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Week: 23
Date of preparing: 24/02/2024
Period: 1 Guiding Teacher: Phạm Diệp Tú
Date of teaching: 28/02/2024 Name: Nguyễn Thị Hân Du
Lesson 4: VOCABULARY AND LISTENING – Courses and Careers
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students can:
1. Knowledge:
- vocabulary: - apply (v); apprenticeship (n); construction (n); journalism (n); management (n);
entertainment (n); professional (adj)
- distinguish between certainty and doubt.
- develop students’ listening skills.
2. Competence: Group work, independent work, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative
learning, and communicative competence.
3. Quality: Students know what to do and how to get on well at school
1. Materials: Textbooks, lesson plan, Powerpoint, worksheet, picture...
2. Equipment: computer access to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker, ...
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content
Aims: The teacher can draw students’ attention, set the context, and lead in the lesson.
Content: Q&A
Expected outcome: Ss understand the topic they are learning.
- Read out the questions and elicit a few
- Ask more questions to encourage
students to say more:
+ Why do you want to do this job?
+ Is it well-paid?
+ Where can you do this job?
- Lead in the lesson
- Answer the questions
- Listen to the teacher
 THINK! What job do you want to
do when you leave school? What
qualifications are necessary for this
Students’ own answers.
Suggested answer:
- A doctor/ pilot
- A police / teacher
Aim: Students can:
- restate vocabulary relating to personal occupations and qualities.
- practice using the new words in the sentences to express ideas about future jobs.
Content: Exercise 1 2 3, new words.
Expected outcome: Ss understand the features of the jobs.
- Show new words and use some
techniques of teaching vocabulary to
teach them, then ask students to listen
and repeat.
- Check up by asking some students to
read and say the meaning again without
looking at their notebooks.
Exercise 1
- Ask students to focus on Task 1/ pg 62.
- Read out the first phrase and elicit the
correct word to add to the list.
- Play the audio for students to listen and
check their answers.
- Check answers, and check that students
understand all the phrases.
Exercise 2: work in group
- Ask students to focus on Task 2/ pg 62.
- Divide the class into 5 groups.
- Give each group a picture and instruct them
to write the words in the box to match photos
A-J in 2ms
- Ask groups to exchange the answer
- Listen to the teacher and
repeat the words
collectively and individually
- Copy these words into
their notebooks.
- Read the remaining
phrases and add the correct
words. (With weaker
classes, students could work
in pairs.)
- Share the answers
- Listen and check
- Say the meaning of the
words again.
- Listen to the instructions
- Match the words with the
photos with group. They can
use their dictionaries to
- Share the answers
- apply (v)
- apprenticeship (n)
- construction (n)
- journalism (n)
- management (n)
- entertainment (n)
- professional (adj)
(Task 1/ pg 62) Complete the phrases
with the words in the box.
Then listen and check.
Suggested Answers:
1) school
2) a degree
3) management
4) a lawyer
5) good marks
6) a position
(Task 2/ pg 62) Match the words in the
box with photos A–J. Listen and check.
Which careers would you like to do a
course in?
Suggested Answers:
then play the audio for students to check
their answers.
- Check the answers and check that
students understand all the words.
- Ask students to rate the careers
individually, then put them into groups to
compare their answers.
- Ask some students to tell the class
which of their answers were the same,
and which were different.
Exercise 3
- Instruct students to focus on Task 3
- Check the answers with the class.
- Listen to the instruction
- Students work in pairs to
write the jobs for each
career. They can use their
dictionaries to help.
- Check the answer
A) nursing
B) science
C) engineering
D) teaching
E) management
F) construction
G) entertainment
H) journalism
J) law
(Task 3/ pg 62) Find out the job titles
of the people who do the jobs in task 2.
Can you add other jobs and people to
the list?
Suggested Answers:
nursing – nurse,
science – scientist,
engineering – engineer,
teaching – teacher,
management – manager,
construction – builder,
entertainment – entertainer,
journalism – journalist,
IT – IT worker,
Law – lawyer.
Aims: Students can:
- Practice predicting the content of listening.
- Practice listening skill – listening for details.
Content: Exercise 4 5
Expected outcome: Ss use listening skills to do the tasks successfully.
Exercise 4: Work in group:
- Ask students to focus on Task 4/ pg 62
- Divide the class into 5 groups same task
2 and give a worksheet for each group
- Instruct groups to write the answer to the
- Check ICQs.
- Allow students time to read the
sentences, then play the audio twice.
- The fastest group sticks the answer on
the board and checks with class.
- Ask groups remind to correct the false
If necessary, the teacher plays the audio
again for students to check and complete
- Listens and decide if the
sentences are true or false.
- Check the answers
(Task 4/ pg 62) Listen and write true or
false. Correct the false sentences.
Suggested Answers:
(She wants to do something she’ll
enjoy, like a surfing instructor.)
2) false
(She doesn’t think she’ll get good
enough marks.)
3) false
(Her friends say she should be a nurse.)
4) false (She wants to go to university.)
5) true
their answers.
- Check the answers.
Exercise 5:
- Ask students to read the requirements.
- Play the audio again for students to
listen and decide who is certain about
their future.
- Allow students time to discuss their
answers in pairs, then check the answers
with the class and discuss which words
helped them decide.
- Listen and decide who is
certain about their future.
- Compare with the partner
and check
6) false (He hasn’t applied yet.)
(Task 5/ pg 62) Listen again and decide
who is the most certain about their
future. What words help you to identify
Suggested Answers:
Aisha is the most certain. She uses
verbs like have to, must, mustn’t,
which express certainty.
ACTIVITY 4. POST-LISTENING (2mins) homework
Aim: Students can exchange information about careers.
Content: Exercise 6.
Expected outcome: Ss produce their own speech.
Exercise 6
- Read through the task with the class
and make sure students understand
- Allow students time to prepare their
ideas individually
- Prepare their answers
individually, then ask and
answer the questions and
decide which jobs are most
popular in their group.
- Share answers
(Task 6/ pg 62) Work in groups. Ask
and answer questions 1–5 about the
jobs in exercises 2 and 3. Then tell the
rest of the class which jobs are most
popular in your group.
*Guides for homework
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Workbook page 40
- Prepare new lesson.

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  • 1. Week: 23 Date of preparing: 24/02/2024 Period: 1 Guiding Teacher: Phạm Diệp Tú Date of teaching: 28/02/2024 Name: Nguyễn Thị Hân Du UNIT 6: LEARN Lesson 4: VOCABULARY AND LISTENING – Courses and Careers ---------------------------- I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students can: 1. Knowledge: - vocabulary: - apply (v); apprenticeship (n); construction (n); journalism (n); management (n); entertainment (n); professional (adj) - distinguish between certainty and doubt. - develop students’ listening skills. 2. Competence: Group work, independent work, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning, and communicative competence. 3. Quality: Students know what to do and how to get on well at school II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Materials: Textbooks, lesson plan, Powerpoint, worksheet, picture... 2. Equipment: computer access to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker, ... III. PROCEDURE 1. Checking: During the lesson 2. New lesson:
  • 2. Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content ACTIVITY 1. WARM UP (5mins) Aims: The teacher can draw students’ attention, set the context, and lead in the lesson. Content: Q&A Expected outcome: Ss understand the topic they are learning. Procedure: - Read out the questions and elicit a few answers. - Ask more questions to encourage students to say more: + Why do you want to do this job? + Is it well-paid? + Where can you do this job? - Lead in the lesson - Answer the questions - Listen to the teacher  THINK! What job do you want to do when you leave school? What qualifications are necessary for this job? Students’ own answers. Suggested answer: - A doctor/ pilot - A police / teacher ACTIVITY 2. PRE-LISTENING (18mins) Aim: Students can: - restate vocabulary relating to personal occupations and qualities. - practice using the new words in the sentences to express ideas about future jobs. Content: Exercise 1 2 3, new words. Expected outcome: Ss understand the features of the jobs. Procedure:
  • 3. - Show new words and use some techniques of teaching vocabulary to teach them, then ask students to listen and repeat. - Check up by asking some students to read and say the meaning again without looking at their notebooks. Exercise 1 - Ask students to focus on Task 1/ pg 62. - Read out the first phrase and elicit the correct word to add to the list. - Play the audio for students to listen and check their answers. - Check answers, and check that students understand all the phrases. Exercise 2: work in group - Ask students to focus on Task 2/ pg 62. - Divide the class into 5 groups. - Give each group a picture and instruct them to write the words in the box to match photos A-J in 2ms - Ask groups to exchange the answer - Listen to the teacher and repeat the words collectively and individually - Copy these words into their notebooks. - Read the remaining phrases and add the correct words. (With weaker classes, students could work in pairs.) - Share the answers - Listen and check - Say the meaning of the words again. - Listen to the instructions - Match the words with the photos with group. They can use their dictionaries to help. - Share the answers  NEW WORDS: - apply (v) - apprenticeship (n) - construction (n) - journalism (n) - management (n) - entertainment (n) - professional (adj) (Task 1/ pg 62) Complete the phrases with the words in the box. Then listen and check. Suggested Answers: 1) school 2) a degree 3) management 4) a lawyer 5) good marks 6) a position (Task 2/ pg 62) Match the words in the box with photos A–J. Listen and check. Which careers would you like to do a course in? Suggested Answers:
  • 4. then play the audio for students to check their answers. - Check the answers and check that students understand all the words. - Ask students to rate the careers individually, then put them into groups to compare their answers. - Ask some students to tell the class which of their answers were the same, and which were different. Exercise 3 - Instruct students to focus on Task 3 - Check the answers with the class. - Listen to the instruction - Students work in pairs to write the jobs for each career. They can use their dictionaries to help. - Check the answer A) nursing B) science C) engineering D) teaching E) management F) construction G) entertainment H) journalism I) IT J) law (Task 3/ pg 62) Find out the job titles of the people who do the jobs in task 2. Can you add other jobs and people to the list? Suggested Answers: nursing – nurse, science – scientist, engineering – engineer, teaching – teacher, management – manager, construction – builder, entertainment – entertainer, journalism – journalist,
  • 5. IT – IT worker, Law – lawyer. ACTIVITY 3. WHILE – LISTENING (20mins) Aims: Students can: - Practice predicting the content of listening. - Practice listening skill – listening for details. Content: Exercise 4 5 Expected outcome: Ss use listening skills to do the tasks successfully. Procedure: Exercise 4: Work in group: - Ask students to focus on Task 4/ pg 62 - Divide the class into 5 groups same task 2 and give a worksheet for each group - Instruct groups to write the answer to the worksheet. - Check ICQs. - Allow students time to read the sentences, then play the audio twice. - The fastest group sticks the answer on the board and checks with class. - Ask groups remind to correct the false sentences. If necessary, the teacher plays the audio again for students to check and complete - Listens and decide if the sentences are true or false. - Check the answers (Task 4/ pg 62) Listen and write true or false. Correct the false sentences. Suggested Answers: 1)false (She wants to do something she’ll enjoy, like a surfing instructor.) 2) false (She doesn’t think she’ll get good enough marks.) 3) false (Her friends say she should be a nurse.) 4) false (She wants to go to university.) 5) true
  • 6. their answers. - Check the answers. Exercise 5: - Ask students to read the requirements. - Play the audio again for students to listen and decide who is certain about their future. - Allow students time to discuss their answers in pairs, then check the answers with the class and discuss which words helped them decide. - Listen and decide who is certain about their future. - Compare with the partner and check 6) false (He hasn’t applied yet.) (Task 5/ pg 62) Listen again and decide who is the most certain about their future. What words help you to identify this? Suggested Answers: Aisha is the most certain. She uses verbs like have to, must, mustn’t, which express certainty. ACTIVITY 4. POST-LISTENING (2mins) homework Aim: Students can exchange information about careers. Content: Exercise 6. Expected outcome: Ss produce their own speech. Procedure: Exercise 6 - Read through the task with the class and make sure students understand everything. - Allow students time to prepare their ideas individually - Prepare their answers individually, then ask and answer the questions and decide which jobs are most popular in their group. - Share answers (Task 6/ pg 62) Work in groups. Ask and answer questions 1–5 about the jobs in exercises 2 and 3. Then tell the rest of the class which jobs are most popular in your group.
  • 7. *Guides for homework - Learn by heart all the new words. - Workbook page 40 - Prepare new lesson.