This children's book tells the story of an unusual pear and his lightning bug friend who go on numerous adventures together and risk their lives. Throughout the plot, the pear lives in a magical realm where a villain tries to catch him for the owner of a fruit factory. The story follows the pear's emotional ups and downs and leaves the readers feeling positive and satisfied by the end. It is an entertaining tale for both children and adults that shows the author's vivid imagination through its detailed descriptions, lively characters, humor, and themes of compassion and friendship.
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Liana Metal Greece
1. Fiscal Pear and Shimmer in the Call of River Whale
Olivia Brooks-Scrivanich
2008, ISBN: 9781419695896
Paperback, pp. 92, US $14.99
Highly Recommended
Reviewed by Liana Metal
Olivia Brooks-Scrivanich is a new writer living with her
husband in Washington. Learn more about her at
This childrens book is a wonderful story about an unusual pear
and his friend who is a lightning bug. They have numerous
adventures and risk their lives till the end of the story where
the author allows readers to feel positive and satisfied. In this
story the readers will meet the good characters and the bad
ones, as in everyday life, and follow closely the pears
adventures and his emotional ups and downs throughout the
plot. The pear lives in a magic realm where a villain tries to
catch him on behalf of the owner of a fruit factory. What is
going to happen to him and his friend?
The story is entertaining for both children and adults and there
is ample humor scattered in the dialogue, as well as elements
of compassion and feelings of friendship. It is a fantasy tale
that shows clearly the vivid imagination of the author and her
writing skills that include detailed description, live characters
and a good sense of humor. Get the book from