This lesson plan summarizes a lesson about the three main food groups: go foods, glow foods, and grow foods. It outlines objectives, subject matter, materials, and a detailed procedure for the lesson. The procedure includes preliminary activities like prayer, attendance, and a review. It then presents the lesson content, defining each food group and providing examples. Students participate by answering questions and identifying foods. The lesson concludes with a generalization of the three food groups and an evaluation and assignment for students.
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1. Detailed Lesson Plan
Real-Life Science 2
I. Objectives
At the endof the lesson90% of the studentsshouldbe able to:
a. Identifygo,grow,andglow foodsfromonesmeal.
b. Enumerate otherexamplesundereachfoodgroups.
c. State the importance of the three food groups.
II. SubjectMatter:
Lesson:The Three FoodGroups
Reference:Real-Life Science 2
By: EleonorB.BuentipoandKathrinaD.Bolaong
Page: 85-87
III. Learning Procedure
Teachers Activity PupilsActivity
A. PreliminaryActivities
a. Prayer
- Let usall stand.
- Nashledthe prayer. - Lord,thank youfor thisday. Amen!
b. Greetings
- Good morningclass. - Good morningmaam, Good morning
- Please take yourseats. - Thankyou maam.
c. Checkingof Attendance
- Who are absenttoday? - None maam.
d. Classroom Management/Discipline
- Class,whatare yougoingto do while - listencarefullymaam.
Imtalkinghere infront? - Sit properlymaam.
- Ok,verygood.
e. Review
2. - Now,whocan still remember
our lessonyesterday?
- Ok Alyana - Our lesson wasaboutthe
- VerygoodAlyana.
- Who can give the definition - Heightreferstohow tall or how
of height?Sheila. short a personis.
- VerygoodSheila. Howaboutweight?
- Mike. - Weightishow heavyor how lighta
- VerygoodMike.
- Do youhave any question? - None maam.
f. Unlockingof Difficulties
- Now,mayI request everybody,
to standand we will singtogether
entitled BananaSplit.
B. Motivation
- Before we will proceedtoournew lesson
I will askyouone by one if what foodhave
- We will startwithyouJohn. - I ate rice witheggmaam.
- Sarah please standup. - I have drunk one glassof milkmaam.
- Kim. - Breadwithmilkmaam.
C. Presentationof the Lesson
- Wow!Verygood.All the foodsthat you
have mentionedprovide younutrients
that yourbody needs.Youshouldeat
nutritious foodsinthe rightamount
dailytohave a balance diet.
- Classwhydo we needtoeat - Maam?
- Yes Nash? - Everychildshouldeatnutritious
inorder to grow strong andhealthy.
- Verygood Nash.
3. D. LessonProper
- Ok.Our lessonfortodayis all about
The Three Food GroupswhichisGo,
Glow and Grow foods.
- Who can read the definitionof Gofoods?
- Yes Merry. - Go foodsare foodsthat give
- Analy. - Glow foodsare foodsthat
protectus fromdiseases.
- Ok Jason. - Grow foodsare foodsthat
Group characteristics example
Go * Energy-givingfoods
*Rich incarbohydrates
*Rich inprotein
Chicken,fish,pork,and milk
*Rich invitaminsminerals
4. E. Application
- Class,I have picturesof foods - Yes maam
You are goingto tell where
these foodbelongto.Understand?
- Ok thenwe will start.
- Go foods
- Grow foods
- Glow foods
- Verygoodclass.
F. Generalization
- Let usrememberclassthat
Go foodsare foodsthatgive us energy.
Glowfoods are foods thatprotectus from diseases and
Grow foods are foodsthat helpusgrow.
IV. Evaluation
Identifygo,growandglow foods.Putyouransweron the space provided.
1. Bread 6. Eggs
2. Freshmilk 7. Meat
3. Apple 8. Rice
4. Banana 9. Malunggay
5. Fish 10. Sereal
V. Assignment
Make a chart of whatyou will eatforbreakfast,lunchanddinnerforone week.Write it
ina one whole sheetof paper.
ArbayaG. Abdul