This document discusses scent theory and how various factors impact the movement of human scent. It explains that human scent is carried by skin rafts shed by humans and detected by dogs. It outlines how weather conditions like temperature, wind, and humidity can cause scents to move in coning plumes, lofting patterns, or pool in certain areas. The document advises search and rescue teams to consider factors like terrain, vegetation and weather when deploying scent detection dogs.
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LETS Scent Theory 2015
1. Scent Theory
sniff sniff sniff sniff
Shared by Permission of Jennifer Pennington of Lead With Fun LLC.
Creative Commons 4.0 License. Do not change or sell, but share all you like.
Must keep proper attributions to the author.
3. What is a Skin Raft?
cornflake like skin cell clusters that may also
bacteria, fungi, parasites
sweat, enzymes, hormones
personal hygiene products
4. Some are lighter than air and travel far
in air currents
Some are heavier and settle on the
5. Bacteria that feed on skin rafts are different
for every person
Dogs can smell the difference
6. So how does scent move?
Skin rafts are carried in currents of air
Pay attention to the movement of air
10. Micro effects
Your sector down to where you are
scent can move in different directions
within a few feet
movement can be different at dogs
nose level
15. Types of Air Movements
knowing different patterns of air movement will
help you:
correctly analyze potential problems
--So you can--
Set your dog up for success
18. Coning Plumes
movement of scent from subject
downwind in the shape of a cone
during cloud covered days or nights
travels long distances
ideal for dogs
20. Fumigating Scent
in the morning before sunup
scents travel down valleys like water
subjects on a hill can be detected by
dog down below
Get dogs out before sunrise
22. Lofting
after sun sets
ground is cooling but aloft air is warm
usually valleys first then other areas
later on
Work dogs on the high ground in the
24. Fanning Plumes
at night in stable air
scent holds at the same elevation level
dog may alert across a canyon at the
same level, but cant find a person
Report your alerts
28. Eddying Scent
circular air forms behind an object
prevents scent from traveling along
prevailing wind
example: eddies form at a line of trees
next to an open field
30. Looping Plumes
clear sky or with high clouds
at midday, a high convection situation
scent rises, cools, falls, heats up, rises,
cools, falls, etc.
Dog will alert by putting his head up,
but will lose the scent.
32. Chimney Effect
air currents move straight up an object
alerts may occur nearby -but-
makes it impossible for dog to find
check around tall objects in the area
34. Thermocline
cause by significant temperature and
humidity differences in short distances
changes in elevation
drastic changes in shade and sunny
creates a wall like barrier of scent
36. What affects scent movement?
time of day
time of year
37. Use what you know in HOW you search
A search dog team will prefer to search into the wind
Zigzagging into the wind on small areas
parallel sweeps across the wind on larger areas often
along ridges and downhill with normal daytime
38. See you in the woods!
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