The document outlines a lesson plan to teach students about the structure of the human heart. It will involve students working in groups to label diagrams of the heart and identify its chambers, valves, and blood vessels. The lesson will explain that the heart is situated in the thoracic cavity and has four chambers. It will discuss how the heart acts as the body's central pumping organ to circulate blood throughout the body via the arteries and veins. Formative assessments include review questions to evaluate students' understanding of the key details about the structure and function of the heart.
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Lesson template
Constructing different dimensions of knowledge among pupils about the structure of human heart through observation, identification,
group discussion and lecturing and evaluation through participation in group activities and questioning.
Heart, sternum, thoracic cavity, pericardium, pericardial fluid, right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, superior venacava,
inferior venacava, aorta, tricuspid value, bicuspid valve, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein.
Circulatory system in higher forms of life consists of the heart, blood and the blood vessels.
Name of the teacher : Priya V P Standard : IX
Name of the school : M.T.G.H.S., Kottarakkara Strength : 57/59
Subject : Biology Date :17/8/15
Unit : Circularory Pathways Duration : 45 minutes
Topic : Heart - Structure
2. Heart is completely a muscular.
Heart acts as a pumping organ.
Heart plays a major role in transporting the food particles absorbed by the blood to different parts of the body.
In human, the heart is situated behind the sternum in the thoracic cavity.
A persons heart is generally as large as his or her fist.
Adult human heart is approximately 12 cm long, 9 cm broad and weighs about 300 grams.
Pericardium is the double membrane which covers heart.
Major concept
Heart is the central pumping stations in our body, which has complex structure.
Minor concepts
Heart is situated in the thoracic cavity.
Human heart has his four chambers two atria and two ventricles.
Pulmonary artery carries blood from heart to lungs and pulmonary vein carries blood from lungs to heart.
Superior and inferior venacavae collect impure blood from different body parts and give it to heart.
Valves are seen between atrium and ventricle.
Blood enter and leaves the heart by the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the cardiac muscles.
Enable the pupils o develop;
Factual knowledge about the structure of heart through
3. - Recalling the terms, facts and concepts mentioned in the content analysis
- Remembering the position and size of heart
Conceptual knowledge about the structure of heart through
- Recognising the four chambers of heart
- Understanding the functions of each chamber
Procedural knowledge about the structure of heart through
- Identifying the weight, position and protective structures of heart
- Listing the chambers, valves and blood vessels of heart
Metacognitive knowledge about the structure of heart through
- Realizing the complex structure of heart
- Executing the activities as per the instruction
Scientific attitude about the structure of heart through developing knowledge about the structural complexity.
Different process skills,
- Observation skill through viewing the chart
- Communication skill through participating in group work
Heart is the central pumping organ of our body
Heart is a muscular organ
Chart showing the structure of heart
Activity cards for group activity
Classroom interaction procedure Pupils response
Teacher stats the class with friendly talks and asks some questions
How the water in well reaches to tank? Through pipes
Which machine helps for this pumping of water from well? Motor
Likewise is there any motor in our body? Pupils say their own answers
Which is the water in our body? Blood
Which are the pipes in our body? Blood vessels
Then who pumps blood to blood vessels? Heart
Yes. Its heart. Today we are going to discuss about heart Heart [BB]
Activity 1
Teacher divides the students into groups and provides them activity card which contains questions Students try to find out the
related to the position , shape and protective membranes of heart. The answers are given as jumbled answers
words .Teacher instructs the students to find out the correct answers. Finally teacher explains detail Pupils listen carefully
about the answers.
Heart is situated in .. cavity C I C A R O H T
Heart is roughly . in shape L A C I N O C
The double membrane that protects heart is . M U I D R A C I R E P
. fluid protects heart from external shocks L A D I R A R I C E P
Boney protection of heart is and S B I R , M U N T E R S
5. Activity 2
Teacher exhibits a chart shows the picture of vertical section Students observe the chart
of the heart. Then asks the students to observe the chart and
find out the parts. Finally teacher explains each part in detail. Students listen carefully
Activity 3
Teacher divides the students into groups and gives them activity cards. Then teacher instructs them to list Pupils do the activity and list
out the chambers and valves of heart along with the arteries and veins related to heart. Teacher gives out
opportunity to read the answers.
Additional knowledge
In fishes heart is two chambered and amphibians it is three chambered. But reptile heart is incompletely
four chambered and bird and human heart is completely four chambered.
Concept formation
Basic details of human heart
Concept formation
Structure of heart
Concept formation
Heart Chambers, valves, arteries, veins
6. Closure
Heart is the central pumping station of human body. In man heart is situated behind the sternum in the Students listen carefully
thoracic cavity, between the lungs and tilted slightly towards left. A double membrane called pericardium
covers and protects the heart. Human heart has four chambers- two atria and two ventricles, separated by
muscular walls. Valves are present between the atrium and ventricles to obstruct the backward flow of
blood. Superior and inferior venavae collect impure blood from different body parts and gives to heart.
Pulmonary artery carries impure blood to lungs for purification. Purified blood is transported to heart
through pulmonary vein. Aorta carries pure blood all over the body
Review questions
1. Where heart is situated?
2. Name the double membrane which protects heart
3. Which are the four chambers of heart?
4. What is the function of valves?
5. Which blood vessel carries impure blood from heart?
6. Which is the largest blood vessel in our body?
Follow up activities
1. Draw a neatly labeled diagram of the structure of heart in your science diary
2. Heart is a complex organ. Justify and prepare a short note.