This document provides 5 events from 2016 that we should unlearn from as we enter 2017:
1) The Pathankot air force attacks - We should unlearn the jingoism, blame games, and media coverage surrounding the attacks and instead focus on developing a coherent anti-terror strategy.
2) The Jawaharlal Nehru University row - We should unlearn the media coverage that portrayed students as politicians and how leaders handled the new generation. The focus should be on nurturing students.
3) India's performance at the Rio Olympics - We should unlearn the stories of triumph and instead focus on transforming India into a sporting giant through support for all citizens.
4) The Indian
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Let us unlearn before leaping into 2017
1. 5 events to UNLEARN from before we leap into 2017
2017 isalmosthere!!!Atthe last weekof 2016, most of us will be inthe holiday mood,planningand
plottingexcitingwaystousherinthe New Year.Some of uswill alsobe busycreatingbrandnew
resolutionsandironingourwill powerstoconvertthose resolutionsinto reality.Afterall whodoesnot
wantto change forthe better!!!
But letus take back a stepintime and reflectonthe yearthat went by.We have pictures,memories,
events,disasters anddelugesof informationthatscarredus inthe last one year.Some of the
happeningswere forthe betterandsome will be nomore thanunnecessarybaggage,whichwe will be
forcedto take forwardinthe nextyear.
Since all of ushavethe common objectiveto startthe New Year on a clean slate,dontyou thinkit makes
senseto unlearnundesirablenoisefrom2016 and start afresh with a new unbiased perspective.Dont
you thinkthat will really constitutea new beginning fora new year?
Let us see someof theevents fromwhich weneed to UNLEARN ----
Pathankotair force attacks Let us UNLEARN the jingoism,chestthumpingpseudo patriotism,
political bickerings,blame-gamesandthe caustichatredspreadby two minutesof fame
celebrities. LetusalsoUNLEARN the failuresof the diplomaticblitzkrieg of ourgullibleleaders
and the overzealousbrouhahashownbyaTRP hungrymedia.
Whatwe need is a coherent,methodologicaland brutalstrategy to fight terror.Nothing elseis
JawaharLal Nehru universityrow Letus UNLEARN those highprofilemediainterviewsand
coveragesthatmade politiciansoutof students.LetusalsoUNLEARN the inepthandlingof
the newgeneration byourleaders andthe so calledseditionchargesthatrockedour arm
chair intellectual community.
Whatis importantisto realize thatstudentsarethe futurebaton bearersof any country and
they need to benudged and nurtured along therighttrack,in line with the countrysfuture
goals.Anybody oranything distractingthemshould beeliminated withoutremorse.
Indiasperformanceat Rio Olympics Let us UNLEARN those awe inspiringstoriesof women
power,homemadeinfrastructure andthe againstall oddsstrugglesthatbroughtIndiaits
bloodandsweat medals.Letusalso UNLEARN the financial largesse bestowedonthe winners
by our vote hungrypoliticiansandthe selfiefiasco publicized bysome attentionseeking
2. Whatis importantisto realize that,fora country of 1.2 billion people,we need all the women
power,men powerand the political will powerto transformIndia into a sporting giant.
Nothing else matters.
Surgical strikes by the IndianArmy Letus UNLEARN the nationalisticfervorgeneratedafter
the strikes,the allegations,the counterallegationsandthe accusationsquestioningthe validity
of the strikesandpolitical flipflops echoingonbothsidesof the border.LetusalsoUNLEARN
the protestsagainstthe Pakistani artistsworkinginIndiaandthe midnightdealsstuckby
pseudopatriotstoadd fuel tothe fire.
Whatis importantisto realize that,terrorin any formhasto be eliminated and the end justifies
the means.Everything elseis noiseand should be treated asonly NOISE.
Demonetization LET us UNLEARN the neverendingATMqueues,the perennial deluge of news
channelsshowingdisarrayof commonlife andthe intellectual chitchatsof the move been
continuously discussedinvariousmediums.LetusalsoUNLEARN the shoddyhandlingof the
situationbythe government,the bankers-turnedcashmafiaandfiftyplusrule changesbrought
out bythe Revert(see Reserve)bankof India.
Whatis importantnowisto realize thatthe arrow knowingly orunknowingly hasbeen released
fromthe bowand Indiasmoveisnow been watched by theentire world with bated breath.
We can either nowmakea movetowardsforging a position forourselveswithin the developed
communityby reinventing ourselvesorlet ourselvesto rot within the discarded annalsof
forgotten history asa country which failed in its experimentto eradicatecorruption.Thechoice
is ours and entirely OURSonly.
Happy Holidays! And a great rocking 2017 !!
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