In his inspirational new memoir, Breaking New Ground, Lester Brown traces life from a small farm to leadership as a global environmental analyst. Here is a selection of photos from his time at the Overseas Development Council.
4. Jim Grant was the first head of the Overseas Development Council and
recruited Lester to work there. This photo was taken after he became
head of UNICEF. Photo by UNICEF
5. A Meet the Press one-hour special on the world food
situation in 1974 with host Laurence Spivak (standing), Earl
Butz, Secretary of Agriculture; John Hannah, Administrator
of AID (bottom row). Next to Lester is Sterling Worlman of
the Rockefeller Foundation. Photo by Reni Photos.
6. Winner of the faculty vs.
students race around the
lake at Schloss
Leopoldskron, Salzburg
Seminar in American
Studies, Switzerland, 1974
7. World Without Borders, published in 1972, was a widely acclaimed pioneering work
on globalization.
9. Lester flanked by Lester Pearson, former Prime
Minister of Canada (on right) and John Hannah
at reception in Washington, D.C., ca. 1972.