1. https://read.bookcreator.com/2IUCYNmLHrZlLfSlQDYyXwjS5yt1/3RJA158nSw-S0_XnDVyDrw
a= め a = п
World Food
1. Check the meaningof the words in colour. Thenread the texts ( め
=≡п = ≡メ=≡).P105
1 People developed maize fromawildgrassinMexicoinprehistorictimes.Fromthere maize spreadto
otherparts of the Americas.
2 WhenColumbusdiscoveredAmerica,he alsodiscoveredmaize.He saw thatIndianmen,women
and childrenwere eatingsome strange yellow food.Theygrew atall plantwithlongleaves.He tookit
back to Europe.
3 There ismore maize inthe worldthan any other cereal.Itisthe mostimportantcereal formost
people inAfricaandLatinAmerica.Whenthere isnorain inAfrica,there isno maize andthe people are
hungry.The US produces almostahalf of the worldsmaize.
4 What isthe connectionbetweenmaize andbreakfast?Cornflakesare made of maize,of course.How
abouta glassof milk,an egg,baconand pancakes?Well,farmanimalseatmaize andyoucan fry
pancakes inoil made frommaize.
5 There ismaize inlotsof thingswe eatand drink.Itis in snack food,infoodforbabies,inpuddings,in
ice cream. There ismaize syrupinmanydrinksto make themsweet.
6 You can findmaize inthe glue usedforbooksor boxesof matches,inyourjeansto make them
stronger,inpaint,inaspirin,orin the toothpaste youuse tokeepyourteethclean.
What is the plural of the nounsbelow ( = =
)?Check.Theyare all usedin the plural inthis lesson.
Thing, box, match, potato, baby, leaf, man, woman, child, tooth
What is the singular of these plural nouns ( = =
mice,sheep,fish,geese, feet
2. These food plants have very interestingstories,too.Choose one and find out more about it.
Tell your class or make a poster.
a. The story of potatoes b.The storyof cocoa c. The story of beans
3. Think about the followingand write according to the questions (
where thisplantcame from.
howtheycookand eat it.
where inthe worldpeople grow itandeatit.
2. whyitwas importantinhistory.
4 Grammar Indefinite pronouns a= =
a= = Some (≡, ) =
≡ any, = = = aпめ ≡no
/ not any
Some, any, no - п , = a = =.
a = = п , -
Some coffee - ≡ п, some pens -
Some - , ≡
. :
Would you like some coffee? -п ?
Can you give me some bread, please? - ≡ a ?
Any - п ≡ = :
I am interested in any information - ≡= = め.
There are some boys in the street.
Are there any boys in the street?
There are not any boys in the street / there are no boys in the street.
a= =:
Someboby/ someone anybody / anyone nobody / no one
Something anything nothing
= Somewhere anywhere nowhere
5 Track 42 106
a= a = ≡a メп =
AsAmerican as apple pie, theysay. Butis the apple pie reallyAmerican?Foranapple pie you
needsome apples. Whenthe first.English..peoplecame toAmericathere werentanyapples
theycoulduse.The applesandthe apple pie came from .England...
The hamburgerissurelyAmerican.Well,yesandno.Isthere anyham in the hamburger?No,
there isnt.Itsname saysit isfrom Hamburg.It came to Americawith.German.. immigrants.In
Americasomebodyputthe meatina bun andthe Americanburgerwasborn.If there issome
cheese onthe meat,itscalledacheeseburger.A veggieburgerhasnomeatat all,only
vegetables.And,of course,dontforgetsome ..french.friesonthe side!Potatoescutandfried
inthisway came from .France...
How abouthot dogs?Are theyall ..American.?No.The sausagesinhot dogsare from
.Germany...The bunsare fromAmerica. How manyhot dogsdoesan Americaneateveryyear?
Theysay sixtya year!What are hamburgers,hotdogsandfrieswithoutketchup?How much
ketchupdoeseverypersonin..America.eateveryyear?Three bigbottles.IsketchupAmerican?
Wouldyoubelieve it,the wordketchupcomesfrom.China...Ketchupwasfirsta .Chinese..fish
sauce!But the firstketchupwithtomatoeswasmade inAmerica.
3. Theysay that the USA isa meltingpotof nations.People fromall overthe worldcame tolive
there.Theybrought theirdifferentculturesand,of course,theirfood.
New words:
Apple pie - , surely - , a, animmigrant -
≡, a bun - めaa, sauce - =a=, =,nation -
6 Read the text.Choose: ( )some,anyor no.
Today people are busyandoftenhave some / any / no time tocook,so theyeat a lotof fast
food.It isfoodthat youcan eatin a restaurantor take away.It is foodto go,you dontneed
some / any / no knivesorforksto eat it.Fast foodisnot onlyAmerican.Inall countriesyoucan
findsome / any / no traditional streetfood.Fastfoodisnotexpensive.Are there some /any /
no problemsconnectedwithfastfood?Yes,there are.If youeattoomuch fast food,youcan
have problemswithyourweightandyourhealth
7 Are these nounscountable or uncountable? = =
Bun C, plant - , child-, food U, meat -, tomato cheese rice ()-,rainoil foot mouse
ketchup bacon lettuce peach potato maize coffee tea
How many? Withcountable nouns
How much? With uncountable nouns
8 Choose the correct option. = ≡:
1 Imreallyhungrythismorning.CanI have a / some ham sandwich, a/ some banana and a /
some milk?
2 How many / How much eggs, how many / how much butterand how many / how much
sugar do I needforthiscake?
3 For the picture we need a / some paper, a / some redand greenpaint, a / some paintbrushes
and a / some glue.
4 Wedlike a/ two cheeseburgerswitha/ some lettuce and ketchup/ ketchups anda / some
frenchfriesonthe side.
9 Complete the Plural Rhyme. Write the missinglettersofthe plural nouns.Some nounshave
a regularand some an irregularplural. =a =≡п :
The man and the womanin thisphotoare myparents,and the childisme.Andhere there are
m- n,wom-- andchild--- .Theyare friends,notfamily.Mydadgoesto work onfoot.Its notvery
far. He useshislegsand hisf-- t, he doesntuse the car. I like sweets.Ihave a sweettooth,they
say.The dentistmustcheckmyt --th.Imgoingtoday.Theresone fishonyourplate andmany
fi-- inthe sea,Andif you dive there are differentfish-- foryoutosee.One shiphasarrivedand
twoshi-- are sailing,butone sheepissleepingandtwosh-- pare playing.Aswe all know hous--
isthe plural of house,butrememberthat ---- isthe plural of mouse.One bush,twobush-- ,one
4. floweranda thousandflow---.One tree,twotr--- ,one leaf and a millionlea---.Theresone
fairydressedinwhite.Andthere are twofair--- dressedinblue.Ilike thisstory.Ilike otherstor-
10 Celiais talking to her motherin the kitchen.Complete theirconversationwith the words
below. =a a= =
Some any no
Celia:Doyou need helpwiththe dinner,mum?
Mother: Yes,I do. Get tomatoesfromthe fridge,please.
Celia:There arent tomatoesinthe fridge,mum.Iate themwhenyouwere away.
Mother: Are there othervegetablesinthe fridge?
Celia:Yes,there are carrots and there is broccoli.
Mother: We can make rice with vegetables.
Celia:Isthere chicken?
Mother: No,theres chicken,buttheres fish.