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February 油18, 油2014 油
Dear 油Sir 油or 油Madam: 油
This 油letter 油is 油in 油reference 油to 油Miss 油Brittney 油Danczyk 油and 油her 油application 油to 油your 油teaching 油position. 油I 油have 油
known 油Brittney 油for 油nearly 油four 油years 油and 油have 油met 油with 油her 油individually 油several 油times 油each 油semester 油as 油
her 油advisor 油in 油the 油TRiO 油Student 油Support 油Services 油Program. 油During 油that 油time, 油I 油have 油been 油able 油to 油witness 油
certain 油character 油qualities 油and 油strengths 油that 油will 油contribute 油to 油Brittney 油being 油a 油valuable 油part 油of 油your 油
school, 油including 油her 油care 油for 油young 油people, 油her 油excitement 油for 油learning, 油and 油her 油diligent 油work 油ethic. 油
Brittney 油has 油a 油deep 油desire 油to 油love 油people, 油especially 油youth, 油through 油guiding 油them 油through 油life 油and 油being 油
there 油when 油needed. 油She 油wants 油to 油see 油young 油people 油learn 油and 油grow. 油She 油would 油be 油the 油type 油of 油teacher 油
now 油the 油students 油individually 油and 油
teaching 油them 油life 油lessons. 油I 油have 油witnessed 油Brittney 油interacting 油with 油peers 油on 油campus 油during 油TRiO 油
cultural 油events. 油Brittney 油makes 油others 油feel 油comfortable. 油She 油laughs 油easily 油and 油lightens 油the 油atmosphere. 油
She 油puts 油people 油at 油ease, 油which 油I 油think 油is 油crucial 油in 油the 油education 油field. 油 油
Moreover, 油Brittney 油has 油an 油excitement 油and 油love 油for 油learning. 油
energy 油she 油has 油for 油learning 油and 油then 油teaching 油that 油to 油young 油people 油after 油returning 油to 油campus 油from 油a 油day 油
of 油student 油teaching. 油Brittney easy 油going 油and 油positive 油attitude 油will 油create 油an 油environment 油where 油students 油
question 油in 油front 油of 油the 油class. 油
Brittney 油will 油have 油a 油positive 油effect 油on 油the 油learning 油environment 油in 油her 油classroom. 油 油 油
Finally, 油Brittney 油has 油a 油diligent 油work 油ethic. 油She 油desires 油to 油do 油all 油tasks 油to 油the 油best 油of 油her 油ability 油and 油will 油work 油
diligently 油to 油meet 油her 油goals. 油The 油math 油education 油program 油has 油not 油been 油an 油easy 油road 油for 油her. 油She 油has 油
worked 油harder 油than 油any 油student 油I 油have 油met 油with 油to 油achieve 油her 油goals. 油She 油will 油be 油able 油to 油help 油students 油
evere 油through 油frustrations 油and 油
difficult 油lessons. 油Brittney 油will 油always 油see 油a 油task 油through 油to 油its 油end 油and 油work 油her 油hardest 油throughout 油the 油
process. 油Brittney 油has 油always 油been 油a 油reliable 油and 油hardworking 油student. 油
I 油believe 油that 油Brittney 油would 油be 油a 油wonderful 油asset 油to 油your 油school. 油She 油will 油continually 油strive 油for 油excellence 油
in 油whatever 油she 油does. 油Please 油do 油not 油hesitate 油to 油contact 油me 油if 油you 油would 油like 油further 油information. 油
Sincerely, 油
Heather 油Allen, 油M.A. 油
Assistant 油Director: 油TRiO 油SSS 油Program 油
Adjunct 油Faculty: 油Leadership 油Studies 油
Indiana 油Wesleyan 油University 油 油
heather.allen@indwes.edu 油

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Brittney Danczyk

letter of reference Heather Allen copy

  • 1. 油 油 油 油 February 油18, 油2014 油 油 油 油 Dear 油Sir 油or 油Madam: 油 油 This 油letter 油is 油in 油reference 油to 油Miss 油Brittney 油Danczyk 油and 油her 油application 油to 油your 油teaching 油position. 油I 油have 油 known 油Brittney 油for 油nearly 油four 油years 油and 油have 油met 油with 油her 油individually 油several 油times 油each 油semester 油as 油 her 油advisor 油in 油the 油TRiO 油Student 油Support 油Services 油Program. 油During 油that 油time, 油I 油have 油been 油able 油to 油witness 油 certain 油character 油qualities 油and 油strengths 油that 油will 油contribute 油to 油Brittney 油being 油a 油valuable 油part 油of 油your 油 school, 油including 油her 油care 油for 油young 油people, 油her 油excitement 油for 油learning, 油and 油her 油diligent 油work 油ethic. 油 油 Brittney 油has 油a 油deep 油desire 油to 油love 油people, 油especially 油youth, 油through 油guiding 油them 油through 油life 油and 油being 油 there 油when 油needed. 油She 油wants 油to 油see 油young 油people 油learn 油and 油grow. 油She 油would 油be 油the 油type 油of 油teacher 油 now 油the 油students 油individually 油and 油 teaching 油them 油life 油lessons. 油I 油have 油witnessed 油Brittney 油interacting 油with 油peers 油on 油campus 油during 油TRiO 油 cultural 油events. 油Brittney 油makes 油others 油feel 油comfortable. 油She 油laughs 油easily 油and 油lightens 油the 油atmosphere. 油 She 油puts 油people 油at 油ease, 油which 油I 油think 油is 油crucial 油in 油the 油education 油field. 油 油 油 Moreover, 油Brittney 油has 油an 油excitement 油and 油love 油for 油learning. 油 energy 油she 油has 油for 油learning 油and 油then 油teaching 油that 油to 油young 油people 油after 油returning 油to 油campus 油from 油a 油day 油 of 油student 油teaching. 油Brittney easy 油going 油and 油positive 油attitude 油will 油create 油an 油environment 油where 油students 油 question 油in 油front 油of 油the 油class. 油 Brittney 油will 油have 油a 油positive 油effect 油on 油the 油learning 油environment 油in 油her 油classroom. 油 油 油 油 Finally, 油Brittney 油has 油a 油diligent 油work 油ethic. 油She 油desires 油to 油do 油all 油tasks 油to 油the 油best 油of 油her 油ability 油and 油will 油work 油 diligently 油to 油meet 油her 油goals. 油The 油math 油education 油program 油has 油not 油been 油an 油easy 油road 油for 油her. 油She 油has 油 worked 油harder 油than 油any 油student 油I 油have 油met 油with 油to 油achieve 油her 油goals. 油She 油will 油be 油able 油to 油help 油students 油 evere 油through 油frustrations 油and 油 difficult 油lessons. 油Brittney 油will 油always 油see 油a 油task 油through 油to 油its 油end 油and 油work 油her 油hardest 油throughout 油the 油 process. 油Brittney 油has 油always 油been 油a 油reliable 油and 油hardworking 油student. 油 油 I 油believe 油that 油Brittney 油would 油be 油a 油wonderful 油asset 油to 油your 油school. 油She 油will 油continually 油strive 油for 油excellence 油 in 油whatever 油she 油does. 油Please 油do 油not 油hesitate 油to 油contact 油me 油if 油you 油would 油like 油further 油information. 油 油 Sincerely, 油 油 Heather 油Allen, 油M.A. 油 Assistant 油Director: 油TRiO 油SSS 油Program 油 Adjunct 油Faculty: 油Leadership 油Studies 油 Indiana 油Wesleyan 油University 油 油 heather.allen@indwes.edu 油