Leslie Orgel was a British biochemist who researched the origins of life and wrote a book on the topic explaining the differences between living organisms and inanimate matter, which consisted of over 300 articles. In his book, Orgel proposed two important "laws": that natural processes will evolve proteins to speed them up if they are too slow, and that evolution is more intelligent than humans. Orgel studied at Oxford University and later worked for NASA, participating in the Viking project to visit Mars, and received several prestigious awards for his scientific work and contributions.
Leslie Orgel fue un bioqu鱈mico brit叩nico que
dedic坦 a investigar los or鱈genes de la vida,
y escribi坦 un libro con ese nombre,
en el que explica las diferencias
entre los organismos vivos y la
materia inerte. Est叩 constituido
por m叩s de trescientos art鱈culos
sobre ello.
3. Orgels laws
At his book, Leslie Orgel wrote a lot of
entries, but the most important were that
- If a natural proccess is too slaw, a protein
progress for make it faster.
- Evolution is more intelligent than the
human being.
4. Byography
Leslie was a Britanic biochemist. He studied
at Oxford University. Later, he was one of
the most important scientist at the NASA,
and participated at the project Viking, That
consisted in visit Mars.
He has received awards like National
Academy of Sciences award, Royal Society
of London award and Arts and Sciences
American Academy award.