This letter certifies that Mohomed Hisham El-Pharis Shariff successfully completed the online course "Introduction to Applied Investing" from Canvas Network. The introductory course covered major investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, real estate, and alternative assets. It also addressed financial market history and operations, investment planning, and advanced topics including market timing, hedge funds, and private equity. The course was directed by Dr. David S. Krause of Marquette University.
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Letter ofcompletion2014 part51
1. July 7, 2014
Mohomed Hisham ElPharis Shariff
This signifies that the student has successfully completed all of the requirements of the Canvas Network online course:
Introduction to Applied Investing
This introductory course covered the major investment vehicles such as: common stock, bonds, real estate, and alternative
assets. The course also covered the history and operations of the financial markets, investment planning, and advanced
topics such as: market timing, hedge funds and private equity.
Dr. David S. Krause
Director, Applied Investment Management Program
Marquette University