The Lewis dot structure (or Lewis structure) is a diagram that represents the valence electrons of atoms within a molecule. It helps visualize how atoms bond and share electrons to form molecules.
Seafloor Spreading is the process in which new oceanic crust forms at mid-ocean ridges and moves outward, pushing older crust away. This occurs due to the movement of tectonic plates and is a key mechanism of plate tectonics
Continental Drift is the theory that Earth's continents have moved over geological time and were once joined together in a single supercontinent called Pangaea. Proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912, the theory suggests that the continents slowly drift across the Earth's surface due to movements in the Earth's mantle.
Weathering is the natural process that breaks down rocks, soil, and minerals into smaller pieces over time due to exposure to the atmosphere, water, and living organisms
Knowing the formulas of common chemical substances is highly significant for several reasons, ranging from practical applications in daily life to scientific and industrial advancements. The formula of a substance provides crucial information about its composition, structure, and behavior, which are important in many fields
The properties of matter are crucial in identifying substances because they provide distinguishing characteristics that allow us to differentiate one substance from another
Comparing Consumer Products on the basis of their components for use, safety,...MaryAnnLazarteBesar
Consumer products are goods that are purchased by individuals or households for personal use, rather than for business purposes. These products satisfy the needs and wants of consumers and are typically sold through retail outlets, online stores, or direct sales.
The widely accepted scientific explanation for the origin of the universe is the Big Bang Theory. This theory describes how the universe began as an incredibly dense and hot singularity and has been expanding and evolving over time
TheRuminantDigestiveSystem Lesson in Life Science for Grade 11MaryAnnLazarteBesar
The ruminant digestive system is a specialized system found in animals like cows, sheep, goats, deer, and buffalo. It is adapted for digesting plant-based diets, particularly fibrous materials like grass, which are difficult to break down. The system allows these animals to efficiently extract nutrients from cellulose-rich plant matter.
Plant structure refers to the physical organization and arrangement of different tissues, organs, and systems that make up a plant. It includes the study of both the macroscopic (visible) and microscopic (cellular and tissue-level) components of plants
Explore GPTs
Counting Atoms Explained
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GMO vs Selective Breeding
Cold Food for Sore Throat
Peanut Cough Trigger
Typhoon Track Explanation
Planaria Multiple-Choice Test
Vascular System vs Stem
Why Igneous Rocks Work
Magmatism Multiple Choice Test
Harry Hess Theory
Wegener's Continental Drift Theory
Strata vs Stratum
What is Strata
Nongreen Leaves Photosynthesis
Secondhand Smoke Risks
Ocean Basin Quiz
Plant Organ Systems Quiz
Capillarity Explained
Epidermal Tissue Structures
Meaning of to wit
Opening and Closing Oceans
Amoeba Digestive System Questions
Dental Pad Explained
Essay Writing Outline Tips
What are Protozoans
Ruminants and Cloaca Comparison
Ocean Floor vs Ocean Basin
Seafloor Spreading Questions
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You said:
how is counting of atoms done?
ChatGPT said:
Counting atoms involves determining the number of individual atoms present in a molecule, compound, or mixture. This process can be done in various contexts, such as in chemical formulas, reactions, or physical measurements. Here's how it can be approached:
A chemical formula indicates the number and type of atoms in a compound. For example,
O represents water, with two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Subscripts indicate the number of atoms of an element directly preceding it. For example, in
(glucose), there are:
6 Carbon atoms
12 Hydrogen atoms
6 Oxygen atoms
New elements are synthesized by creating atomic nuclei that are heavier than those naturally found on Earth. This process involves nuclear reactions in which smaller atomic nuclei combine to form a larger, heavier nucleus. The creation of new elements typically occurs in specialized facilities like particle accelerators or nuclear reactors.
Counting atoms involves determining the number of individual atoms present in a molecule, compound, or mixture. This process can be done in various contexts, such as in chemical formulas, reactions, or physical measurements
New elements are synthesized by bombarding nuclei with high-energy particles, which can cause them to change into a different, stable nucleus or break apart. As of 2013, the periodic table contains 114 confirmed elements up to element 118, the names of which were approved by IUPAC.
Some of the heavier elements in the periodic table are created when pairs of neutron stars collide cataclysmically and explode, researchers have shown for the first time. Light elements like hydrogen and helium formed during the big bang, and those up to iron are made by fusion in the cores of stars.
Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through th...VasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through the Use of Adversarially-Generated Samples", by K. Tsigos, E. Apostolidis and V. Mezaris. Presented at the AI4MFDD Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at
Detection of ferrihydrite in Martian red dust records ancient cold and wet co...S辿rgio Sacani
Iron oxide-hydroxide minerals in Martian dust provide crucial insights into
Mars past climate and habitability. Previous studies attributed Mars red color
to anhydrous hematite formed through recent weathering. Here, we show that
poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (Fe5O8H 揃 nH2O) is the dominant iron oxidebearing phase in Martian dust, based on combined analyses of orbital, in-situ,
and laboratory visible near-infrared spectra. Spectroscopic analyses indicate
that a hyperfine mixture of ferrihydrite, basalt and sulfate best matches Martian dust observations. Through laboratory experiments and kinetic calculations, we demonstrate that ferrihydrite remains stable under present-day
Martian conditions, preserving its poorly crystalline structure. The persistence
of ferrihydrite suggests it formed during a cold, wet period on early Mars
under oxidative conditions, followed by a transition to the current hyper-arid
environment. This finding challenges previous models of continuous dry oxidation and indicates that ancient Mars experienced aqueous alteration before
transitioning to its current desert state.
Knowing the formulas of common chemical substances is highly significant for several reasons, ranging from practical applications in daily life to scientific and industrial advancements. The formula of a substance provides crucial information about its composition, structure, and behavior, which are important in many fields
The properties of matter are crucial in identifying substances because they provide distinguishing characteristics that allow us to differentiate one substance from another
Comparing Consumer Products on the basis of their components for use, safety,...MaryAnnLazarteBesar
Consumer products are goods that are purchased by individuals or households for personal use, rather than for business purposes. These products satisfy the needs and wants of consumers and are typically sold through retail outlets, online stores, or direct sales.
The widely accepted scientific explanation for the origin of the universe is the Big Bang Theory. This theory describes how the universe began as an incredibly dense and hot singularity and has been expanding and evolving over time
TheRuminantDigestiveSystem Lesson in Life Science for Grade 11MaryAnnLazarteBesar
The ruminant digestive system is a specialized system found in animals like cows, sheep, goats, deer, and buffalo. It is adapted for digesting plant-based diets, particularly fibrous materials like grass, which are difficult to break down. The system allows these animals to efficiently extract nutrients from cellulose-rich plant matter.
Plant structure refers to the physical organization and arrangement of different tissues, organs, and systems that make up a plant. It includes the study of both the macroscopic (visible) and microscopic (cellular and tissue-level) components of plants
Explore GPTs
Counting Atoms Explained
Previous 30 Days
GMO vs Selective Breeding
Cold Food for Sore Throat
Peanut Cough Trigger
Typhoon Track Explanation
Planaria Multiple-Choice Test
Vascular System vs Stem
Why Igneous Rocks Work
Magmatism Multiple Choice Test
Harry Hess Theory
Wegener's Continental Drift Theory
Strata vs Stratum
What is Strata
Nongreen Leaves Photosynthesis
Secondhand Smoke Risks
Ocean Basin Quiz
Plant Organ Systems Quiz
Capillarity Explained
Epidermal Tissue Structures
Meaning of to wit
Opening and Closing Oceans
Amoeba Digestive System Questions
Dental Pad Explained
Essay Writing Outline Tips
What are Protozoans
Ruminants and Cloaca Comparison
Ocean Floor vs Ocean Basin
Seafloor Spreading Questions
Upgrade plan
More access to the best models
You said:
how is counting of atoms done?
ChatGPT said:
Counting atoms involves determining the number of individual atoms present in a molecule, compound, or mixture. This process can be done in various contexts, such as in chemical formulas, reactions, or physical measurements. Here's how it can be approached:
A chemical formula indicates the number and type of atoms in a compound. For example,
O represents water, with two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Subscripts indicate the number of atoms of an element directly preceding it. For example, in
(glucose), there are:
6 Carbon atoms
12 Hydrogen atoms
6 Oxygen atoms
New elements are synthesized by creating atomic nuclei that are heavier than those naturally found on Earth. This process involves nuclear reactions in which smaller atomic nuclei combine to form a larger, heavier nucleus. The creation of new elements typically occurs in specialized facilities like particle accelerators or nuclear reactors.
Counting atoms involves determining the number of individual atoms present in a molecule, compound, or mixture. This process can be done in various contexts, such as in chemical formulas, reactions, or physical measurements
New elements are synthesized by bombarding nuclei with high-energy particles, which can cause them to change into a different, stable nucleus or break apart. As of 2013, the periodic table contains 114 confirmed elements up to element 118, the names of which were approved by IUPAC.
Some of the heavier elements in the periodic table are created when pairs of neutron stars collide cataclysmically and explode, researchers have shown for the first time. Light elements like hydrogen and helium formed during the big bang, and those up to iron are made by fusion in the cores of stars.
Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through th...VasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through the Use of Adversarially-Generated Samples", by K. Tsigos, E. Apostolidis and V. Mezaris. Presented at the AI4MFDD Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at
Detection of ferrihydrite in Martian red dust records ancient cold and wet co...S辿rgio Sacani
Iron oxide-hydroxide minerals in Martian dust provide crucial insights into
Mars past climate and habitability. Previous studies attributed Mars red color
to anhydrous hematite formed through recent weathering. Here, we show that
poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (Fe5O8H 揃 nH2O) is the dominant iron oxidebearing phase in Martian dust, based on combined analyses of orbital, in-situ,
and laboratory visible near-infrared spectra. Spectroscopic analyses indicate
that a hyperfine mixture of ferrihydrite, basalt and sulfate best matches Martian dust observations. Through laboratory experiments and kinetic calculations, we demonstrate that ferrihydrite remains stable under present-day
Martian conditions, preserving its poorly crystalline structure. The persistence
of ferrihydrite suggests it formed during a cold, wet period on early Mars
under oxidative conditions, followed by a transition to the current hyper-arid
environment. This finding challenges previous models of continuous dry oxidation and indicates that ancient Mars experienced aqueous alteration before
transitioning to its current desert state.
How could modern LA research address data-related ethics issues in informal and situated professional learning? I will identify in this talk three relevant insights based on field studies around workplace LA interventions: Firstly, in informal and situated learning, data isnt just about the learners. Secondly, the affordances of manual and automatic data tracking for learning are very different, with manual tracking allowing a high degree of learner control over data. Thirdly, learning is not necessarily a shared goal in workplaces. These can be translated into seeing a potential for systems endowed with sufficient natural-language-processing capability (now seemingly at our fingertips with LLMs), and socio-technical design and scenario-based data collection analysis as design and research methods.
LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry) is a powerful analytical tool for comparing innovator and biosimilar drugs. It ensures precise characterization, detecting structural variations, impurities, and post-translational modifications, ensuring biosimilar quality, efficacy, and regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical development.
Pig farming, pork farming, pig production or hog farming is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally for food (e.g. pork: bacon, ham, gammon) and skins.
Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming: intensive commercial units, commercial free range enterprises, or extensive farming (being allowed to wander around a village, town or city, or tethered in a simple shelter or kept in a pen outside the owner's house). Historically, farm pigs were kept in small numbers and were closely associated with the residence of the owner, or in the same village or town.[1] They were valued as a source of meat and fat, and for their ability to convert inedible food into meat and manure, and were often fed household food waste when kept on a homestead.[2] Pigs have been farmed to dispose of municipal garbage on a large scale.[3]
All these forms of pig farm are in use today, though intensive farms are by far the most popular, due to their potential to raise a large amount of pigs in a very cost-efficient manner.[4] In developed nations, commercial farms house thousands of pigs in climate-controlled buildings.[5] Pigs are a popular form of livestock, with more than one billion pigs butchered each year worldwide, 100 million in the United States. The majority of pigs are used for human food, but also supply skin, fat and other materials for use in clothing, ingredients for processed foods,[6] cosmetics,[7] and medical use.[8]Pig farming has gained importance today. Pigs have inherited capacity to acclimatize with varying climatic conditions. Pigs cannot withstand high temperature climate.
Pigs are adjusted to varied rearing practices and consume different types of food (Omnivorous) to attain higher growth and meat production.
Pigs will attain 60-70kg body weight in 6-8months period.
Female pigs i.e., sows will come to heat at age of 8-9 months but avoid using male pigs (Boars) for breeding purpose until it attains one year of age.
Adult sows when bred during right time after attaining maturity will farrow 8-12 piglets in 112-118 days of gestation period (i.e., about 4 months of gestation). Feedefficiencyis to gain one Kg live weightfor every 2.75-3kg feed consumed (FCR: 1:2.75). There are many advantageous in pig rearing. Pork is available at a cheaper price with nutritious and highly palatable tasty meat of higher quality animal protein. Pig bones are used for producing bone meal and also used for purification of sugar in sugar industry.
The manure droppings and urine are good fertilizers which enhance the soil fertilityand improve grain production.
Pig hairs (Bristles) are used for making brushes and ropes, hooves are used for shirt button making and preparation of gum. Hence, pigs are called as multi utility domestic animals. Farmers can take up piggery farming and reduce their debt burden and improve their profits and livelihood.
Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymis...ThrombUS+ Project
At the BIOSTEC 2025 conference, Eleni Kaldoudi, ThrombUS+ project coordinator, presented our recent work entitled Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymisation, Cropping, and Tagging. Eleni provided an overview of the application we developed to facilitate the preparation of ultrasound images, acquired via the ThrombUS+ clinical study A, for the purpose of developing AI models for automated detection of deep vein thrombosis.
About ThrombUS+:
Our interdisciplinary approach centers around creating a novel wearable diagnostic device utilizing autonomous, AI-driven DVT detection. This groundbreaking device incorporates wearable ultrasound hardware, impedance plethysmography, and light reflection rheography for early clot detection. Activity and physiological measurements will continuously assess DVT risk, supporting prevention through serious gaming. An intelligent decision support unit will provide real-time monitoring and alerts, with extended reality guiding users for optimal device utilization.
ThrombUS+ is designed for postoperative patients, those undergoing lengthy surgical procedures, cancer patients, bedridden individuals at home or in care units, and women during pregnancy and postpartum.
B-FPGM: Lightweight Face Detection via Bayesian-Optimized Soft FPGM PruningVasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "B-FPGM: Lightweight Face Detection via Bayesian-Optimized Soft FPGM Pruning", by N. Kaparinos and V. Mezaris. Presented at the RWS Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at
Cell Structure & Function | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation provides a detailed look at cell structure and function, covering the differences between animal and plant cells, the roles of organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.), specialized cells, and levels of organization. Learn about diffusion, osmosis, and active transport in cells, with clear diagrams and explanations to support exam preparation. A must-have resource for Cambridge IGCSE students!
This presentation offers a bird's eye view of autosomes and sex chromosomes. It also explores the different kinds of diseases of humans due to autosomal and sex-linked inherited traits. The sex determination of plants has been explained. The ratio of sex in the human population along with cause and consequences has been explained here.
Electrical Quantities and Circuits | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of electrical quantities and circuits for IGCSE Physics. It covers key electrical quantities, including charge, current, voltage (potential difference), resistance, power, energy, electromotive force (EMF), and internal resistance. The presentation also explains series and parallel circuits, with in-depth discussions on Ohms Law, Kirchhoffs Laws, electrical components, circuit calculations, and practical applications. Packed with illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
2. Lewis Structure Assumptions
Only valence electrons are
involved in bonding.
Atoms in molecules need eight
valance electrons (octet rule)
except for hydrogen which needs
two electrons (duet rule).
3. In covalent compounds atoms
share electrons to form bonds in
order to achieve stable noble gas
electron configurations.
In ionic compounds electrons are
transferred from one atom to
another to achieve stable noble
gas electron configurations
4. . Types of bond based on the Number of
Shared Electron Pairs
Single bond = 2 electrons to each atom
Double bond = 4 electrons to each atom
Triple Bond = 6 electrons to each atom
Quadruple Bond = 8 electrons to each
5. Quadruple bonds only exist
between transition metals, such
as rhenium, molybdenum,
chromium, and tungsten, due to
the availability of d-orbitals that
enable unique bonding
6. Rules for Drawing Lewis Structures
Step 1: Count the total number of valance
Step 2: Identify the central atom (the first
atom written unless that atom is
Place all terminal atoms around that atom.
Hydrogen atoms NEVER have more than
one bond.
7. Step 3: Complete the octet for all
atoms in the Lewis structure with lone
pairs of electrons (except hydrogen).
Step 4: Check your structure by
counting the number of valance
electrons used (they will match step 1
if the structure is correct).
If your valance electrons dont match
you will need to tweak your structure.
8. Example 1: CH4
Step 1
Count the number of valence electrons
C = 4 valence electrons
H = 1 valence electron
Step 2
Identify the central atom. This is usually the first atom
written. Exception: Hydrogen. If that is the first atom
written, then use the second atom.
Example: C H 4
Central atom: C
9. Step 3: Complete the octet
Draw each component as a (Lewis)
dot diagram.
10. Step 4: Check your structure
Check your structure by counting the
number of valance electrons used
Remember:Hydrogen is the exception to
the octet rule. It only needs 2 electrons to
be happy.
Make sure that each atom in your new
Lewis dot structure feels like it has eight
electrons around it. Remember: One bond
feels like two electrons to EACH element
11. If here are atoms whose octet rules are not satisfied,
you may need to increase the number of bonds
between atoms.
12. Example 2: Water (HO)
1.Valence electrons:
1.Oxygen: 6, Hydrogen: 1 each Total = 8
2.Central atom: Oxygen (less electronegative than
3.Single bonds: Connect H to O with single bonds
4.Distribute remaining electrons: Place 4 more
electrons as lone pairs on oxygen
14. Example 3: Carbon Dioxide (CO)
1.Valence electrons:
1.Carbon: 4, Oxygen: 6 each Total = 16
2.Central atom: Carbon (least electronegative)
3.Single bonds: Connect C to each O with single bonds
4.Distribute electrons:
Each oxygen gets 6 remaining electrons (3 lone
pairs), but carbon has only 4 electrons.
To satisfy the octet rule, change single bonds to
double bonds.
18. ≒ Exceptions to the Octet
If you only have four or six valance electrons initially you cant
possibly fill the octet rule (usually BeH2 or BH3 ).(Incomplete
Just place hydrogens around central atoms and call it done.
Exceptions to the Octet Rule
(That are not H)
There are two other exceptions to the Octet Rule (that are not
Hydrogen) (Expanded Octet)
Exceptions usually involve F
21. Diatomic Molecules
In nature, the following elements are always found in a paired
They are never found solo.
I Bring Clay For Our New House
22. Summary:
Steps to Draw a Lewis Structure:
1.Count valence electrons
2. Determine the central atom
The first element written and the least electronegative
atom(except hydrogen) is usually the central atom.
3. Connect atoms with single bonds
Draw single bonds (each bond = 2 electrons) between
23. 4. Distribute remaining electrons
Complete octet (8 electrons) for outer atoms first,
then for the central atom.
5. Check octet rule and adjust if needed
If the central atom lacks an octet, form double or
triple bonds.
6. Check the total number of valence electrons
Make sure the number of electrons used matches
the total count.
24. Draw the Lewis Dot Structure
of the following compounds
1. Ammonia (NH)
2. Methane (CH)
3. Sulfur dichloride (SCl2)