Contemporary Filipino art allows artists to portray identity innovatively, reflecting the Filipino experience. It can be found anywhere, transcending conventional spaces and mediums. Contemporary artists brought art into public spaces, prioritizing connection with audiences. Philippine literature incorporates rural and urban experiences within diaspora. Theater continues to thrive through groups like Tanghalang Pilipino and PETA, which advocate for social change. Visual arts now boldly express personal perspectives. Emerging artists are encouraged through support from foundations.
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2. Contemporary Arts.
Allows Filipino
artists to portray
the subject and the
medium in
innovative and
skillful ways,
reflecting Filipino
7. Contemporary Arts.
It can be found
even in the most
places. It cannot be
reduced to
notions of space
and medium.
8. Contemporary Artists.
Brought their artworks into the
street, in public.
The main feat of any art primarily
depends on how the art is able to
connect with spectator.
9. Look around you, What
are the things that you
think are art? Explain.
10. Where can you find
samples of
contemporary Filipino
11. Explain the importance
of space and medium in
the propagation of art in
contemporary period?
15. Faced with threats and
Either designed by foreigners
or a derivative designs
mimicking copies of western
Philippine Architecture
17. Contains diasporic experience
and the incorporation of both
the rural and the urban
Explored the Western genre
and produce legitimate text.
Philippine Literature
19. Contemporary Filipino
writers are continuing to
struggle with the low
readership among the public
and the domination of foreign
titles in the market.
Philippine Literature
32. Tanghalang
It continues to
push Philippine theater to
artistic and professional
excellence through the
development and education of
actors, writers and directors
and technical staff.
36. Visual artists is becoming
bold regarding the
expression of personal
feelings and perspective
Visual Arts
38. Recognizing young talents in
the visual arts.
Play an important role in
encouraging emerging artist
create and produce their work
Pilipinas Shell
Foundation Inc.