An old man had many sons who constantly quarreled over trivial matters like who would use the bathroom or get to the table first. Despite the old man begging his sons to live peacefully, they did not stop fighting. One day, the old man gathered his sons and showed them that while they could not break a bundle of sticks tied together, each son could easily break a single stick after the bundle was untied. The old man explained that together in unity they could overcome any challenge, but divided they would be weak.
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Lesson 26
1. Let us read the
The Old Man and
His Sons
From Pat Nelsons Magic
2. Once there was an
old man who had
many sons. They
always quarrelled
with one another.
3. They quarrelled
over who should use
the bathroom first.
At meal time, they
would fight over
4. got to the table
first. The old man
had often begged
his sons
to live together in
peace, but without
5. success.
One day, he
called them
together. He showed
them a bundle of
barbecue sticks. He
6. Asked each one of
them to break the
bundle. Each one
tried with all his
strength but the
bundle did
7. Not break. Then
cutting the cord
that bound the
together, the old
man gave his sons a
8. each.
Then he told his
sons to break it.
This was done with
the greatest ease.
The old man
9. exclaimed, See,
my sons, the power
of unity! If you
bind yourselves
together with
brotherly love,
10. you can win any
Divided you will
fall, united you
will stand.