1. The document outlines a lesson plan for a Year 2 class about appreciating one's body parts.
2. The lesson includes singing a song about different body parts, dividing students into groups to act out parts of the song, and having students draw and color their favorite body part.
3. The goals are for students to be able to sing the song correctly, perform an action song in groups, and illustrate their favorite body part.
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Lesson plan (autosaved)
1. Date 17th September 2014
Time 8.40-9.40am (1 hour)
Year 2 Bestari
Theme World of Self
Unit/Topic Unit 5 I Am Special
Focus Language Arts
Content Standard 4.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and
songs, through performance.
Learning Standard 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with
correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
1. Sing the song with correct pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation.
2. Perform an action song.
3. Produce an illustrations of their favourite body part.
CCTS 1. Generating ideas
2. Making connections.
3. Making conclusion.
4. Visualizations.
Moral values 1. Being attentive
2. Courage
3. Cooperation
4. Kind-heartedness
5. Self-Reliance
6. Honesty
7. Mutual Respect
8. Being Responsive
Teaching Aids Videos, Worksheets, Word Tree
Prior Knowledge Pupils recognize their neighbour.
2. Steps Teaching and Learning
Language Contents Notes
Set Induction
(5 minutes)
1. Teacher shows
pictures to pupils.
2. Pupils need to pay
attention to the pictures.
3. Teacher asks what they
can see in the pictures.
4. Teacher asks questions
about pupils body
5. Teacher introduces the
topic of the lesson.
1. I want to show you
some pictures.
2. You need to pay
attention to the
pictures .
3. What can you see in
the picture?
4. Now, what do you
use to see your
5. What do you use to
smell your foods?
6. Class, what do you
think we will learn
Teaching Aids
- Video
- Visualizing
- Generating
- Being
(15 minutes)
1. Teacher introduces the
topic of the lesson.
2. Teacher sings the song
I Love Myself for the
students to listen.
3. Teacher sings the song
again while the students
clap according to the
pulse of the song.
4. Teacher displays the
lyrics of the song by
5. Teacher reads the lyrics
of the song according to
the rhythm. Students
6. Students read the lyrics
of the song with
teachers guidance.
7. Teacher sings line by
line. Students imitate.
8. Students sing the whole
song with teachers
9. Students sing the whole
song without music
accompaniment .
10. Students sing the
whole song with music
accompaniment . (LO 1)
1. Today we are going
to learn about our
2. I want you to listen to
this song.
3. I want you to clap
with me while I am
4. Now, this is the lyric
for the song just now.
5. I want you to repeat
after me.
6. I want you to read the
lyrics altogether
7. I will sing the song
and I want you to
repeat after me.
8. Now, you must sing
the song together.
9. I want you to sing
without music.
10. Now, I want you to
sing the song while I
play the music.
Teaching Aids
- Song I Love
- Making
- Visualization
- Courage
3. Practice
(20 minutes)
1. Teacher divides class
into five groups.
2. Teacher gives each
group one verse of the
song I Love Myself.
3. Teacher instructs
pupils to come up with
suitable movements for
the song according to
their verse.
Pointing nose
Blinking eyes
4. Teacher asks pupils to
perform the actions in
front of the class. (LO
1. Now, please from five
2. Each group will have
four or five members.
3. Get into your groups
4. I will give each group
a verse of the song.
5. I want you to discuss
with your group
members, the
suitable movements
for the lyrics.
6. When you have
finished discussing,
you need to perform
the movements in
front of the class.
Teaching Aids
- Lyrics-cut-
- Making
- Visualization
Moral values
- Cooperation
- Courage
- Kind-
(15 minutes)
1. Teacher asks pupils to
return to their own
2. Teacher gives pupils
drawing blocks.
3. Teacher asks pupils to
draw and colour their
favourite body part.
4. Pupils are instructed to
do the exercise on
their own. (LO 3)
5. Teacher pastes pupils
arts on the wall.
1. Return to your own
2. I want you to draw
your favourite body
It can be your
nose, your
eyes, etc.
3. Then, you may colour
them as you like.
4. Please do your work
Teaching Aid
- Drawing
- Making
- Visualizing
- Self-reliance
- Honesty.
(5 minutes)
1. Teacher asks pupils
about their pictures.
2. Teacher encourages
pupils to appreciate
1. Do you like your
2. Do you think your
s/and mouth are
important? Why?
- Making
- Mutual
- Being
4. I Love Myself
(sing to the tune of Row Row Row your Boat).
See See See with eyes,
I have a pair of eyes,
I love my eyes, They help me see,
Im glad that I have them.
Hear Hear Hear with ears,
I have a pair of ears,
I love my ears, They help me hear,
Im glad that I have them.
Touch touch touch with hands,
I have a pair of hands,
I love my hands, They help me touch,
Im glad that I have them.
Smell smell smell with nose,
I have just one nose,
I love my nose, It help me smell,
Im glad that I have a nose.
Talk Talk talk with mouth,
I have just one mouth,
I love my mouth, It helps me talk,
Im glad that I have a mouth.