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That war, the war, God willingly, will really not be the third world war. For the War had
started the moment life had. For foods of all types the inbuilt force to strive, experience
of Love, Fear, Joy, and the inbuilt invisible bond, the war already had begun then. The
bond- Yes, unquestionable bond invisible, witness of The Invincible- Bond between
the Nano and pico, to the bonds between atoms and moles of the Matter, between the
organics and the inorganics , between Individuals and groups, to sects to Nations and
the bonds between the WORLDS.
Bonds invisible witness of the Invincible are to be held fast, nourished, to be used and
rejoiced. The bonds follow laws. There is but one law applicable always and
everywhere. Law of The Truth.
Experiences in the livings, the same inbuilts, give ideas, resulting in prosperity,
happiness sorrows and wars.
The bonds give birth to systems, cultures and rules, reforming and reminding
continuously. The diminishing awesome experience of women of yesterday, when first
night meant a legal rape, systems and rules that rendered kaleidoscopically themselves
on the spectrum of time.
This is a huge wide aperture area now today the point where this spectrum had started
its propagation is years light away, gone are those heavy machines in the light and
render of the 3d printed components of prosperity unseen and untold before.
A curriculum is now possible, a curriculum under test of the Kasauti of the quality
assurance, a curriculum to decide who has the ultimate strength among the worlds, the
strength of knowledge. Wars are possible, wars on cognitive base, reflecting the exact
affective and psychomotors, wars sure are possible under quality assurance to make
reach out to the best. Let the rules change as they have been changing from a fight of
stones to a fight of sophisticated guns, let metals become tales of the past. Let the
Kasauti of knowledge be the deciding factor in the new system of attaining supremacy
among worlds.
Throw away the metals, come appear in exams everywhere in everything and bring out
the finest of the fine for the sake of the worlds to come.
(Original work- by Abdul Sami Abdul latif)

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Let there be the third world waar

  • 1. LET THERE BE THE THIRD WORLD WAR That war, the war, God willingly, will really not be the third world war. For the War had started the moment life had. For foods of all types the inbuilt force to strive, experience of Love, Fear, Joy, and the inbuilt invisible bond, the war already had begun then. The bond- Yes, unquestionable bond invisible, witness of The Invincible- Bond between the Nano and pico, to the bonds between atoms and moles of the Matter, between the organics and the inorganics , between Individuals and groups, to sects to Nations and the bonds between the WORLDS. Bonds invisible witness of the Invincible are to be held fast, nourished, to be used and rejoiced. The bonds follow laws. There is but one law applicable always and everywhere. Law of The Truth. Experiences in the livings, the same inbuilts, give ideas, resulting in prosperity, happiness sorrows and wars. The bonds give birth to systems, cultures and rules, reforming and reminding continuously. The diminishing awesome experience of women of yesterday, when first night meant a legal rape, systems and rules that rendered kaleidoscopically themselves on the spectrum of time. This is a huge wide aperture area now today the point where this spectrum had started its propagation is years light away, gone are those heavy machines in the light and render of the 3d printed components of prosperity unseen and untold before. A curriculum is now possible, a curriculum under test of the Kasauti of the quality assurance, a curriculum to decide who has the ultimate strength among the worlds, the strength of knowledge. Wars are possible, wars on cognitive base, reflecting the exact affective and psychomotors, wars sure are possible under quality assurance to make reach out to the best. Let the rules change as they have been changing from a fight of stones to a fight of sophisticated guns, let metals become tales of the past. Let the Kasauti of knowledge be the deciding factor in the new system of attaining supremacy among worlds. Throw away the metals, come appear in exams everywhere in everything and bring out the finest of the fine for the sake of the worlds to come. (Original work- by Abdul Sami Abdul latif)