It is important to make sure that the screws have a tight fit,
so that the tyres do not come off the steering axles at full speed.
In the last step the fairing is attached to the chassis. For this purpose, the front fairing has to be placed on the two side plates.
In the rear part of the soapbox another plate, which is angled downwards, rounds off the fairing. Now it’s time to get creative:
The colouring of the fairing is up to you!