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Name:  Deidre Sheehan  Date:  10/6/09 Grade:  4th  Title:  Answer in the Form of  a Question Musical Focus:  Harmony Singing  Rhythm  Movement  Melody Composing Timbre  Arranging Form Expressive Qualities Playing Instruments  Preparation (link to prior knowledge): Students have also been working on a  song called This Pretty Planet and have a solid grasp on notes and rhythms. Time N/A Style N/A Process & Personalization (teaching sequence & student participation): Have students stand and stretch, quick vocal worm-up 3 big whees  Sirens Pant like a dog Sing through this pretty planet for review Ask Raise your hand if you have ever seen Jeopardy! What is unusual about the way they answer questions on Jeopardy? Looking for someone to comment on answering in the form of a question Say today weve going to try to come up with some answers as to what we might do with this song, but were going to find answers by asking questions. Im going to ask you an opening question:  How can we add to this piece of music  Now, you ask me back some questions about the possibilities we could have for adding to this music. Help them out if they get stuck by suggesting can we change how loud we sing this piece?  does everyone have to sing at once?  can it be done as a round?  can we add movements Write their questions on the board Ask the students to raise their hands and pick question on the board and then brainstorm answers.  In order to move forward to a musical context, take the first suggestion you get from a student, then have students sing and apply it to the song right away, then ask the class as a whole if they like the result.  Encourage students to apply, for example, dynamics or movement to the entire song, but avoid giving suggestions as much as possible at this point .  National Standards Addressed:  1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music  2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music   3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments    4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines  5. Reading and notating music    6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music    7. Evaluating music and music performances  8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts  9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture Objectives: Learners will:  Be able to (Behavioral)  Understand (Cognitive)    Encounter (Experimental)    Change/add value (Critical) Learning Styles    1 (Why)    2(What)     3 (How)    4(If) Assessment:  Written    Informal    Individual    Performance   Group   __________ Notes/Extension: . Kines. Audit Visual/Ling. ?  Deoends on direction lesson takes  5 min 5 min 7 min 10 min .Aud/ Ling .3 min Materials: Chalkboard + chalk Music to This pretty planet" Perform (consolidation of lesson): .  Have students perform entire piece with additions.  Have students turn to a neighbor and  tell them something interesting they noticed about asking questions during class today.

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Lesson Plan Cpiii Answer In The Form Of A Question

  • 1. Name: Deidre Sheehan Date: 10/6/09 Grade: 4th Title: Answer in the Form of a Question Musical Focus: Harmony Singing Rhythm Movement Melody Composing Timbre Arranging Form Expressive Qualities Playing Instruments Preparation (link to prior knowledge): Students have also been working on a song called This Pretty Planet and have a solid grasp on notes and rhythms. Time N/A Style N/A Process & Personalization (teaching sequence & student participation): Have students stand and stretch, quick vocal worm-up 3 big whees Sirens Pant like a dog Sing through this pretty planet for review Ask Raise your hand if you have ever seen Jeopardy! What is unusual about the way they answer questions on Jeopardy? Looking for someone to comment on answering in the form of a question Say today weve going to try to come up with some answers as to what we might do with this song, but were going to find answers by asking questions. Im going to ask you an opening question: How can we add to this piece of music Now, you ask me back some questions about the possibilities we could have for adding to this music. Help them out if they get stuck by suggesting can we change how loud we sing this piece? does everyone have to sing at once? can it be done as a round? can we add movements Write their questions on the board Ask the students to raise their hands and pick question on the board and then brainstorm answers. In order to move forward to a musical context, take the first suggestion you get from a student, then have students sing and apply it to the song right away, then ask the class as a whole if they like the result. Encourage students to apply, for example, dynamics or movement to the entire song, but avoid giving suggestions as much as possible at this point . National Standards Addressed: 1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments 4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines 5. Reading and notating music 6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music 7. Evaluating music and music performances 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts 9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture Objectives: Learners will: Be able to (Behavioral) Understand (Cognitive) Encounter (Experimental) Change/add value (Critical) Learning Styles 1 (Why) 2(What) 3 (How) 4(If) Assessment: Written Informal Individual Performance Group __________ Notes/Extension: . Kines. Audit Visual/Ling. ? Deoends on direction lesson takes 5 min 5 min 7 min 10 min .Aud/ Ling .3 min Materials: Chalkboard + chalk Music to This pretty planet" Perform (consolidation of lesson): . Have students perform entire piece with additions. Have students turn to a neighbor and tell them something interesting they noticed about asking questions during class today.