This document summarizes the results of Santa Clara University Library's 2018 LibQual survey. It discusses:
1) An overview of the LibQual survey, which measures patron needs and satisfaction across affect of service, information control, and library as place.
2) A multi-year analysis showing SCU Library has improved scores across most questions and narrowed the gap between desired and perceived service levels over time.
3) A user group analysis finding that faculty value information control and affect of service most and are least satisfied with independent information access. Graduate students also value affect of service but are least satisfied with library space, while undergraduates prioritize library space and independent resource use.
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More Related Content
LibQual 2018 Public Presentation
1. Telling Our Story:
LibQual 2018
Nicole Branch, Associate University Librarian, Learning & Engagement
Melanie Sellar, Head of Instruction & Assessment
Santa Clara University / March 2019
2. Order of
1. About the Survey
2. Analyzing Our Results
User Groups
3. Summaries & Conclusions
4. In Brief
ARL survey tool
First administered in 2000
SCU: 2003, 2006, 2009, 2014, 2018
Measures patron needs & satisfaction in 3 categories:
Affect of Service (AS)
Information Control (IC)
Library as Place (LP)
5. How It Measures
1 95
Patrons rate a service Q on a 1-9 scale:
minimum level of service theyd accept
desired level of service theyd like
perceived level of service of how were doing
6. Lets Try It Out
IC 6: Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find
things on my own. On a scale of 1-9 what is the:
minimum level of service youd accept
desired level of service youd like
perceived level of service of how were doing
12. Perceived vs. Desired
Scored higher on 20 out of 22 questions
for perceived quality
Narrowed the gap between desired and
perceived for 21 out of 22 questions
13. Perceived
Mean- 2018
Mean- 2014
Mean- 2009
Employees who instill confidence in users
Giving users individual attention
Employees who are consistently courteous
Readiness to respond to users' questions
Employees who have the knowledge to
answer user questions
Employees who deal with users in a caring
Employees who understand the needs of
their users
Willingness to help users
Dependability in handling users' service
Aspect of Service
14. Library as Place
Mean- 2018
Mean- 2014
Mean- 2009
Library space that inspires study and learning
Quiet space for individual activities
A comfortable and inviting location
A getaway for study, learning, or research
Community space for group learning and group
15. Information Control
Mean- 2018
Mean- 2014
Mean- 2009
Making electronic resources accessible from
my home or office
A library Web site enabling me to locate
information on my own
The printed library materials I need for my
The electronic information resources I need
Modern equipment that lets me easily access
needed information
Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to
find things on my own
Making information easily accessible for
independent use
Print and/or electronic journal collections I
require for my work
18. 2b. User Group Analysis
What do different user groups say?
19. User Group Analysis
Driving Questions:
How do faculty, grad students, and undergrads differ?
Are we meeting their different expectations?
20. Which Services Do Faculty Value the Most?
Library as Place Information Control Affect of Service
21. How Do Faculty Perceive Were Doing?
Library as Place Information Control Affect of Service
22. What Did We Learn?
Faculty have high expectations of the library
(particularly IC & AS). We do well in meeting a lot
of those expectations.
Doing well
Exceed desired expectations for many Affect
of Service and Library as Place (7 Qs)
Exceed minimum expectations for other Affect
of Service & Library as Place
Exceeding minimum for 4 ICs
Most happy overall with Affect of Service.
Needs attention
Do not meet their minimum expectation for
IC in 4 areas (mainly related to indept use)
23. Which Services Do Grad Students Value the Most?
Library as Place Information Control Affect of Service
24. How Do Grads Perceive Were Doing?
Library as Place Information Control Affect of Service
25. What Did We Learn?
Graduate students have increasingly high
expectations of the library (but not quite as much as
faculty). Particularly for certain AS and for LP.
Doing well
We meet their minimum expectations for all 22
service questions.
They are particularly happy with AS and
specifically AS 5: knowledgeable employees.
Needs attention
We do not exceed any desired expectations.
In particular, they are least happy with Library
as Place (all 5 Qs).
26. Which Services Do Undergrads Value the Most?
Library as Place Information Control Affect of Service
27. How do Undergrads Perceive Were Doing?
Library as Place Information Control Affect of Service
28. What Did We Learn?
Undergrads really care about Library as Place and
using resources independently. Less focused on
Affect of Service than faculty and grads.
Doing well
We exceed their minimum expectations in all
areas (22 Qs).
They are most happy with IC3: having printed
materials they need for their work.
Needs attention
We do not exceed any desired expectations.
Least happy with Library as Place, all 5 Qs.
Disaggregate by year to get more refined data?
30. What Does It All Mean?
Overall, SCU is doing very well:
Consistent pattern of improvement
Affect of Service area particularly high
Overall satisfaction consistently improving
Overall, SCU users expect a lot:
They have high desired means
We exceed their minimum 94% of the time
We exceed their desired 11% of the time (faculty)
We dont meet their minimum 6% of the time (faculty)
But users are not the same. Gave us some strong opinions.
Were improving over the years, but still room to grow.