The document discusses lessons learned from 3 years of developing apps for the iOS App Store. It covers why the author chose to develop for iOS, the typical investment required, strategies for coming up with ideas, tools and frameworks used, the importance of design, implementation considerations, setting goals, avoiding shortcuts, not reinventing the wheel, asking for help, backing up code, icon design, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics. The author emphasizes following your passion, paying attention to design, not taking shortcuts in development, asking for help when needed, and testing different pricing strategies.
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Lessons learned3yearsappstore
1. Lessons Learned from 3 Years
on the App Store
Mohammad Azam
Wednesday, November 20, 13
5. Mohammad Azam
Manager Consultant at Sogeti
Founder of HighOnCoding
Creator of AzamSharp YouTube Channel (over 5500 subscribers)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
6. Mohammad Azam
Manager Consultant at Sogeti
Founder of HighOnCoding
Creator of AzamSharp YouTube Channel (over 5500 subscribers)
Microsoft MVP (2007 - 2011)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
17. Why iOS?
iOS apps make more money as compared to any other platform
Wednesday, November 20, 13
18. Why iOS?
iOS apps make more money as compared to any other platform
Users upgrade to new platform almost instantly (iOS 7 already have >
80% adoption rate)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
19. Why iOS?
iOS apps make more money as compared to any other platform
Mac (Once you go Mac you dont go back)
Users upgrade to new platform almost instantly (iOS 7 already have >
80% adoption rate)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
20. Why iOS?
iOS apps make more money as compared to any other platform
Mac (Once you go Mac you dont go back)
Users upgrade to new platform almost instantly (iOS 7 already have >
80% adoption rate)
Its a lot of FUN!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
30. Idea
Get Inspired Dont Cheat
Follow your passion
Dont suffer from ABD (Already Been Done) syndrome
Wednesday, November 20, 13
31. Idea
Get Inspired Dont Cheat
Follow your passion
Dont suffer from ABD (Already Been Done) syndrome
Use your memories/culture to your advantage
a poultry farm)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
was inspired from my visit to
32. Idea
Get Inspired Dont Cheat
Make an app about a subject you want to learn
Follow your passion
Dont suffer from ABD (Already Been Done) syndrome
Use your memories/culture to your advantage
a poultry farm)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
was inspired from my visit to
42. Design
Design represents how the app feels
Paper and pencil
Design time > development time
Wednesday, November 20, 13
43. Design
Design represents how the app feels
Paper and pencil
Design time > development time
Less features is better than more
Wednesday, November 20, 13
44. Design
Design represents how the app feels
Paper and pencil
Design time > development time
Less features is better than more
Wednesday, November 20, 13
Think about how the user will
interact with the application!
Design of a cycling app is different
than a 鍖nancial app!
53. Goal
Achieving smaller goals will give you con鍖dence to move forward
Give yourself a deadline!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
54. Goal
Achieving smaller goals will give you con鍖dence to move forward
Give yourself a deadline!
Remove all distractions
Wednesday, November 20, 13
55. Goal
Achieving smaller goals will give you con鍖dence to move forward
Give yourself a deadline!
Remove all distractions
Sacri鍖ce Breaking Bad!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
59. Shortcuts
Shortcuts will later bite you in the a$$
Dont write crappy code!
ABC POP iPhone game quickly became hard to maintain because of ugly code!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
62. Reinventing Wheel
Before creating a custom control check out CocoaControls
Before manually managing dependencies check out Cocoapods
Wednesday, November 20, 13
77. Price
The narrower the audience, the higher
the price
Ads degrade the app!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
78. Price
The narrower the audience, the higher
the price
Ads degrade the app!
Real money is in In-App purchase. And
even more money is in consumable InApp purchase (Candy Crush uses the consumable model and
generates 530K ... a day)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
79. Price
The narrower the audience, the higher
the price
Ads degrade the app!
Real money is in In-App purchase. And
even more money is in consumable InApp purchase (Candy Crush uses the consumable model and
generates 530K ... a day)
Wednesday, November 20, 13
Build the pricing model around
the app not the other way!
88. Vegetable Tree
Initial Price: $1.99
Price changed: $2.99
Price changed: $3.99
Price changed: $4.99
Price changed: $3.99
Find the high end of your app price!
You already know the bottom end!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
99. Pre-release
Create a teaser trailer (Checkmark app, Perfect Weather)
Write about the design and development process
Wednesday, November 20, 13
100. Pre-release
Create a teaser trailer (Checkmark app, Perfect Weather)
Write about the design and development process
Create a website for your app
Wednesday, November 20, 13
101. Pre-release
Create a teaser trailer (Checkmark app, Perfect Weather)
Write about the design and development process
Create a website for your app
Create high quality screenshots (
Wednesday, November 20, 13
103. Promo codes
You get 100 promo codes per version of the app
Wednesday, November 20, 13
104. Promo codes
You get 100 promo codes per version of the app
You cannot review the app when using the promo code
Wednesday, November 20, 13
105. Promo codes
You get 100 promo codes per version of the app
You cannot review the app when using the promo code
Distribute to reviewers, bloggers etc
Wednesday, November 20, 13
106. Promo codes
You get 100 promo codes per version of the app
You cannot review the app when using the promo code
Distribute to reviewers, bloggers etc
Giveaway promo codes on Twitter or Facebook as a prize
Wednesday, November 20, 13
110. Blogging
Blog about the process of your app development
Write about how you found a solution to a complicated problem
Wednesday, November 20, 13
111. Blogging
Blog about the process of your app development
Write about how you found a solution to a complicated problem
A developer made $6000+ in sales by blogging about his experience of how standup
desk has changed his life. He sold thousands of his 鍖tness apps!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
113. Social Media
Follow tags related to your app on Twitter and Facebook
Wednesday, November 20, 13
114. Social Media
Follow tags related to your app on Twitter and Facebook
Communicate with the leaders and tell them about your app
Wednesday, November 20, 13
115. Social Media
Follow tags related to your app on Twitter and Facebook
Communicate with the leaders and tell them about your app
Take part in discussion boards related to your app
Wednesday, November 20, 13
118. Release Date
Never release your app automatically!
Release date generates excitement
Wednesday, November 20, 13
119. Release Date
Never release your app automatically!
Release date generates excitement
Custom release date will help you plan your marketing strategies
Wednesday, November 20, 13
122. Getting Featured by Apple
Create a great app!
Create an app that features Apples new API
Wednesday, November 20, 13
123. Getting Featured by Apple
Create a great app!
Create an app that features Apples new API
Wednesday, November 20, 13
124. Getting Featured by Apple
Create a great app!
Create an app that features Apples new API
Wednesday, November 20, 13
Game Center
125. Getting Featured by Apple
Create a great app!
Create an app that features Apples new API
Game Center
Wednesday, November 20, 13
126. Getting Featured by Apple
Create a great app!
Create an app that features Apples new API
Game Center
Blue Tooth
Wednesday, November 20, 13
127. Getting Featured by Apple
Create a great app!
Create an app that features Apples new API
Game Center
Blue Tooth
Wednesday, November 20, 13
iOS 7
131. Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 3D was released in 1996
Duke Nukem Forever was released
Wednesday, November 20, 13
132. Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 3D was released in 1996
Duke Nukem Forever was released
15 years later
Wednesday, November 20, 13
133. Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 3D was released in 1996
Duke Nukem Forever was released
15 years later
Make sure you are not creating Duke Nukem forever!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
139. Updates
Updates are important
Create an update schedule
App that do not update, do
not exist
Updates gives your app free marketing
Wednesday, November 20, 13
150. Testing
Test your app!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
151. Testing
Test your app!
Form a team of beta testers
Wednesday, November 20, 13
152. Testing
Test your app!
Form a team of beta testers
Use TestFlight to distribute your builds
Wednesday, November 20, 13
163. Customer Service
Treat your customers with respect
Customer service can increase your app ranking
Wednesday, November 20, 13
164. Customer Service
Treat your customers with respect
Customer service can increase your app ranking
Almost all the 5 star reviews of Vegetable Tree app are because of
excellent customer service
Wednesday, November 20, 13
170. Chaos in the App Store
Wednesday, November 20, 13
171. Chaos in the App Store
All the apps with heavy textures will look obsolete!
Wednesday, November 20, 13
172. Chaos in the App Store
All the apps with heavy textures will look obsolete!
Opportunity to penetrate into your desired market
Wednesday, November 20, 13
173. Chaos in the App Store
All the apps with heavy textures will look obsolete!
Opportunity to penetrate into your desired market
Since, the release of the iOS SDK this is the best opportunity for any developer to
seize the moment!
Wednesday, November 20, 13