This document discusses issues related to public health and security related to immigration and travel. It notes cases where infectious diseases have spread across borders due to gaps in screening and protocols. Specific diseases mentioned include tuberculosis, hepatitis B & C, HIV, and syphilis. Statistics are presented on prevalence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in various Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The document also discusses the challenges facing immigrants who enter countries illegally, including poor health, exploitation, lack of access to healthcare, and risk of disease spread. It proposes various strategies and programs focused on education, community involvement, and cross-border cooperation to help address health issues and disparities.
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Lets’ land in gr-LIFE cROSS final4
1. Keeping u safe as a traveler
Caring for the global health village
2. May 2007, the tb patient lands in Athens
He departed from Ur home, Atlanta
He was sent back right away
Reuters , Sept.2007 : The case of Andrew Speaker, who is
being treated for multi-drug resistant TB, showed holes in border
and aviation security as well as in public health, the Homeland
Security Committee report said.
4. Illicit immigrants arriving mostly at the islands
( Lesvos, Chios , Samos )
Swimming( !) to the land under the eyes of national
and international detection
Coming from :
- Eastern Europe , former Soviet block
- Middle East
- Sub –Saharian Africa
5. Middle East + Sub-Saharian Countries UKNOWN
Eastern Europe mdr- tb at MOST error rising nr.
by WHO ( 2/2008)
Baku 22,3%
Moldavia 19,4%
Ukraine 16%
Tomst Oblast,Russia 15%
Usbekistan 14,8%
source: bbc news29/2/08
6. Eurosurvelliance, May 2008 ECDC:
on hepatitis B ,C
HBV prevalence among immigrants ( in many
countries ) →
5-90 times more frequent than general
HCV HIGHEST in Europe in Bulgaria +
Romania ( >_3%)
Greece >2%
7. September 2008 , CDC→ recommendations 4 HBV testing:
people born in areas with HBsAg>2%
people born in USA with parents from areas with
HBsAg> 2%
people born in Asia +Africa
MSM, illicit injection drug users
( Morb.and Mortal. Week , 9/2008)
Mandatory the HPV vaccine 4 all female immigrants
asking for the green Green Card
Reuters, 7/9/2008
SOS measures like Do Not Board List, quarantine
8. “Online-mediated syphilis testing shows promise”, Reuters news ,
Dutch paradigm :1998-2004 MSM syphillis cases↑84%
The project: a web portal( info, download referal 4 test, retrieve
results in 1 week )
“Significantly more men who needed syphilis treatment were
identified through the web site compared with the STI clinic “
50 percent online versus 25 percent at a STI clinic.
"The Internet seems efficient for programs that target a specific
SOURCE: Sexually Transmitted Diseases, August 2008.
9. Sanity , health status --------uknown
Exhausted --------- ------------ weak immunity
Desperate (out of hope )---- weaker immunity
Hungry --------------------------ready 2 b sold
Error: prostitution , illicit drugs, illicit working in the
native population ( homes , farms, food processing etc)
Illegal -----------------afraid 2 ask 4 medical help
Terrified ------------ told 2 hide themselves from
authorities (blackmail from smugglers 4 their relatives
back home)
10. The Lesvos island paradigm
feel healthy , energy high , lucky
geophysical factors 4 public immunity: sun, sardines ,
bio food , view , humor
feel compassion for the strangers’ drama
culture of philoxenia -----don’t refer 2 authorities ,
How do they survive ?
Luck + faith,
no prophylaxis
high sexuality
-------result : personal danger kept in silence
What if an infectious outbreak occurs ?
Faith – based survival gene
The happy Greek gene
12. Surviving from the plague through church praying ceremony
St- THEODOR new Saint
17/2 1798 was abused and murderd in Lesbos for his Christian faith
Historical facts : plague in the Island 1832
huge epidemic for Greeks and Turks, thousands of deaths, city abandoned
Doctors were sent from Istanbul
The miracle: St- Theodor asked in the dreams of faithful
Asked for the pray church ceremony
Turkish authorities gave permission
Doctors disagreed because of the dangers of fatal spread of the epidemic
The plague stop causing any more deaths to Turkish and Greek population
13. 1995: Harvard University ,Professor Herberd
Benson , first mind +body epidemiology
research +results
1996 : USLA, San Francisco, first research
conducted by healers’ praying for HIV
faith, pray and healing 2day
epidemiologically assessed
14. Awaring the youngsters by a virtual game
Name it : Theo-Door
creating an online religious inter-pray
Raising a world-wide antenna
Using kids + youngsters as the sanity vehicle
15. Teaching the kids + youngsters in schools ,
university , internet cafés
What can b the motive? ……
ex. Dengue fever in Brasil ----- free
internet access to all volunteers who helped as
In this case : embrassing also the immigrants’
16. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Action Institue
Training sessions to :
Identify root causes of health disparities in their communities
Develop skills that will allow them to promote awareness of racial
and ethnic health disparities among residents, key stakeholders, and
change agents of their communities;
Expand and sustain key partnerships to mobilize community and
other resources to address health disparities;
Identify components and characteristics for development of
successful proposals for public and private funding for interventions
to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in their communities;
Identify strategies to employ social justice as an organizing tool for
communities to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities.
Protecting global public Health , Local Public
Safety and Human Rights»
Greece keeping safe the biological gate from
East to West