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Lesson plan
Friendshipis all around
Teacher: Tsapara Maria
For the Learning event: Collaborative learning in eTwinning  Alone we can do so
little; together we can do so much
This lesson plan was created as a part of the
eTwinning learning event: Collaborative
learning in eTwinning  Alone we can do so
little; together we can do so much.
Subjects involved:
4-6 years old
We are going to use one of the thinking routines* , of
visible thinking.
I used to think /but now I think.
Through this thinking routine students have the
opportunity to express their opinion, thoughts,
feelings about Friendship, what they are thinking
about Friendship. In order to create a mind map,
is going to be used.
* http://pzartfulthinking.org/?page_id=2 /
My best friend
Every student is going to draw his/her best friend.
These drawings will be uploaded in
Students try to guess, the name of the friends.
If you solve itpuzzle it
 Student have the chance to use their drawings and
make puzzles by using
Artful thinking*
Students will tap the painting of Elaine Lanoue
束Children at play損.
To enable students make careful and detailed
observations, thinking routine Looking: Ten Times
Two*, will be used. By using students
observations and thoughts will be visible.
* http://pzartfulthinking.org/?page_id=2
Friendship is like a flowery dale
..make a fairytale
Student are going to create a story about friendship,
inspired by the painting. Thinking routine, Beginning/
middle/ end* is going to be used, in order to help
students use their imagination, express their ideas,
feelings and expand their way of thinking.
Students will use and
to create their story/comic.
Friendship is all around
Students will create their own song about
friendship, they could use
Make your lesson plan visible
Students have the opportunity to show and share
their work with their parents by using

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Lesson plan tsapara maria

  • 1. Lesson plan Friendshipis all around Teacher: Tsapara Maria For the Learning event: Collaborative learning in eTwinning Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much
  • 2. This lesson plan was created as a part of the eTwinning learning event: Collaborative learning in eTwinning Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
  • 3. Subjects involved: 4-6 years old Art Writing ICT Literature
  • 4. Brainstorming We are going to use one of the thinking routines* , of visible thinking. I used to think /but now I think. Through this thinking routine students have the opportunity to express their opinion, thoughts, feelings about Friendship, what they are thinking about Friendship. In order to create a mind map, is going to be used. * http://pzartfulthinking.org/?page_id=2 /
  • 5. My best friend Every student is going to draw his/her best friend. These drawings will be uploaded in Students try to guess, the name of the friends.
  • 6. If you solve itpuzzle it Student have the chance to use their drawings and make puzzles by using
  • 7. Artful thinking* Students will tap the painting of Elaine Lanoue 束Children at play損. To enable students make careful and detailed observations, thinking routine Looking: Ten Times Two*, will be used. By using students observations and thoughts will be visible. *http://pzartfulthinking.org * http://pzartfulthinking.org/?page_id=2
  • 8. Friendship is like a flowery dale ..make a fairytale Student are going to create a story about friendship, inspired by the painting. Thinking routine, Beginning/ middle/ end* is going to be used, in order to help students use their imagination, express their ideas, feelings and expand their way of thinking. Students will use and to create their story/comic. *http://pzartfulthinking.org/?page_id=2
  • 9. Friendship is all around Students will create their own song about friendship, they could use
  • 10. Make your lesson plan visible Students have the opportunity to show and share their work with their parents by using