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Andrew Smith
  Molly Wiley
 Andrea Pucillo
Chelsae Partosan
Kelsey Fitzpatrick
 Laura Traverse
  Pete Grendal
 26 Students in Professor Hoyles Marketing on the
 Internet Class were asked to analyze the current
 Library Facebook page and to recommend

 The slides which follow present an analysis of the
 Facebook Page, other College Facebook pages, and
 proposed Recommendations and Implementation.
 Library Objectives

 Analysis of Present Facebook Page

 Analysis of Area College Facebook Pages

 Recommended Changes to Assumption College
 Facebook Page

 Questions and Comments
Library Objectives
 Make Product/Services offered through the Library as
  accessible as possible through various Internet mediums.

 Target Markets Include:

   1. Students

   2. Faculty

   3. Surrounding Community
Library Powerpoint   Mkt 326 Final
Library Powerpoint   Mkt 326 Final
Positive Features
 These areas draw students and faculty to the Page.

    Hours are listed.

    Current Book Sales.

    Links to the Website and other Assumption web pages are provided.

    Posting of Events
      Art Shows
      Poetry Readings

    Live Chat added a year ago.

    Overall, the page is easy to navigate.
Improved Features
 These are areas that should be maintained, but need

 Suggested Improved Features
       Post more status updates to keep the page with a fresh feel.

       Post more events and contests

       Add new pictures of students interacting and studying .

       Change the profile picture occasionally.
Improved Features (Cont.)
 New Features

   Have a Joke of the Day posted daily.

   Provide Incentives for Likes and Checking In to the library.
     Dunkin Donuts, Assumption Bookstore.

   Add Multi-media How to videos and classes.

   Academic Support Center Partnership.
     List all tutor hours and subjects
Negative Features
 These are area that are unnecessary and should be

   Delete the majority of library and faculty pictures because
    they do not relate to the students.

   Administrators should not update Facebook.
     Student concern of privacy.

   Remove irrelevant Facebook status updates that do
    not concern the students.
Library Powerpoint   Mkt 326 Final
College Sites Reviewed
        College           Social Media Used
   Assumption College          Facebook
        Babson                 Facebook
        Bentley         Facebook, School Twitter
    Boston University          Facebook
        Brandeis                 None
    Clark University           Facebook
        Emerson            Facebook, Twitter
       Holy Cross          Facebook, Twitter
General Statistics
      College         Facebook Likes   Twitter
    Assumption                 101          0
      Babson                   66           0
      Bentley                  186          251
  Boston University            386          0
      Brandeis                  0           0
  Clark University             19           0
      Emerson                  226          611
     Holy Cross                87           0
Common Positive Features for
            Other Schools
 Pictures of Students
    Students studying
    Students using the computers and books to conduct research
    Students interacting with each other
    Students interacting with the Librarians

 Comments and blogs are made by students and librarians.

 Status updates are constantly posted.
    Change in hours of operation
    New and upcoming events

 Other Media Outlets are used.
      Twitter, Foursquare
Common Positive Features (Cont.)
 Map of Location is provided.

 There are Database links, eJournal links, and citation

 Live Chat Options are provided.

 Incentives: Free Coffee During Finals
Library Powerpoint   Mkt 326 Final
 Provide a student focus!!!

 Use Houndmail and Portal as an alternative contact for both students
  and faculty.

 Use the library chat option on Facebook chat vs. website.

 Offer citation guides and helpful resources for students after hours.

 Provide student incentives throughout the semester to stop by the
    Likes through Facebook
    Checking in on Foursquare
Recommendations (Cont.)
 New Social Media
                : Updates on the Library that can directly
                    link to their Facebook
                : Offer incentives for checking in at
                    the library.
 Create a Freshmen group for each incoming Assumption
    Find roommates, start chats, make friends, etc.
 Contact surrounding schools for art shows            and
  poetry readings.
Add Nearby Places
 How can these recommendations be put into action?

   Allow Work study Students to handle the social media
    operations of the Library.

   Create an Internship / Social Media program.

   Student-run social media will be overseen by a
    Library supervisor.
Questions and Comments

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Library Powerpoint Mkt 326 Final

  • 1. Andrew Smith Molly Wiley Andrea Pucillo Chelsae Partosan Kelsey Fitzpatrick Laura Traverse Pete Grendal
  • 2. Background 26 Students in Professor Hoyles Marketing on the Internet Class were asked to analyze the current Library Facebook page and to recommend improvements. The slides which follow present an analysis of the Facebook Page, other College Facebook pages, and proposed Recommendations and Implementation.
  • 3. Agenda Library Objectives Analysis of Present Facebook Page Analysis of Area College Facebook Pages Recommended Changes to Assumption College Facebook Page Questions and Comments
  • 4. Library Objectives Make Product/Services offered through the Library as accessible as possible through various Internet mediums. Target Markets Include: 1. Students 2. Faculty 3. Surrounding Community
  • 7. Positive Features These areas draw students and faculty to the Page. Hours are listed. Current Book Sales. Links to the Website and other Assumption web pages are provided. Posting of Events Art Shows Poetry Readings Live Chat added a year ago. Overall, the page is easy to navigate.
  • 8. Improved Features These are areas that should be maintained, but need upgrades. Suggested Improved Features Post more status updates to keep the page with a fresh feel. Post more events and contests Add new pictures of students interacting and studying . Change the profile picture occasionally.
  • 9. Improved Features (Cont.) New Features Have a Joke of the Day posted daily. Provide Incentives for Likes and Checking In to the library. Dunkin Donuts, Assumption Bookstore. Add Multi-media How to videos and classes. Academic Support Center Partnership. List all tutor hours and subjects
  • 10. Negative Features These are area that are unnecessary and should be removed. Delete the majority of library and faculty pictures because they do not relate to the students. Administrators should not update Facebook. Student concern of privacy. Remove irrelevant Facebook status updates that do not concern the students.
  • 12. College Sites Reviewed College Social Media Used Assumption College Facebook Babson Facebook Bentley Facebook, School Twitter Boston University Facebook Brandeis None Clark University Facebook Emerson Facebook, Twitter Holy Cross Facebook, Twitter
  • 13. General Statistics College Facebook Likes Twitter Assumption 101 0 College Babson 66 0 Bentley 186 251 Boston University 386 0 Brandeis 0 0 Clark University 19 0 Emerson 226 611 Holy Cross 87 0
  • 14. Common Positive Features for Other Schools Pictures of Students Students studying Students using the computers and books to conduct research Students interacting with each other Students interacting with the Librarians Comments and blogs are made by students and librarians. Status updates are constantly posted. Change in hours of operation New and upcoming events Other Media Outlets are used. Twitter, Foursquare
  • 15. Common Positive Features (Cont.) Map of Location is provided. There are Database links, eJournal links, and citation guides. Live Chat Options are provided. Incentives: Free Coffee During Finals
  • 17. Recommendations Provide a student focus!!! Use Houndmail and Portal as an alternative contact for both students and faculty. Use the library chat option on Facebook chat vs. website. Offer citation guides and helpful resources for students after hours. Provide student incentives throughout the semester to stop by the library. Likes through Facebook Checking in on Foursquare
  • 18. Recommendations (Cont.) New Social Media : Updates on the Library that can directly link to their Facebook : Offer incentives for checking in at the library. Create a Freshmen group for each incoming Assumption class Find roommates, start chats, make friends, etc. Incentive-Based Contact surrounding schools for art shows and poetry readings.
  • 20. Implementation How can these recommendations be put into action? Allow Work study Students to handle the social media operations of the Library. Create an Internship / Social Media program. Student-run social media will be overseen by a Library supervisor.