1. The lesson plan aims to teach students about symbolism in the novel Wuthering Heights.
2. Students will work individually and in pairs to identify symbols from the novel and explain their meanings.
3. Activities include analyzing pictures, completing worksheets on symbolism, and presenting their interpretations of symbols in a shield design. The lesson aims to improve students' understanding of symbolism and develop their speaking skills.
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Lesson plan for teaching of symbolism (wuthering Heights)
LHE 3251
GROUP : 21
2. Date:10th January 2013
Time:11.20 a.m. 12.00 p.m.
School: SMJK HwaLian, Mentakab, Pahang.
Location: Semi-Urban
Number of students:30
Level of proficiency:Intermediate
Subject: Literature in English (Novel)
Topic:Symbolism in Wuthering Heights
Previous knowledge:Students learned about symbolism of the novel Sense &
Sensibility in previous lesson.
Curriculum Specification:Students should be able to give opinions on articles read
or accounts heard.
General objective:Students should be able to understand the novel better.
Specific objective: By the end of the lesson students should be able to
1. Identify symbolisms from the novel Wuthering Heights
2. Able to use symbolism in the right context.
Focus skills:Listening, Thinking & Speaking Skills.
Moral values:1) Self-reliance
2) Honesty
Teaching aids:Pictures, Laptop, LCD Projector, & Hand-outs.
References: Wuthering Heights novel.
Stage/ Time Activity/Content/Teaching Aids Teaching & Learning
Activities / Rationale
Set induction Activity:Individual work. Teacher asks students to
(5minutes) see the pictures shown
Content : and ask them to choose
Instruction : their preferred picture.
Please look at the Teacher asks students to
pictures shown and tell explain what does the
which is your preferred picture symbolises.
picture. Explain what
3. dothe pictures symbolise. Students choose their
(e.g: national flag, sad preferred picture and
person). explain what the picture
Questions :
Which is the picture
preferred by everyone? Rationale:
Vocabularies : i) There isnt a rule set so
- Preferred that students enjoy the
beginning of the class.
Teaching Aids : LCD Projector
ii) Fun way to start a class to
attract students interest.
iii) Students are exposed to
what is going to be thought
in the class.
Stage 1 Activity: Individual work. Teacher explains that
(Presentation) a symbol is a person,
Content : place, or object that
(10 minutes) Instruction : stands for something
Please look at the hand- beyond itself.
out that is being
distributed. (Appendix A) Teacher also explains
that humans use
Questions : symbolism all the time.
What all of you Words themselves are
understand by mere symbols for
symbolism? something else.
Vocabularies : Teacher gives a few
- Symbolism examples to enhance
students understanding.
Teaching Aids : Hand-Outs
Teacher asks students
complete exercise one
from the hand-outs and
discusses the answers.
Students listen to
teachers explanation on
Students complete
exercise one from the
given hand-out.
4. i)Students are exposed to
symbolism in an easy way.
ii)Exercise given attracts
students interest.
iii) Students understand
what they are going to do
for the lesson.
Stage 2 Activity: Pairwork. Teacher asks students to
(Process) work on exercise two
Content : from the hand-outs
(15 minutes) Instruction : given.
Look at exercise two from
the same hand-outs and Students are to work in
please work in pairs for pairs and draw a shield
this task. and divide it into three
compartments. Students
Questions : need to draw a symbol
- Do you understand from the novel and
what symbolism is explain it in the shield.
now? The shield will look like
- Do you understand this:
what the task asks you
to do?
Vocabularies :
- Compartments
- Signs
- Symbols
Teaching Aids:Hand-outs, blank Students can use any
paper. symbolism from the novel
and must give a good
i)Better understanding of
symbolism from the novel
Wuthering Heights.
ii)Enhance students
Stage 3 Activity: Pair Work. Teacher calls few
(Production) students randomly to
5. Content : present their shield.
( 7minutes) Instruction :
Please come out and Students present the
present your shield to the shield that they drew.
They explain the
Questions : symbolism of the novel
Why that symbolism is with their own
used in the novel? explanation.
Vocabularies :
- Honest Rationale:
- Proud
i)Enhance students
Teaching Aids :White board. speaking skills.
ii)Increase students level of
Closure Activity: Individual work. Teacher asks students to
complete exercise 3at
(3 minutes) Content : home.
Instruction : Teacher asks students to
Please complete exercise hand in the homework in
3at home. one week time.
Questions : Students listen to
Do you have any teachers instruction.
questions regarding
Vocabularies :
-Preferred i)Drilling practise for students
to enhance their
Teaching Aids : Hand-outs understanding on symbolism
of the novel Wuthering
ii)To access students
understanding on
Teachers remarks:
Students were active in the class and their response showed that they understood
what symbolism means.
6. Appendix A
Worksheet 1 Symbolism
What is a Symbol?
It is a signthat stands for something. We look at it and understand the meaning attached to it. We
look at these symbols and decide what each one stands for or represents.
Exercise One:
Think of 3 symbolisms that you would recogniseimmediately from the novel Wuthering Heights.
Draw them on a piece of paper check with the person sitting next to you to ensure they know
what they indicate.
If something is symbolic, it stands for or represents something else. In literature, symbolism is
frequently used in poetry and novels. Often one symbol will be used throughout a book to emphasise
the central theme. For instance, in Wuthering Heights, the house, Wuthering Heights, is
representative of simplicity, wildness & passion.
Exercise Two:
Work in a pair and you are to draw a shield of symbolism.
Design your own personal shield.
1. Draw a shield.
2. Split the shield into three compartments.
3. Top draw a symbolism you found in the
4. Bottom left write what the symbolism represents.
5. Bottom right explain your answer.
Exercise Three:
Houses are pretty important symbolism throughout the novel. Explain what houses symbolises and
justify your answer.