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Innovative solutions    for todays retirement challenges! 08/24/09 Copyright 息 2009. UNFCU Financial Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved.
Todays Retirement Challenges Meeting the Challenge Retirement Solutions Overview Service Offering: IRA Rollovers Income Solutions 速 WelcomeHomeProgram Coming Soon! Resources Eligibility Features & Benefits Recent News Contents
Todays Retirement Challenges Improvements to healthcare and living standards has lead to an increase in the average life expectancy. People all over the world are living longer, healthier lives. They are also having fewer children. Increased life expectancy and falling fertility rates has lead to an imbalance in the number of retirees dependent upon social security programs and a decrease in the number of working age people funding them. Unless governments reform and individuals take more responsibility for their retirement income, realizing the true benefits of the golden years could be more difficult to achieve 1 . Government reform aside, individuals need access to retirement income solutions from the institutions they trust most, Credit Unions. 1 AARP,  Financing Retirement: Preparing Today for the Challenges of Tomorrow
Meeting the Challenge The need for Credit Unions to offer comprehensive retirement income planning has never been greater. According to AARP 1 , 97% of their members list  developing a retirement income plan  as one of their most important goals. However, 68%  don't believe their existing advisors are experts in this area, and they will need to search for one who is .  What are you doing to meet the retirement income needs of your members?  As experts in financial and retirement income planning, weve developed an innovative and comprehensive retirement solutions program to address the financial needs of todays retirees. UNFCU | Financial Advisors is proud to introduce Retirement Solutions  .  A turn-key program that allows Credit Unions to provide these services directly to your members.  1 AARP,  marketing association for people over 50
Overview Retirement Solutions is an innovative program that features products and services specifically designed to help current and future retirees maximize their assets. Were committed to providing valuable and relevant solutions that address todays retirement income challenges. Whether it's helping members with their employer rollovers, creating  sustainable income or assisting with real estate transactions, Retirement Solutions  helps retirees make the most of their hard earned savings.  All programs are overseen and supported by our licensed investment, insurance and real estate advisors or your qualified staff. Give your members access to these same opportunities today!
Service Offering The Retirement Solutions   Program features a select group of products and services chosen to deliver the greatest consumer value and meet our high standards. The following services are available to clients and partners of UNFCU | Financial Advisors: IRA Rollovers Income Solutions 速 WelcomeHomeProgram Coming Soon!  more valuable solutions for your members
IRA Rollovers A Great Start For Retirement Income Planning Member Benefits Creates a foundation for retirement income planning Retirees are faced with many important financial decisions. One of the most critical involves deciding what to do with their retirement accounts at work. This process can seem daunting and downright confusing.  Additionally, members can accumulate accounts at various financial institutions, or leave money behind with a previous employer.  These issues represent a significant opportunity for your Credit Union. Become the trusted resource for employer rollover distribution and consolidation and youll increase IRA deposit balances while putting members in a great position to start their retirement income planning.  Credit Union Benefits Increase IRA deposit balances Increase assets under management Become the At Retirement Resource
Income Solutions 速 A Paycheck for Life! The perfect solution for retirees who are concerned about outliving their assets or want to ensure theyll have sufficient income for the duration of their retirement.  Income Solutions is a lifetime income program that allows members to convert (annuitize) a portion of their 401k, IRA or other Qualified Plan account into a monthly paycheck for life. This simple process involves an immediate annuity, which provides guaranteed income for life. Traditional retail annuities have higher commissions and fees than Income Solutions annuities. Discounted group pricing and reduced internal costs and savings are passed on to your members in the form of higher monthly income. Member Benefits Higher monthly income Discounted Group Pricing Competitive quotes from up to 10 Carriers Accessible through a financial advisor OR online. Credit Union Benefits Generate Fee Income  Easy Integration Co-branding Opportunity Become the At Retirement Resource
Retire Your Real Estate Concerns WelcomeHomeProgram is a multi-faceted, national service that offers assistance with buying, selling and financing real estate as well as relocation and rental services and resources. For the retiree, this program will save time and money and insure a smooth transition.  WelcomeHomeProgram is a FREE service that offers many benefits. Personal Real Estate consultants evaluate needs and wants while guiding members through the process of buying or selling. Members receive recommendations on trusted real estate agents from national brokers as well as information about communities and quality of life in the areas that their considering. Once a member closes on a home, they'll receive cash-back (up to $2,400!) based on the sale or purchase price the home simply for using a recommended agent.  Member Benefits FREE Save time & money Work with trusted agents Cash back bonus Discounts Convenience Credit Union Benefits Increase Mortgage Sales Generate Fee Income No Start-up Cost Easy Integration Co-branding Opportunity Become the At Retirement Resource
Resources In addition to the innovative products and services,  Retirement Solutions  offers resources such as: Links to helpful government agencies, healthcare and non-profit organizations Budget worksheets Essential forms and paperwork check lists to help retirees stay organized and prepared  Easy access to qualified financial advisors    And more!
Eligibility The products and services offered in the Retirement Solutions   Platform are exclusive and available to UNFCU | Financial Advisors credit union partners members and employees.
Features & Benefits Offers your members innovative products and services they cannot get anywhere else  Increases IRA deposit balances and helps members plan their retirement income  Establish your credit union as the At-Retirement resource for members and prospective members   Offer members a FREE, convenient and professional real estate resource that will save  them time and money  Enhance membership value and increase loyalty by offering members and employees access to these new products and services  Programs and services are accessible through an advisor or online  Easily integrates into your existing service offering. Adopt the complete Retirement Solutions  platform or select individual programs  In addition to access and flexibility, partners can take advantage of co-branding opportunities and turn-key marketing solutions
Recent News Steve Ryerson, President of UNFCU | Financial Advisors, has presented  on  Retirement Income Planning & Solutions  at the following conferences: Details: March 2, 2009油 2009 Annual BISA Convention Hollywood, FL May 2, 2009  NACUSO Conference Las Vegas, NV
Contact Us Stephen Ryerson President T + 1-212-324-3901 F + 1-212-324-3991 C + 1-917-254-9337 [email_address] Please visit  www.ezretirementsolutions.com  to learn about our innovative Retirement Solutions! UNFCU Financial Advisors, LLC 24-01 44 th  Road Long Island City, NY 11101 www.unfcuadvisors.com

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Retirement Solutions

  • 1. Innovative solutions for todays retirement challenges! 08/24/09 Copyright 息 2009. UNFCU Financial Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 2. Todays Retirement Challenges Meeting the Challenge Retirement Solutions Overview Service Offering: IRA Rollovers Income Solutions 速 WelcomeHomeProgram Coming Soon! Resources Eligibility Features & Benefits Recent News Contents
  • 3. Todays Retirement Challenges Improvements to healthcare and living standards has lead to an increase in the average life expectancy. People all over the world are living longer, healthier lives. They are also having fewer children. Increased life expectancy and falling fertility rates has lead to an imbalance in the number of retirees dependent upon social security programs and a decrease in the number of working age people funding them. Unless governments reform and individuals take more responsibility for their retirement income, realizing the true benefits of the golden years could be more difficult to achieve 1 . Government reform aside, individuals need access to retirement income solutions from the institutions they trust most, Credit Unions. 1 AARP, Financing Retirement: Preparing Today for the Challenges of Tomorrow
  • 4. Meeting the Challenge The need for Credit Unions to offer comprehensive retirement income planning has never been greater. According to AARP 1 , 97% of their members list developing a retirement income plan as one of their most important goals. However, 68% don't believe their existing advisors are experts in this area, and they will need to search for one who is . What are you doing to meet the retirement income needs of your members? As experts in financial and retirement income planning, weve developed an innovative and comprehensive retirement solutions program to address the financial needs of todays retirees. UNFCU | Financial Advisors is proud to introduce Retirement Solutions . A turn-key program that allows Credit Unions to provide these services directly to your members. 1 AARP, marketing association for people over 50
  • 5. Overview Retirement Solutions is an innovative program that features products and services specifically designed to help current and future retirees maximize their assets. Were committed to providing valuable and relevant solutions that address todays retirement income challenges. Whether it's helping members with their employer rollovers, creating sustainable income or assisting with real estate transactions, Retirement Solutions helps retirees make the most of their hard earned savings. All programs are overseen and supported by our licensed investment, insurance and real estate advisors or your qualified staff. Give your members access to these same opportunities today!
  • 6. Service Offering The Retirement Solutions Program features a select group of products and services chosen to deliver the greatest consumer value and meet our high standards. The following services are available to clients and partners of UNFCU | Financial Advisors: IRA Rollovers Income Solutions 速 WelcomeHomeProgram Coming Soon! more valuable solutions for your members
  • 7. IRA Rollovers A Great Start For Retirement Income Planning Member Benefits Creates a foundation for retirement income planning Retirees are faced with many important financial decisions. One of the most critical involves deciding what to do with their retirement accounts at work. This process can seem daunting and downright confusing. Additionally, members can accumulate accounts at various financial institutions, or leave money behind with a previous employer. These issues represent a significant opportunity for your Credit Union. Become the trusted resource for employer rollover distribution and consolidation and youll increase IRA deposit balances while putting members in a great position to start their retirement income planning. Credit Union Benefits Increase IRA deposit balances Increase assets under management Become the At Retirement Resource
  • 8. Income Solutions 速 A Paycheck for Life! The perfect solution for retirees who are concerned about outliving their assets or want to ensure theyll have sufficient income for the duration of their retirement. Income Solutions is a lifetime income program that allows members to convert (annuitize) a portion of their 401k, IRA or other Qualified Plan account into a monthly paycheck for life. This simple process involves an immediate annuity, which provides guaranteed income for life. Traditional retail annuities have higher commissions and fees than Income Solutions annuities. Discounted group pricing and reduced internal costs and savings are passed on to your members in the form of higher monthly income. Member Benefits Higher monthly income Discounted Group Pricing Competitive quotes from up to 10 Carriers Accessible through a financial advisor OR online. Credit Union Benefits Generate Fee Income Easy Integration Co-branding Opportunity Become the At Retirement Resource
  • 9. Retire Your Real Estate Concerns WelcomeHomeProgram is a multi-faceted, national service that offers assistance with buying, selling and financing real estate as well as relocation and rental services and resources. For the retiree, this program will save time and money and insure a smooth transition. WelcomeHomeProgram is a FREE service that offers many benefits. Personal Real Estate consultants evaluate needs and wants while guiding members through the process of buying or selling. Members receive recommendations on trusted real estate agents from national brokers as well as information about communities and quality of life in the areas that their considering. Once a member closes on a home, they'll receive cash-back (up to $2,400!) based on the sale or purchase price the home simply for using a recommended agent. Member Benefits FREE Save time & money Work with trusted agents Cash back bonus Discounts Convenience Credit Union Benefits Increase Mortgage Sales Generate Fee Income No Start-up Cost Easy Integration Co-branding Opportunity Become the At Retirement Resource
  • 10. Resources In addition to the innovative products and services, Retirement Solutions offers resources such as: Links to helpful government agencies, healthcare and non-profit organizations Budget worksheets Essential forms and paperwork check lists to help retirees stay organized and prepared Easy access to qualified financial advisors And more!
  • 11. Eligibility The products and services offered in the Retirement Solutions Platform are exclusive and available to UNFCU | Financial Advisors credit union partners members and employees.
  • 12. Features & Benefits Offers your members innovative products and services they cannot get anywhere else Increases IRA deposit balances and helps members plan their retirement income Establish your credit union as the At-Retirement resource for members and prospective members Offer members a FREE, convenient and professional real estate resource that will save them time and money Enhance membership value and increase loyalty by offering members and employees access to these new products and services Programs and services are accessible through an advisor or online Easily integrates into your existing service offering. Adopt the complete Retirement Solutions platform or select individual programs In addition to access and flexibility, partners can take advantage of co-branding opportunities and turn-key marketing solutions
  • 13. Recent News Steve Ryerson, President of UNFCU | Financial Advisors, has presented on Retirement Income Planning & Solutions at the following conferences: Details: March 2, 2009油 2009 Annual BISA Convention Hollywood, FL May 2, 2009 NACUSO Conference Las Vegas, NV
  • 14. Contact Us Stephen Ryerson President T + 1-212-324-3901 F + 1-212-324-3991 C + 1-917-254-9337 [email_address] Please visit www.ezretirementsolutions.com to learn about our innovative Retirement Solutions! UNFCU Financial Advisors, LLC 24-01 44 th Road Long Island City, NY 11101 www.unfcuadvisors.com