Lent is the 40 day period before Easter that commemorates Jesus' fasting in the desert. It begins on Ash Wednesday and focuses on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The climax of Lent is Holy Week, culminating in the Holy Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday - which remembers Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection through various liturgical celebrations and services.
The document discusses the Lenten retreat and the significance of Lent in Christianity. It explains that Lent is characterized by rest, reflection, and renewal. Lent lasts for 40 days to commemorate the time Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness. The number 40 is significant in Judeo-Christian tradition, representing times of testing and repentance. During Lent, Christians traditionally engage in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to draw closer to God. Suggestions are provided for prayer activities and ways to fast and give alms during Lent in preparation for Easter.
This document provides an explanation of the meaning behind the Easter greeting "Alleluia Christ is Risen!". It states that:
1) "Alleluia" means "Praise God" and expresses great joy in God's goodness.
2) "Christ" refers to Jesus as the Messiah, savior of the world, forgiver of sins, and repairer of the breach.
3) Saying "Is Risen" declares the belief that God can do anything, even conquer death.
Theology 2: The Sacrament of EucharistJohnBermejo1
The document discusses the Catholic devotion to the Eucharist, which is considered the spiritual center of Catholic life. It explains that the Eucharist commemorates Jesus' sacrifice through the ritual of communion, in which the bread and wine become his body and blood through transubstantiation. The roots of the Eucharist are found in the Passover meal of the Old Testament, which Jesus transformed into the ritual of the Last Supper on the night before his crucifixion.
March 16th 2008 Palm Sunday Sermon by Fr Perrygoodfriday
This document outlines 5 steps to take the journey of Holy Week and walk the way of the cross:
1. Read the Gospel readings for each day of Holy Week and reflect on their meaning.
2. Attend Maundy Thursday service of bread and wine, foot washing, and stripping of the altar.
3. Experience Good Friday service and accept Christ's sacrifice for our sins by taking up our own cross.
4. Spend Holy Saturday in rest and reflection, calling loved ones to share what you've learned.
5. Attend the Easter Vigil service of light, baptismal vows, and the Great Easter Proclamation on Sunday.
The document provides an overview of the season of Lent in the Catholic Church. It describes how Lent developed as a 40-day period of fasting, preparation for baptism, and penance. It outlines the history and details of Lent, including that it begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. It discusses the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
This document provides information about Lent and how Catholics prepare spiritually for this season. It discusses that Lent is a 40 day period before Easter that is meant for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It encourages increasing prayer, reading scripture, fasting, and giving to those in need. The document also explains the traditions of Ash Wednesday and receiving ashes as a sign of repentance at the start of Lent.
This document provides an overview of the season of Lent and the Easter rituals in the Catholic Church. It explains that Lent is a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter. It describes the traditions of Ash Wednesday and the Sundays of Scrutiny for those preparing for initiation. It gives details on Holy Week rituals culminating in the Easter Vigil where candidates are baptized and join the Church.
The document discusses Christian beliefs about life after death, including the soul, heaven, hell, and purgatory. It also covers the relationship between the body and soul, God as a judge, salvation through Jesus, and the purpose of Christian funeral rites. Christian funeral rites aim to comfort the bereaved by celebrating the deceased's life, allowing expression of feelings, and providing closure and hope of reuniting with loved ones in heaven.
This document provides information about the Mass or Holy Eucharist, explaining its various parts and their significance. It is divided into 5 parts: 1) Introductory Rites which prepare participants, 2) Liturgy of the Word involving scripture readings and reflection, 3) Liturgy of the Eucharist where the bread and wine become Christ's body and blood through the Eucharistic prayer, 4) Communion Rite where participants receive communion, and 5) Concluding Rite sending participants forth. Each part is described in detail to help participants understand and fully engage in the Mass.
This document provides information about the Mass or Holy Eucharist, explaining its various parts and their significance. It is divided into 5 parts: 1) The Introductory Rites which prepare participants, 2) The Liturgy of the Word involving scripture readings and reflection, 3) The Liturgy of the Eucharist focusing on the preparation of gifts and Eucharistic prayer, 4) The Communion Rite where participants receive Communion, and 5) The Concluding Rite sending participants forth. Each part is described in detail to help participants understand and fully engage in the Mass.
1) Lent lasts the six weeks between Ash Wednesday and Holy Thursday, focusing on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to imitate Jesus overcoming temptation.
2) The document provides an overview of the Lenten liturgical calendar and scripture readings for this year's Cycle B, focusing on the Gospels of Mark.
3) It encourages self-examination to identify what we can continue or improve upon to express love of God and others during Lent.
The document provides an overview of the parts and structure of the Catholic Mass, describing the liturgical elements in each section: Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rites. It compares the basic shape of the Mass to a communal meal, with gathering, storytelling, sharing food and drink, and sending forth. Key parts include readings from scripture, homily, creed, prayers, preparation of gifts, Eucharistic prayer, and communion rite.
Alive In Christ: The Virtual Trinity of Godpsalmtremedal2
This document provides an overview of a faith formation session on the Holy Trinity. It discusses how the Trinity is one God in three persons, explains some key aspects of Trinity doctrine from the Catechism, shares a video that likens the Trinity to love, and notes how the liturgy reflects the Trinity. It encourages families to bless each other, make the sign of the cross, and review the parent pages on this topic.
The document outlines a Lenten journey program focused on transforming the home by following the example of Saint Therese of Lisieux and her family. It involves identifying seven steps to a healthy family, focusing on one step per week, and implementing spiritual practices and sacrifices each day to progress on the "path to excellence" for that week's step. The overall goal is to make families a foundation for a new springtime of Christianity by accepting God's mercy in small daily actions.
Lent is a 40 day period of spiritual preparation that takes place before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. During Lent, Christians focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to renew their faith and commitment to God. Ashes are used on Ash Wednesday to symbolize repentance, and the color purple represents penance. The ultimate goal of Lent is to draw closer to God through discipleship and reflection on Jesus's sacrifice.
The document describes key events of Holy Week that Christians commemorate, including:
1) Palm Sunday which celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
2) Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday which commemorates the Last Supper and institution of the Eucharist.
3) Good Friday which marks Jesus' crucifixion on the cross as a day of sorrow and mourning.
4) Holy Saturday which awaits Jesus' resurrection through an evening vigil service starting in darkness and ending with Jesus as the light.
Pentecost is a Jewish festival that occurs 50 days after Passover. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and is one of the most important feast days in the Christian faith. The Holy Spirit arrived with seven gifts for the Apostles that are also received through the sacrament of Confirmation: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. On Pentecost, about 3,000 people converted after hearing the Apostles preach empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The document discusses the liturgical year of the Catholic Church, including the different seasons and their significance. It describes the three main categories of liturgical celebrations - solemnities, feasts, and memorials - and provides examples of each. It also outlines the Church's precepts, which are obligations binding on Catholics like attending Mass on Sundays and going to confession at least once per year.
This document provides a weekly Lenten programme for Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Westville. It includes daily Scripture passages and reflections on repentance, seeing Jesus in others, forgiveness, and living a perfect life through faith. Practical suggestions exhort attending Mass, giving to the poor, reconciliation, and quiet prayer. The overall message is that Lent is an opportunity for change, renewal and transformation as believers accept Jesus' invitation to repent and believe in the Gospel.
Jesus Christ’s command to spread his teachings to all nations shows that Christianity was intended for people of all backgrounds, not just Jews. While Jews see Jesus as a prophet, Christians believe he is the Messiah. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, which includes the Hebrew scriptures as the Old Testament and accounts of Jesus’ life and the early Church in the New Testament. Core Christian beliefs center around the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Major practices include baptism, communion, and observance of holidays like Christmas and Easter. There are various branches of Christianity including Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and Roman Catholicism.
The document provides an overview and summary of 1 John 1:1-4 from the Bible. It discusses how John, one of Jesus's disciples, wrote this letter to address heresies that arose in the early church such as denying Jesus's humanity (Docetism) and claiming special spiritual knowledge (Gnosticism). John emphasizes that Jesus was a real, physical person who they saw and touched, and that fellowship with God comes only through faith in Jesus as the Son of God and eternal life. The purpose of John's letter was to promote joy among believers by proclaiming the truth about Jesus.
The document provides an overview of the parts of the Catholic Mass. It describes the introductory rites which prepare participants for worship. It then explains the two main parts of the Mass: the Liturgy of the Word, which involves readings from scripture and a homily; and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where the bread and wine are blessed and consumed in remembrance of Jesus' last supper. Key elements covered include the entrance procession, readings, profession of faith through creeds, preparation of gifts, and Eucharistic prayer invoking the Holy Spirit and recalling Jesus' words at the last supper.
What a wonderful tradition the Catholic Church has from its history, liturgy and faith. Praise be to you God the Holy Spirit for your continued guidance and inspiration to the Holy Catholic Church. :-)
The pastor gives a sermon about the Holy Trinity on Trinity Sunday. He references a story about three fishermen who prayed "We are three, you are three, have mercy on us" and summarizes the Trinity as three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He discusses how Pentecost represents the Holy Spirit coming to believers and making them a community. He encourages the congregation to observe if outsiders see them as a Spirit-filled and loving community that reflects the Trinity. In his closing, he asks for prayers of gratitude to the Holy Trinity.
The document discusses the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It provides details on each individual sacrament such as their institution by Jesus, their essential elements, and who can receive them. The seven sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. Each was instituted by Christ and serves as an outward sign of an inward grace, imparting spiritual benefits upon those who receive them worthily.
cyber hacking and cyber fraud by internet online moneyVEENAKSHI PATHAK
Cyber fraud is a blanket term to describe crimes committed by cyberattacks via the internet. These crimes are committed with the intent to illegally acquire and leverage an individual's or business’s sensitive information for monetary gain
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This document provides an overview of the season of Lent and the Easter rituals in the Catholic Church. It explains that Lent is a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter. It describes the traditions of Ash Wednesday and the Sundays of Scrutiny for those preparing for initiation. It gives details on Holy Week rituals culminating in the Easter Vigil where candidates are baptized and join the Church.
The document discusses Christian beliefs about life after death, including the soul, heaven, hell, and purgatory. It also covers the relationship between the body and soul, God as a judge, salvation through Jesus, and the purpose of Christian funeral rites. Christian funeral rites aim to comfort the bereaved by celebrating the deceased's life, allowing expression of feelings, and providing closure and hope of reuniting with loved ones in heaven.
This document provides information about the Mass or Holy Eucharist, explaining its various parts and their significance. It is divided into 5 parts: 1) Introductory Rites which prepare participants, 2) Liturgy of the Word involving scripture readings and reflection, 3) Liturgy of the Eucharist where the bread and wine become Christ's body and blood through the Eucharistic prayer, 4) Communion Rite where participants receive communion, and 5) Concluding Rite sending participants forth. Each part is described in detail to help participants understand and fully engage in the Mass.
This document provides information about the Mass or Holy Eucharist, explaining its various parts and their significance. It is divided into 5 parts: 1) The Introductory Rites which prepare participants, 2) The Liturgy of the Word involving scripture readings and reflection, 3) The Liturgy of the Eucharist focusing on the preparation of gifts and Eucharistic prayer, 4) The Communion Rite where participants receive Communion, and 5) The Concluding Rite sending participants forth. Each part is described in detail to help participants understand and fully engage in the Mass.
1) Lent lasts the six weeks between Ash Wednesday and Holy Thursday, focusing on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to imitate Jesus overcoming temptation.
2) The document provides an overview of the Lenten liturgical calendar and scripture readings for this year's Cycle B, focusing on the Gospels of Mark.
3) It encourages self-examination to identify what we can continue or improve upon to express love of God and others during Lent.
The document provides an overview of the parts and structure of the Catholic Mass, describing the liturgical elements in each section: Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rites. It compares the basic shape of the Mass to a communal meal, with gathering, storytelling, sharing food and drink, and sending forth. Key parts include readings from scripture, homily, creed, prayers, preparation of gifts, Eucharistic prayer, and communion rite.
Alive In Christ: The Virtual Trinity of Godpsalmtremedal2
This document provides an overview of a faith formation session on the Holy Trinity. It discusses how the Trinity is one God in three persons, explains some key aspects of Trinity doctrine from the Catechism, shares a video that likens the Trinity to love, and notes how the liturgy reflects the Trinity. It encourages families to bless each other, make the sign of the cross, and review the parent pages on this topic.
The document outlines a Lenten journey program focused on transforming the home by following the example of Saint Therese of Lisieux and her family. It involves identifying seven steps to a healthy family, focusing on one step per week, and implementing spiritual practices and sacrifices each day to progress on the "path to excellence" for that week's step. The overall goal is to make families a foundation for a new springtime of Christianity by accepting God's mercy in small daily actions.
Lent is a 40 day period of spiritual preparation that takes place before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. During Lent, Christians focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to renew their faith and commitment to God. Ashes are used on Ash Wednesday to symbolize repentance, and the color purple represents penance. The ultimate goal of Lent is to draw closer to God through discipleship and reflection on Jesus's sacrifice.
The document describes key events of Holy Week that Christians commemorate, including:
1) Palm Sunday which celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
2) Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday which commemorates the Last Supper and institution of the Eucharist.
3) Good Friday which marks Jesus' crucifixion on the cross as a day of sorrow and mourning.
4) Holy Saturday which awaits Jesus' resurrection through an evening vigil service starting in darkness and ending with Jesus as the light.
Pentecost is a Jewish festival that occurs 50 days after Passover. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and is one of the most important feast days in the Christian faith. The Holy Spirit arrived with seven gifts for the Apostles that are also received through the sacrament of Confirmation: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. On Pentecost, about 3,000 people converted after hearing the Apostles preach empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The document discusses the liturgical year of the Catholic Church, including the different seasons and their significance. It describes the three main categories of liturgical celebrations - solemnities, feasts, and memorials - and provides examples of each. It also outlines the Church's precepts, which are obligations binding on Catholics like attending Mass on Sundays and going to confession at least once per year.
This document provides a weekly Lenten programme for Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Westville. It includes daily Scripture passages and reflections on repentance, seeing Jesus in others, forgiveness, and living a perfect life through faith. Practical suggestions exhort attending Mass, giving to the poor, reconciliation, and quiet prayer. The overall message is that Lent is an opportunity for change, renewal and transformation as believers accept Jesus' invitation to repent and believe in the Gospel.
Jesus Christ’s command to spread his teachings to all nations shows that Christianity was intended for people of all backgrounds, not just Jews. While Jews see Jesus as a prophet, Christians believe he is the Messiah. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, which includes the Hebrew scriptures as the Old Testament and accounts of Jesus’ life and the early Church in the New Testament. Core Christian beliefs center around the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Major practices include baptism, communion, and observance of holidays like Christmas and Easter. There are various branches of Christianity including Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and Roman Catholicism.
The document provides an overview and summary of 1 John 1:1-4 from the Bible. It discusses how John, one of Jesus's disciples, wrote this letter to address heresies that arose in the early church such as denying Jesus's humanity (Docetism) and claiming special spiritual knowledge (Gnosticism). John emphasizes that Jesus was a real, physical person who they saw and touched, and that fellowship with God comes only through faith in Jesus as the Son of God and eternal life. The purpose of John's letter was to promote joy among believers by proclaiming the truth about Jesus.
The document provides an overview of the parts of the Catholic Mass. It describes the introductory rites which prepare participants for worship. It then explains the two main parts of the Mass: the Liturgy of the Word, which involves readings from scripture and a homily; and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where the bread and wine are blessed and consumed in remembrance of Jesus' last supper. Key elements covered include the entrance procession, readings, profession of faith through creeds, preparation of gifts, and Eucharistic prayer invoking the Holy Spirit and recalling Jesus' words at the last supper.
What a wonderful tradition the Catholic Church has from its history, liturgy and faith. Praise be to you God the Holy Spirit for your continued guidance and inspiration to the Holy Catholic Church. :-)
The pastor gives a sermon about the Holy Trinity on Trinity Sunday. He references a story about three fishermen who prayed "We are three, you are three, have mercy on us" and summarizes the Trinity as three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He discusses how Pentecost represents the Holy Spirit coming to believers and making them a community. He encourages the congregation to observe if outsiders see them as a Spirit-filled and loving community that reflects the Trinity. In his closing, he asks for prayers of gratitude to the Holy Trinity.
The document discusses the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It provides details on each individual sacrament such as their institution by Jesus, their essential elements, and who can receive them. The seven sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. Each was instituted by Christ and serves as an outward sign of an inward grace, imparting spiritual benefits upon those who receive them worthily.
cyber hacking and cyber fraud by internet online moneyVEENAKSHI PATHAK
Cyber fraud is a blanket term to describe crimes committed by cyberattacks via the internet. These crimes are committed with the intent to illegally acquire and leverage an individual's or business’s sensitive information for monetary gain
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HITRUST Overview and AI Assessments Webinar.pptxAmyPoblete3
This webinar provides an overview of HITRUST, a widely recognized cybersecurity framework, and its application in AI assessments for risk management and compliance. It explores different HITRUST assessment options, including AI-specific frameworks, and highlights how organizations can streamline certification processes to enhance security and regulatory adherence.
Mastering FortiWeb: An Extensive Admin Guide for Secure DeploymentsAtakan ATAK
The document was created with reference to the official FortiWeb Admin Guide published by Fortinet. To maintain subject integrity and leverage the manufacturer's expertise, the section headings were closely followed, and the content was developed accordingly.
You can access short videos demonstrating the technical configurations covered in this document on the YouTube page below:
Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm with Recurrent Neural Networks for Atta...IJCNCJournal
The increasing use of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices has brought about new security vulnerabilities, emphasizing the need to create strong and effective security solutions. This research proposes a two-layered approach to enhance security in IIoT networks by combining lightweight encryption and RNN-based attack detection. The first layer utilizes Improved Elliptic Curve Cryptography (IECC), a novel encryption scheme tailored for IIoT devices with limited computational resources. IECC employs a Modified Windowed Method (MWM) to optimize key generation, reducing computational overhead and enabling efficient secure data transmission between IIoT sensors and gateways. The second layer employs a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for real-time attack detection. The RNN model is trained on a comprehensive dataset of IIoT network traffic, including instances of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Man-in-the-Middle (MitM), ransomware attacks, and normal communications. The RNN effectively extracts contextual features from IIoT nodes and accurately predicts and classifies potential attacks. The effectiveness of the proposed two-layered approach is evaluated using three phases. The first phase compares the computational efficiency of IECC to established cryptographic algorithms including RSA, AES, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, SHA-256 and ECDSA. IECC outperforms all competitors in key eneration speed, encryption and decryption time, throughput, memory usage, information loss, and overall processing time. The second phase evaluates the prediction accuracy of the RNN model compared to other AI-based models DNNs, DBNs, RBFNs, and LSTM networks. The proposed RNN achieves the highest overall accuracy of 96.4%, specificity of 96.5%, precision of 95.2%, and recall of 96.8%, and the lowest false positive of 3.2% and false negative rates of 3.1%.
AstuteAP: AI-Powered Supplier Invoice Automation for Seamless Accounts Payabl...AstuteBusiness
AstuteAP is an AI-powered tool that automates supplier invoice processing, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings by streamlining accounts payable workflows with intelligent automation and seamless integration.
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Introduction on how unique identifier systems are managed and coordinated - R...APNIC
Sunny Chendi, Senior Regional Advisor, Membership and Policy at APNIC, presented an 'Introduction on how unique identifier systems are managed and coordinated - RIRs (APNIC for APAC), ICANN, IETF and policy development' at MyAPIGA 2025 held in Putrajaya from 16 to 18 February 2025.
2. What is Lent?
? Lent comes from the Latin word “quadragesima”, means forty days.
? Lent is one of the 5 liturgical seasons in the liturgical year.
? During this time, the people are called to commemorate and reflect on
the Lord’s passion through spiritual preparation, conversion, and
? This Holy Season is an invitation to renew our baptism call; to live as
sons and daughters of God and disciples of Christ.
3. When does Lent begin?
? It begins on Ash Wednesday.
? It is preceded by the first section of Ordinary Time and followed by
second season of Easter.
? The liturgical color for Lent is purple. It symbolizes Penance.
4. Why is it called Ash Wednesday?
? Ashes are used to mark on the foreheads as a sign of conversion and
? The ashes came from the blessed palms (Palm Sunday) left over from
previous year.
? The palms are burnt to produce the ashes. Ashes are considered as
sacramentals and are blessed before their use.
? Day of fasting and abstinence: abstain from eating meat and
committing sin.
5. What is the meaning of the ashes?
a. The ashes are symbol of repentance and conversion.
b. The ashes act as a reminder that we are called to die to sin and return
to God wholeheartedly.
What is the formula or the phrases used to impose the ashes?
? “Repent and believe in the Gospel”
? “You are dust and into dust you shall return.”
6. What are the three observances during Lent?
1. Praying 2. Fasting 3. Almsgiving
7. 1. How can we improve our Prayer Life
during Lent?
1. Divide your prayer time into three parts (Morning, Afternoon,
2. Practice silence and being alone sometimes.
3. Be familiar with the life and teachings of Jesus by reading the
Gospels and bible in general.
4. Familiarize a certain verse of the Bible everyday and visualize what
is happening in the verse.
8. 2. Fasting VS. Dieting
Fasting Dieting
? A spiritual exercise
? involves afflicting one’s soul
through the denial of our wants and
desires; a form of spiritual ascetism,
? expression of wholeheartedness and
? to maintain one’s physical or
bodily figure
? something we do for health or
cosmic reasons
9. 3. Almsgiving
? Almsgiving is another word for Charity.
? Charity is love-in-action.
? Charity is a way to reach out to those who are in need.
? Almsgiving is a form of self-denial, sacrifice on behalf of others
10. What is the climax of Lent?
? The climax of Lent is the Holy Week.
? Holy Week begins in Palm Sunday and ends with the Holy (Paschal)
? Triduum means three days: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and
Black/Holy Saturday.
11. What is Holy (Paschal) Triduum?
? Through these three days, the Church remembers that Christ suffered
and died, and rose again.
? The Triduum is the celebration of the Church’s salvation through
? What is the connection of Lent and the Triduum?
? Lent’s renewal through prayer, fasting and almsgiving help us prepare
to understand the meaning of each of these three days.
12. The Holy (Paschal) Triduum
? Lent officially ends on Holy Thursday.
? The Holy Triduum begins on the evening of Holy Thursday.
? The mass is celebrated for the Last Supper which is celebrated in the
evening, and includes the ceremony of the Washing of the Feet.
13. 1. Holy Thursday
? The faithful gathers in Church to celebrate the
Institution of the Eucharist.
? The Mass for the Last Supper and the Washing
of the Feet, which reminds us of Jesus’ command
to serve one another.
? At the end of the mass, the Blessed Sacrament is
moved to the “Altar of Repose” during a solemn
procession followed by Adoration until midnight.
14. 2. Good Friday
? This is the holy day of fasting and
abstinence; abstain from eating meat
and committing sin.
? The Seven Last Words of Jesus is
? The Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion is
celebrated, followed by a Homily, the
General Intercessions, Communion, and
the Veneration of the Cross.
16. ? The very word uttered from the lips of
Jesus…begging the Father for forgiveness
of those criminals who nailed his hands
and his legs on the cross….forgive them,
forgive them, forgive them.
? Jesus is not establishing the probe of
innocence for these people by saying “they
don’t know what they are doing”. Rather
he established his unending love and
mercy for these people.
17. ? Perhaps the whole idea of paradise can be
the hope of a human life better than the
present life. A life which is free from any
“cross”: sickness, hatred, wars.
? Each one of us is responsible for one’s
own fate. Each of us is choosing daily
either paradise or hell. We just need check
our actions and habits.
? But we need the grace of God to guide us
in our daily living.
18. ? The disciple Jesus loved is the ideal disciple
who remains always faithful to Jesus, even
to Jesus on the cross. This disciple is given
to Jesus’ mother as son.
? The true family of Jesus now consists of his
mother, the natural family, and the beloved
disciple, the family of discipleship.
? Here we see something about the extent of
Jesus’ love. “For whoever does the will of
my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister,
and mother.” (Mt 12:50 Mk 3:35).
? This apostle is said to be John the Beloved.
19. ? Jesus suffered in order to justify us, to
save us. Everybody abandoned him, both
his enemies and his apostles whom he
called friends. He even felt forsaken by
his Father. During this Holy Week, let us
ask the Lord Jesus, who saved us through
his suffering, to forgive us.
? In fact, very often we abandon him when
we reject suffering people. Let us also
remember that suffering is part of human
life and it remains for us a mystery. Then
when we suffer, let us not lose hope in the
Lord Jesus who suffered for our sake.
20. ? With his cry of thirst and the drinking of
the vinegar Jesus “completes” the
Scriptures. Completing the work of the
Father- giving his life out of love for the
world and thus returning in exaltation to
God- this was “food” Jesus ate (4:34)
and the “cup” he would drink (18:11).
This was the driving force of Jesus’
? Jesus thirsts for God and he thirsts out of
love for “his own in this world”. Thus
the radical thirst of Jesus completes all of
the sacred promises of the Scriptures and
brings the mission of Jesus to its summit.
21. ? The words “it is finished” can be a
relief. They can suggest that our suffering
has finally ended and we will now enter
into the rest of the saints. Even here, our
death remains unfinished for we live on in
memory, DNA, spiritual impact, and grief.
? Our lives may perish but they live forever
more in God’s memory and the ongoing
history of the universe.
22. ? Even though the powers of darkness
seem triumphant, Jesus dies
confidently, entrusting his spirit into the
hands of his Father. The power of
darkness has been defeated by Jesus’
trust in faithful God.
? Jesus was fully committed to God’s
will and had set his face toward
Jerusalem, remained faithful to the end.
Jesus’ exodus was completed and he
would return to God in order to lavish
on the world the Spirit of forgiveness
and salvation.
23. 3. Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil)
? It is the highest point of the Triduum.
? It begins in the Evening of the Holy Saturday.
? It proclaims Jesus’ triumph over the powers of evil and death.
? The Resurrection of Jesus happened.
24. Summary
? Lent comes from the Latin word “quadragesima”, means forty days.
? Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent; ashes are used to mark on
the foreheads as a sign of conversion and repentance.
? 3 observances during Lent: praying, fasting, almsgiving.
? Holy Week is the climax of Lent.
? Holy Week begins in Palm Sunday and ends with the Holy (Paschal)
? Triduum means three days: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and
Black/Holy Saturday.