Powerpoint presentation on the Top 10 Library Marketing Resources by LIS 2830 students Kimberly Collett, Wendy Coolidge, Kirsten DeMoss, Judith Jones, Kim McGrath, and Jill Morse (Spring 2011).
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Library Marketing Resources
1. Library Marketing ResourcesKimberly CollettWendy CoolidgeKirsten DeMossJudith JonesKim McGrathJill Morse O’RourkeFebruary 14, 2011LIS 2830: Marketing & Public Relations for Libraries
2. What are Library Marketing Resources?Library Marketing Resources are tools that a librarian can use to learn ways to engage the community; to create programming; and to promote that programming, staff, and other resources and services.
3. Key Issues in Library Marketing Resources:The differences in resources are minimal between different types of libraries. A librarian needs to tailor the informationfound in a resource to fit his or her particular library’s needs.“The key is to make our library services relevant to each group of potential users.” http://www.infotoday.com/mls/apr98/howto.htm
4. A Good Marketing Resource will Include Information on …Gathering community Data by doing an Environmental Scan; surveying patrons and the community at large; SWOT AnalysisItems included in a Marketing Plan such as Executive Summary; Environmental Scan; Marketing Goals and Objectives; Marketing Strategy; Action Plan; a Budget; and an Evaluation
5. A Good Marketing Resource will Include Information on …Relationship Marketing: building relationships between the library and its communityDonor MarketingVoter Marketing
6. A Look at Our Resources:The Accidental Library Marketer by Kathy DempseyIncludes information on assessments, using community demographics, and everyday promotions versus marketing.
11. Library Marketing That Works! By Suzanne WaltersIncludes information on fundraising concepts, web marketing, market research, and basic marketing plan elements.
12. Bite-Sized Marketing: Realistic Solutions for the Over-Worked Librarian by Nancy Dowd, Mary Evangeliste, and Jonathan SilbermanThis book covers many concepts of marketing but stresses the importance of word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM).
15. Building a Buzz: Libraries & Word-of Mouth Marketing by Peggy Barber & Linda WallaceAnother resource that stresses the importance of WOMM.
16. One More Reason Why Marketing is Important …“Effective marketing of excellent library services leads to better library support.” http://www.skyways.org/KSL/development/marketingthesmalllibrary.pdf