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Dr.	Patrick	McGuire	
1059	Delta	Dr.	Elgin	|	(847)	9512831	|	McGuire4teacher@yahoo.com	
Dear	Hiring	Committee:	
I	 am	 writing	 to	 express	 my	 interest	 in	 any	 future	 opening	 of	 an	 assistant	 principal,	 principal,	 or	 curriculum	
coordinator	position	in	your	district.		For	the	past	14	years	I	have	primarily	been	a	classroom	teacher.		During	that	time,	I	
have	 worked	 at	 both	 the	 elementary	 and	 middle	 school	 levels,	 where	 I've	 taught	 3rd,	 5th,	 6th,	 7th,	 &	 8th	
grade.		Administratively,	I	served	as	the	summer	school	principal	at	Fox	Ridge	Elementary,	in	District	303,	for	two	years.			
During	my	career	I've	made	some	excellent	connections	with	students,	families,	and	colleagues.		I	would	like	to	
continue	making	these	connections	but	do	so	in	a	larger	capacity	as	a	building	administrator.		Professionally,	I	consider	
myself	a	lifelong	learner	and	that's	evidenced	by	my	doctorate	and	Type	75	administrative	certificate.		Additionally,	I've	
naturally	sought	leadership	opportunities	within	the	places	I've	been	employed.		Some	of	my	leadership	roles	include	being	
an	active	member	of	the	SIP	team,	a	facilitator	of	professional	development	at	faculty	meetings/SIP	&	Institute	days,	a	
collaborator	in	new	curriculum	development	(literacy	&	social	studies),	and	serving	as	an	instructional	leader	among	
colleagues,	especially	in	the	areas	of	literacy	and	technology	integration.			
Finally,	I	believe	my	experiences	provide	credibility	and	reassurance	that	Im	prepared	and	equipped	to	be	an	
effective	administrative	leader.		Throughout	my	career	I	have	maintained	a	student	centered	philosophy.		Therefore,	any	
decisions	will	always	derive	from	a	whats	best	for	kids	mentality.		I	know	the	stakeholders	in	your	district	share	a	similar	
commitment	and	vision.		Together,	I	envision	a	partnership,	that	builds	on	past	achievements,	invests	in	the	core	belief	
that	ALL	students	can	reach	their	full	potential,	and	embraces	a	culture	for	learning	that	promotes	positivity,	critical	
thinking,	collegiality,	and	inspiration.		These	principles	are	the	foundation	of	the	leadership	I	intend	to	employ.	I	am	
confident	that	my	passion,	skills,	and	experiences	qualify	me	as	an	excellent	candidate	for	an	assistant	principal,	principal,	
or	curriculum	coordinator	position.		
I	bring	a	wide	variety	of	skills	and	experiences	including:	
 Leadership	roles:	Elementary	summer	school	principal	in	District	303	(2011	&	2012),	active	SIP	team	member	at	
both	middle	and	elementary	school	levels,	facilitator	of	professional	development	during	faculty	meetings	and	
SIP/Institute	Days,	and	collaborator	in	new	curriculum	development	(literacy	&	social	studies).	
 Exceptional	communication	skills	that	foster	and	develop	interpersonal	relationships	with	colleagues,	students,	
and	families.	
 Employ	the	utilization	of	a	collaborative	model	and	mindset	when	working	with	colleagues,	students,	and	families.	
 Embrace	 conflict	 head	 on	 and	 seek	 solutionbased	 outcomes	 to	 remedy	 and	 improve	 any	 adverse	 situation	
involving	colleagues,	students,	and	families.	
 Distinguished	pedagogy	which	incorporates	effective	learning	strategies	and	differentiated	instructional	practices	
to	meet	the	needs	of	every	learner.	
 Diverse	range	of	assessment	tools	that	evaluate	both	formative	and	summative	student	learning	progress.	
 Proficient	in	use	of	technology	based	applications,	especially	Google,	Microsoft,	&	Blackboard	
I	would	welcome	the	opportunity	to	further	discuss	an	assistant	principal,	principal,	or	curriculum	coordinator	position	
with	you.	If	you	have	questions	or	would	like	to	schedule	an	interview,	please	contact	me	by	phone	at	(847)	9512831	or	
by	email	at	McGuire4teacher@yahoo.com.	I	have	enclosed	my	resume	for	your	review,	and	I	look	forward	to	hearing	
from	you.	
Dr.	Patrick	McGuire

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Letter of Interest

  • 1. Dr. Patrick McGuire 1059 Delta Dr. Elgin | (847) 9512831 | McGuire4teacher@yahoo.com Dear Hiring Committee: I am writing to express my interest in any future opening of an assistant principal, principal, or curriculum coordinator position in your district. For the past 14 years I have primarily been a classroom teacher. During that time, I have worked at both the elementary and middle school levels, where I've taught 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade. Administratively, I served as the summer school principal at Fox Ridge Elementary, in District 303, for two years. During my career I've made some excellent connections with students, families, and colleagues. I would like to continue making these connections but do so in a larger capacity as a building administrator. Professionally, I consider myself a lifelong learner and that's evidenced by my doctorate and Type 75 administrative certificate. Additionally, I've naturally sought leadership opportunities within the places I've been employed. Some of my leadership roles include being an active member of the SIP team, a facilitator of professional development at faculty meetings/SIP & Institute days, a collaborator in new curriculum development (literacy & social studies), and serving as an instructional leader among colleagues, especially in the areas of literacy and technology integration. Finally, I believe my experiences provide credibility and reassurance that Im prepared and equipped to be an effective administrative leader. Throughout my career I have maintained a student centered philosophy. Therefore, any decisions will always derive from a whats best for kids mentality. I know the stakeholders in your district share a similar commitment and vision. Together, I envision a partnership, that builds on past achievements, invests in the core belief that ALL students can reach their full potential, and embraces a culture for learning that promotes positivity, critical thinking, collegiality, and inspiration. These principles are the foundation of the leadership I intend to employ. I am confident that my passion, skills, and experiences qualify me as an excellent candidate for an assistant principal, principal, or curriculum coordinator position. I bring a wide variety of skills and experiences including: Leadership roles: Elementary summer school principal in District 303 (2011 & 2012), active SIP team member at both middle and elementary school levels, facilitator of professional development during faculty meetings and SIP/Institute Days, and collaborator in new curriculum development (literacy & social studies). Exceptional communication skills that foster and develop interpersonal relationships with colleagues, students, and families. Employ the utilization of a collaborative model and mindset when working with colleagues, students, and families. Embrace conflict head on and seek solutionbased outcomes to remedy and improve any adverse situation involving colleagues, students, and families. Distinguished pedagogy which incorporates effective learning strategies and differentiated instructional practices to meet the needs of every learner. Diverse range of assessment tools that evaluate both formative and summative student learning progress. Proficient in use of technology based applications, especially Google, Microsoft, & Blackboard I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss an assistant principal, principal, or curriculum coordinator position with you. If you have questions or would like to schedule an interview, please contact me by phone at (847) 9512831 or by email at McGuire4teacher@yahoo.com. I have enclosed my resume for your review, and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Dr. Patrick McGuire