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Licensing Windows For Virtual Desktops Customer Ready V1 0
Licensing Windows For Virtual Desktops Customer Ready V1 0
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Licensing Windows For Virtual Desktops Customer Ready V1 0
Virtual Desktop
                   Users have access to virtual Windows running on a server from authorized
                   devices, including thin clients.

VM on Contractor
                   IT can provide managed desktops to non-managed third party owned
  or Employee
                   Windows PCs.
  Owned PCs

     VM on
                   Virtual copies of Windows provided on media such as USB / DVD.
 Portable Media

Remote Boot VM     Create and store a Windows image on a storage device, such as a network
  from Network     server, which may be run over an internal network locally in physical or
 Storage Device    virtual operating system environments.

   Blade PCs       Multiple users are accessing blade PC with a single copy of Windows
                   physically installed per blade.

                   A central copy of the OS is streamed down for local execution on
 OS Streaming      a device.
Licensing Windows For Virtual Desktops Customer Ready V1 0
? VECD for SA will be included in SA
                                         ? SA customers can now deploy desktops
                                           anywhere, locally or in the datacenter
                                         ? SA customers will have all VECD for SA
                                           benefits, including roaming rights

                                         ? License your Windows VM for access from thin
                                           clients, third party, and non-Windows-based devices
                                         ? A device-based subscription
                                         ? $100/year/device
                                         ? Primary user has extended roaming rights
                                         ? Software Assurance benefits for Windows

Contact your Microsoft representative for more details on how to avail of this offer today
Every Device Accessing the VDI Infrastructure Needs to Be Licensed

                          Microsoft VDI Suite          Licensing for Windows client OS
                         (Standard / Premium)                   included in SA

PCs Under SA           Licensing for Server and
                     Management Infrastructure only

                          Microsoft VDI Suite                 Windows VDA
                          (Standard / Premium)        (Windows Virtual Desktop Access

 Thin Clients/          Licensing for Server and       Licensing for Windows client OS
Non-SA Devices         Management Infrastructure
Windows VDA

                  What devices can be covered?
                                                                       Thin clients, third party
                        Is Software Assurance
                            a pre-requisite?

                        What is the retail price?                          $100/year/device

                           Does it have
                   Software Assurance benefits?

 Total number of Windows
  VDA Licenses Required                             Total number of Devices not Qualified for Windows
                                                          Client SA Accessing Virtual Environment
(Irrespective of virtualization infrastructure)
What you expect from         Improved                     Increased                     Additional
 your virtual desktop   Business Continuity            Desktop Flexibility                Value

                        ?   Install Windows        ?    Access corporate         ? Unlimited backups
                            on any combination          desktop images             of both running
                            of hardware and             from non-corporate         and stored VMs
                            storage                     Windows PCs              ? Includes SA benefits
                        ?   Unlimited movement     ?    Single VDA license         such as 24*7 call
                            between servers             allows concurrent          support, training
´and how Windows            and storage                 access for up to 4 VMs     vouchers, access to
 VDA / SA delivers      ?   Reassignment rights    ?    Roam outside the           Enterprise versions of
                            to another device           corporate network C        Windows, etc
                            after 90 days, or in        access desktop from      ? Option to purchase
                            case of endpoint            non-corporate devices      MDOP and WinFLP
                            failure                ?    Dynamic desktop
                                                        licensing enabled
                                                        through KMS/
                                                        MAK activation
Windows Client
                                                SA                Windows VDA

   VDI using PCs as access devices

 VDI with thin clients as access devices

VM on Contractor / Employee Owned PCs

         VM on Portable Media

 Remote Boot VM from Network Storage

               Blade PCs

                                                    Recommended           Valid
Licensing Windows For Virtual Desktops Customer Ready V1 0
License Requirement

                                             No additional licensing

100 PCs with
                  80 Users          50 VMs

                                             ? If PCs are already covered
                                               with SA, no additional
 My company has 100 corporate PCs              licensing is required
 covered under SA that need to access
 our VDI environment. However, we only       ? If PCs cannot upgrade to
 have 80 users and only 50 VMs are used        SA, 100 Windows VDA
 at any one time.                              licenses
Shift 1
                Shift 2
                Shift 3                       License Requirement

                                              No additional licensing

100 PCs with
                  300 Users         150 VMs

                                              ? If PCs are already covered
                                                with SA, no additional
My company has 100 PCs with SA, with            licensing is required
300 workers accessing our VDI
environment in shifts. At any time, 150       ? If PCs cannot upgrade to
VMs are being accessed using VDI.               SA, 100 Windows VDA
License Requirement

                                                      100 Windows VDA

100 PCs with   100 Thin
                           100 Users      150 VMs
     SA         Clients


                                                    ? 100 thin clients, 100
                                                      Windows VDA licenses
My company has 100 PCs and 100 thin
clients using VDI. Only 100 devices are             ? 100 PCs are already
used at a time, and access 100 VMs                    covered with SA, no
running Windows Vista or Windows XP.                  additional licenses required
License Requirement

                                                                          No additional Windows
                                                                              VDA Licenses
      100 Employees                              Occasional
     (each a named user of                      Home Access
       VDI device at work)

                                                                          VDA licenses include home
                                                                          use rights for the primary
My company has 100 employees who are the                                  (^named ̄) user of a
primary users of 100 thin clients covered under                           company-owned PC
Windows VDA at work. These employees                                      covered under VDA.
occasionally work from home and access the                                ? Employee is a primary
corporate VMs via VDI from their home machine                               user of VDA device at
(employee-owned) .                                                          work, no additional VDA
                                                                          ? Employee is not a primary
Note                                                                        user of VDA device at
For Microsoft Office application use at home, you must have a Microsoft     work, 100 Windows VDA
Office license with SA coverage and register for Home Use Rights at no      licenses
additional cost.
License Requirement

                                            100 Windows VDA
    100 Employees            Full Time
   (use work machines       Home Access
       from home)

                                          These non-corporate
                                          devices will have to be
My company has 100 employees who work
from home and will access corporate VMs   ? 100 employee owned
via VDI from their authorized device at     PCs, 100 VDA licenses
home.                                       required
License Requirement

                                                 300 Windows VDA
                                                  for SA Licenses

      100 Users
                            300 thin clients

                                               VDA is a device based
My company has 300 thin clients that need      ? 300 devices accessing
to access our VDI environment.                   VDI, 300 VDA licenses
However, we only have 100 users and only
50 VMs are used at any one time.
License Requirement

                                                  100 Windows VDA
    100 Contractors           100 Contractors
      Jan - June                June - Dec

                                                Each contractor-owned PC
                                                will require a Windows VDA
My company has 100 contractors who are          license, which comes with
working for 6 months, and then 100 different    90-day permanent
contractors are employed for the other 6        reassignment rights.
months. Each contractor will have one PC        ? 100 contractor PCs
(owned by the contractor) to access our           accessing VDI, 100
corporate VMs via VDI.                            Windows VDA licenses
Licensing Windows For Virtual Desktops Customer Ready V1 0

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Licensing Windows For Virtual Desktops Customer Ready V1 0

  • 1. 1
  • 6. Virtual Desktop Users have access to virtual Windows running on a server from authorized Infrastructure devices, including thin clients. (VDI) VM on Contractor IT can provide managed desktops to non-managed third party owned or Employee Windows PCs. Owned PCs VM on Virtual copies of Windows provided on media such as USB / DVD. Portable Media Remote Boot VM Create and store a Windows image on a storage device, such as a network from Network server, which may be run over an internal network locally in physical or Storage Device virtual operating system environments. Blade PCs Multiple users are accessing blade PC with a single copy of Windows physically installed per blade. A central copy of the OS is streamed down for local execution on OS Streaming a device.
  • 8. ? VECD for SA will be included in SA ? SA customers can now deploy desktops anywhere, locally or in the datacenter ? SA customers will have all VECD for SA benefits, including roaming rights ? License your Windows VM for access from thin clients, third party, and non-Windows-based devices ? A device-based subscription ? $100/year/device ? Primary user has extended roaming rights ? Software Assurance benefits for Windows Contact your Microsoft representative for more details on how to avail of this offer today
  • 9. Every Device Accessing the VDI Infrastructure Needs to Be Licensed Microsoft VDI Suite Licensing for Windows client OS (Standard / Premium) included in SA PCs Under SA Licensing for Server and Management Infrastructure only Microsoft VDI Suite Windows VDA (Standard / Premium) (Windows Virtual Desktop Access Thin Clients/ Licensing for Server and Licensing for Windows client OS Non-SA Devices Management Infrastructure
  • 10. Windows VDA What devices can be covered? Thin clients, third party devices Is Software Assurance a pre-requisite? No What is the retail price? $100/year/device Does it have Yes Software Assurance benefits? Total number of Windows VDA Licenses Required Total number of Devices not Qualified for Windows Client SA Accessing Virtual Environment (Irrespective of virtualization infrastructure)
  • 11. What you expect from Improved Increased Additional your virtual desktop Business Continuity Desktop Flexibility Value environment´ ? Install Windows ? Access corporate ? Unlimited backups on any combination desktop images of both running of hardware and from non-corporate and stored VMs storage Windows PCs ? Includes SA benefits ? Unlimited movement ? Single VDA license such as 24*7 call between servers allows concurrent support, training ´and how Windows and storage access for up to 4 VMs vouchers, access to VDA / SA delivers ? Reassignment rights ? Roam outside the Enterprise versions of to another device corporate network C Windows, etc after 90 days, or in access desktop from ? Option to purchase case of endpoint non-corporate devices MDOP and WinFLP failure ? Dynamic desktop licensing enabled through KMS/ MAK activation
  • 12. Windows Client SA Windows VDA VDI using PCs as access devices VDI with thin clients as access devices VM on Contractor / Employee Owned PCs VM on Portable Media Remote Boot VM from Network Storage Device Blade PCs Recommended Valid
  • 14. License Requirement No additional licensing required 100 PCs with 80 Users 50 VMs SA License ? If PCs are already covered with SA, no additional My company has 100 corporate PCs licensing is required covered under SA that need to access our VDI environment. However, we only ? If PCs cannot upgrade to have 80 users and only 50 VMs are used SA, 100 Windows VDA at any one time. licenses
  • 15. Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 License Requirement No additional licensing required 100 PCs with 300 Users 150 VMs SA License ? If PCs are already covered with SA, no additional My company has 100 PCs with SA, with licensing is required 300 workers accessing our VDI environment in shifts. At any time, 150 ? If PCs cannot upgrade to VMs are being accessed using VDI. SA, 100 Windows VDA licenses
  • 16. License Requirement 100 Windows VDA Licenses 100 PCs with 100 Thin 100 Users 150 VMs SA Clients License ? 100 thin clients, 100 Windows VDA licenses My company has 100 PCs and 100 thin clients using VDI. Only 100 devices are ? 100 PCs are already used at a time, and access 100 VMs covered with SA, no running Windows Vista or Windows XP. additional licenses required
  • 17. License Requirement No additional Windows VDA Licenses 100 Employees Occasional (each a named user of Home Access VDI device at work) License VDA licenses include home use rights for the primary My company has 100 employees who are the (^named ̄) user of a primary users of 100 thin clients covered under company-owned PC Windows VDA at work. These employees covered under VDA. occasionally work from home and access the ? Employee is a primary corporate VMs via VDI from their home machine user of VDA device at (employee-owned) . work, no additional VDA licenses ? Employee is not a primary Note user of VDA device at For Microsoft Office application use at home, you must have a Microsoft work, 100 Windows VDA Office license with SA coverage and register for Home Use Rights at no licenses additional cost.
  • 18. License Requirement 100 Windows VDA Licenses 100 Employees Full Time (use work machines Home Access from home) License These non-corporate devices will have to be licensed. My company has 100 employees who work from home and will access corporate VMs ? 100 employee owned via VDI from their authorized device at PCs, 100 VDA licenses home. required
  • 19. License Requirement 300 Windows VDA for SA Licenses 100 Users 300 thin clients License VDA is a device based license. My company has 300 thin clients that need ? 300 devices accessing to access our VDI environment. VDI, 300 VDA licenses However, we only have 100 users and only 50 VMs are used at any one time.
  • 20. License Requirement 100 Windows VDA Licenses 100 Contractors 100 Contractors Jan - June June - Dec License Each contractor-owned PC will require a Windows VDA My company has 100 contractors who are license, which comes with working for 6 months, and then 100 different 90-day permanent contractors are employed for the other 6 reassignment rights. months. Each contractor will have one PC ? 100 contractor PCs (owned by the contractor) to access our accessing VDI, 100 corporate VMs via VDI. Windows VDA licenses