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Letter 5adverbs
Sek. Keb Bukit Aman,
                                                         Jalan Highway,
                                                         31400 lpoh, Perak.
                                                         30 May 2005
Dear Tina,
         I am sorry for not writing earlier. The first week in this new
school has been a busy one. Im slowly getting to like the school hostel. My
new friends, Deva, Ismail, and I spend a lot of time together.
          There are many rules in the hostel. We have to wake up very
early. We must queue up to get breakfast. Each pupil gets two eggs and
two slices of bread. We can have either coffee or tea. After breakfast,
we must put all our plates in the sink and tidy the
          We must dress neatly at all times. Dirty T-shirts and bare bodies
are not allowed especially in the dining-room.
In the evenings we play games, but after dinner we must all study in the
hostel library.

          I really miss home and Mums wonderful cooking.
I miss you and all my other friends.
Please reply soon.
                                                            Yours sincerely,
1 What is the letter mainly about?
     A   An apology
     B   Hostel life
     C   Busy week in school
     D   How David misses home

Answer: B

The answer is not in the passage.
Most of the letter is about the hostel and not school.
Only the lost line is about missing home.
2 The boys must obey hostel rules, What is one of the
         A Play games after dinner
         B Dress neatly at all times
         C Study in the hostel
         D Queue up to eat breakfast

Answer: B
1. The information for this answer is in the passage.
   Use the word rules in paragraph 2 as a clue
   to find out what the rules are.

2 Read the possible answers carefully.

 (A) Playing games is NOT a rule.
 (C) They study in the library and NOT in the hostel.
 (D) They queue up to get breakfast NOT to eat it.
3. David is slowly getting to like the school hostel

     A   dirty T-shirts are not allowed
     B   coffee and tea are served
     C   the food is excellent
     D   he has some friends

Answer: C
Use your reasoning to get the answer.
Dirty t-shirts coffee and tea, ore probably NOT good reasons
to be happy. If he likes good food, (C) may be the answer.
But he does not tell Tina anything about the hostel food.
4 When do the boys study?
  A   In the evenings
  B   Before breakfast
  C   At night
  D   After games

Answer. C
Work out the answer.
David does not soy anything about studying before
breakfast. He plays games in the evenings.
He studies after dinner, so it is probably of night.
5. Which sentence tells us that David thinks
   about his family?
    A    My friends will help me.
    B   I am sorry for not writing earlier.
    C   I really miss home.
    D   Im getting to like the hostel.

Answer. C
The clue in the question is the word family.
The word home in (C) is related to family,
so if is the best answer.
Write five adverbs that you can use
with each of these words.
Letter 5adverbs
Letter 5adverbs
Letter 5adverbs

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Letter 5adverbs

  • 2. Sek. Keb Bukit Aman, Jalan Highway, 31400 lpoh, Perak. 30 May 2005 Dear Tina, I am sorry for not writing earlier. The first week in this new school has been a busy one. Im slowly getting to like the school hostel. My new friends, Deva, Ismail, and I spend a lot of time together. There are many rules in the hostel. We have to wake up very early. We must queue up to get breakfast. Each pupil gets two eggs and two slices of bread. We can have either coffee or tea. After breakfast, we must put all our plates in the sink and tidy the dining-room. We must dress neatly at all times. Dirty T-shirts and bare bodies are not allowed especially in the dining-room. In the evenings we play games, but after dinner we must all study in the hostel library. I really miss home and Mums wonderful cooking. I miss you and all my other friends. Please reply soon. Yours sincerely, David
  • 3. 1 What is the letter mainly about? A An apology B Hostel life C Busy week in school D How David misses home Answer: B The answer is not in the passage. Most of the letter is about the hostel and not school. Only the lost line is about missing home.
  • 4. 2 The boys must obey hostel rules, What is one of the rules? A Play games after dinner B Dress neatly at all times C Study in the hostel D Queue up to eat breakfast Answer: B 1. The information for this answer is in the passage. Use the word rules in paragraph 2 as a clue to find out what the rules are. 2 Read the possible answers carefully. (A) Playing games is NOT a rule. (C) They study in the library and NOT in the hostel. (D) They queue up to get breakfast NOT to eat it.
  • 5. 3. David is slowly getting to like the school hostel because A dirty T-shirts are not allowed B coffee and tea are served C the food is excellent D he has some friends Answer: C Use your reasoning to get the answer. Dirty t-shirts coffee and tea, ore probably NOT good reasons to be happy. If he likes good food, (C) may be the answer. But he does not tell Tina anything about the hostel food.
  • 6. 4 When do the boys study? A In the evenings B Before breakfast C At night D After games Answer. C Work out the answer. David does not soy anything about studying before breakfast. He plays games in the evenings. He studies after dinner, so it is probably of night.
  • 7. 5. Which sentence tells us that David thinks about his family? A My friends will help me. B I am sorry for not writing earlier. C I really miss home. D Im getting to like the hostel. Answer. C The clue in the question is the word family. The word home in (C) is related to family, so if is the best answer.
  • 8. Write five adverbs that you can use with each of these words.