Realize for Retirement: life was never static, a flat-line, a final curtain. Retirement too can be engaging, fulfilling, vital and vibrant to enjoy each stage. Concepts here to understand and enjoy Life Stages from early, mid, later retirement ...and to align wealth and income to secure your life and protect your dreams. DON'T live below your Dreams .... The right thinking, support, and vision can fulfill your dreams and safeguard your future. >>> See more also at Amazon, "A Lifetime Of Wealth -- And How Not To Lose It"
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Life Horizons -- Money Can Serve the Life You Want
1. Life Horizons
Money Can Serve
the Life You Want
Brian Weatherdon MA, CFP, CLU, CPCA
Author, Speaker, Financial Planner.
Aligning your Wealth & Life to overcome fears and
secure your income, lifestyle, & comfort to age 105
2. Was life ever a flat-line?
We were born, we grew.
Went to kindergarten, school, university.
Were single, married, changes continued...
Children grew, parents aged, never stopped.
One career, two careers, three careers, four.
Lifelong learning, continued development
3. Flat-line in Retirement?
Is retirement a final stage of life? Is this the
end, the green pasture, final hurrah, curtain?
If youve engaged a financial planner or used
retirement software, did you get a print-out
suggesting retirement is a single final time
with a fixed income from age 65 to death?
Is that how you really feel it should be?
5. Retirement Lifestyles You Choose
Would you phase your early steps into retirement?
Early retirement means recognizing and achieving
our bucket list goals and living our dreams while
we have maximum capacity to enjoy them
Mid-retirement can be a time of pictures & stories,
less travel, lower spending, peace and contentment.
Later senior years suggest high costs for health care,
personal comfort and dignity; higher needs then.
6. Who is helping you think this way?
Life coach / life planner?
Speaking with family members?
What example do you see in others?
What does advertising suggest to you?
How will you create your own life?
Video...Visioning your Retirement Lifestyle
7. Eg. Creating Life from your Pension
Getting the facts on your pension will be vital
so you can choose a fixed income pension or
consider a personalized arrangement which
will help you fulfill the lifestyle, freedom,
security and independence you want.
See & subscribe, Exit Strategies from a
8. Eg. Creating Life from your Business
Aligning your life dreams & financial resources
in a certified financial plan, you can unlock
values of business and related assets to secure
your life dreams through all future horizons.
See & subscribe... Exit Strategies for Business
9. Creating Life from Savings or Winnings
Long-term savings, inheritance, even winnings
could be source of capital you use to fund
your retirement dreams.
If inherited wealth or lottery winnings are
your base, be sure to read chapters 3 or 4 in
A Lifetime of Wealth and how not to lose
10. Dont live below your dreams!
We can align wealth with the life you choose.
Its vital to know youll have enough money
for all seasons, and never outlive it. Even
leave a residue for the family you love.
Life Income Mandates is a way to secure
lifelong income for the life you want to enjoy.
11. Sometimes you need more (or less)
Life isnt a flat-line. Opportunities and needs
change, dreams and desires are not static.
Income needs naturally change too.
Life Horizons Analysis helps align wealth and
income, with ongoing seasons of retirement,
and so provide what you value most in life.
See & subscribe:
12. Key questions to guide your future
What experiences do I most want to enjoy in
early retirement years?
Will my needs reduce in middle years? Will
they increase in later senior years?
How will my various sources of income assure
the overall comfort and enjoyment I want?
Who can I reach to evaluate my planning?
What resources can help me?
13. Resources to help get what you want
Experience this website to help focus on your
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A Lifetime Of Wealth And How Not To Lose It