Letting go of things that are holding us back, even if they are comfortable or part of our identity, can unlock our destiny and purpose. This requires deep reflection on who we truly are and want to become. While difficult, letting go of unhelpful relationships, habits, jobs, or mindsets allows God to work in our lives and bring health, fulfillment and prosperity. The story illustrates that even when we feel alone, God is there to support and guide us if we trust in him during times of change.
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Let go and let god
1. Let Go and Let God
A story is told of a man who was walking people and things we enjoy: a spouse,
along a narrow path, not paying much children, friends, a job, a hobby, habits,
attention to where he was going. possessions, and future plans. These are
Suddenly, he slipped over the edge of a the pillars and beams of our earthly
cliff. As he fell, he grabbed a branch support system; and if one of them is
growing from the side of the cliff. removed, we sometimes feel as though
Realizing that he couldn't hang on for the framework of our lives is collapsing
long, hecalled forhelp. around us. While acknowledging the
importance of all that, the truth is that the
Man:Isanybody upthere? very same things may be the greatest
Voice: Yes,I'mhere! barriersto ourdestiny.
Man:Who's that?
Voice: TheLord. Letting go can be as simple as giving
Man:Lord, helpme! away old clothing or it can be as radical
Voice: Do youtrustme? and painful as leaving a long-standing
Man:Itrustyoucompletely, Lord. abusive marriage or friendship, ending
Voice: Good.Let goofthebranch. an extra-marital affair, quitting a
Man:What??? particular religion or cult, drug abuse,
Voice: Isaid, let goofthebranch. changing a career, unfulfilling job or
Man: [After a long pause] Is anybody else even overhauling one's entire lifestyle.
upthere? Letting go of such things which have
become part of us, our
Figuratively, just like lifestyle, who we
this man many times in believe we are, our
life we find ourselves brand is not by a click
holding onto things ofa button.
that are of little help to
us. These things give Letting go of such
us a feeling of safety, things calls for your
comfort, security and personal deep and
enjoyment but for a sincere interrogation
short time. Our daily of who you are and
lives are built around your purpose for
tallerW i t h o u t H e e l s
Letting go of such
things which have
become part of us,
our lifestyle, who we
believe we are, our
brand is not by a click
of abutton.
By J. Mathenge
2. living. After discovering your true self health, happy relationships, fulfilling
and your purpose, you determine what it jobs, fullness and prosperity in all spheres
will cost you and the benefits you are of our lives. It is not by accident that you
likely to get. Then make a deliberate and are reading this message, open your
conscious resolve to pay that price. The heart and hear Him say to you Let go!
price include loss of your perceived let go of that bitterness, hate, grudge and
identity, developed personality, un-forgiveness, let go of your abusive
attitudes, friendships, family relations, relationships, let go of your grown kids
safety nets or other parts of your routines still living in your house, let go of your
and habits. unfulfilling job, let go of that bad habit,
whateverit is! Let Goand let God
Like the dangling man on the cliff, there
are times when you will feel all alone but
God will always be there to guide you, to
comfort you and support you, in
whatever you need in your quest to fulfill
your destiny, so long as you call upon
Him. It is His will for us to have perfect
Isaiah 43:18-19 Remember not the
former things, nor consider the things of
old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now
it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I
will make a way in the wilderness and
riversin thedesert.'
To Let Go of the past, in
particular, and of all
attitudes, emotions, things,
friends and other baggage
that are holding us back - is
often a hidden key to our
ultimate happiness and
tallerW i t h o u t H e e l s