Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre el sistema operativo Ubuntu, incluyendo sus elementos de escritorio principales como men炭s de aplicaciones, lugares y sistema. Tambi辿n describe las herramientas de LibreOffice como Writer (procesador de texto), Calc (hoja de c叩lculo) e Impress (presentaciones). Explica c坦mo instalar programas desde la terminal en Ubuntu y presenta a Freemind como una herramienta de mapas mentales de c坦digo abierto. Finalmente, concluye enfatizando la importancia de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en herramientas de inform叩tica
The document provides guidance on the steps to take after a car accident in the UK. The first step is to help any injured parties and determine the extent of injuries. Next, file a report with the police and do not leave the accident site until they have completed their report. You should only discuss details of the accident with the police and avoid speaking with others. Finally, call your insurance agent and provide accurate details of all parties, vehicles, and events related to the accident.
The document provides tips and advice for surviving finals week. It recommends beginning to study early, at least a month in advance for large exams. It also suggests organizing your study space, practicing old exams, taking breaks, eating brain-healthy foods, and planning your exam days. The document ends by wishing students good luck on their finals.
Recrutement 2.0 et recrutement social sont les nouveaux termes largement galvaud辿s mais juste titre puisque la proc辿dure a chang辿 en int辿grant les technologies 2.0.
OpenSourcing vous pr辿sente l'辿dition 2013-2014 de son enqu棚te consacr辿e l'utilisation d'Internet dans le recrutement travers les points de vue des candidats et des recruteurs.
Pour voir l'infographie de l'辿tude :
Un bref aper巽u des informations que vous y retrouverez :
- Les raisons d'un march辿 de l'emploi fig辿
- La r辿alit辿 d'un candidat en recherche active
- Le classement des sites emploi et r辿seaux sociaux pr辿f辿r辿s des candidats et recruteurs
- Candidats et recruteurs, quelles diff辿rences dans leur comportement ?
- Le duel LinkedIn et Viadeo
...eller konsten att n奪 100%.
Den h辰r presentationen kommer fr奪n Cloud Nines frukostseminarie om Gamification den 30 mars 2012.
* Vad 辰r gamification?
* Psykologi
* Case
Vill du veta mer? Maila mig g辰rna ulrika (a)
O documento discute o conceito de avalia巽達o da conformidade, que 辿 a atividade de verificar se produtos, processos ou servi巽os atendem aos requisitos estabelecidos em normas e regulamentos. A avalia巽達o da conformidade 辿 essencial para garantir que apenas itens seguros e de qualidade sejam disponibilizados no mercado. O documento tamb辿m descreve os principais tipos de avalia巽達o da conformidade e as normas t辿cnicas brasileiras relacionadas ao tema.
This statement of attainment certifies that STIENBERG TAN GEOK YONG has successfully attained competencies in administering and managing the use of licensed copyright materials created. The training and assessment were accredited under the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification System by Singapore Media Academy Private Limited on December 3, 2015.
Los factores que han llevado al aprendizaje a distancia incluyen los avances sociopol鱈ticos, la necesidad de aprender a lo largo de la vida y las transformaciones tecnol坦gicas. La educaci坦n a distancia ha evolucionado y ofrece flexibilidad de horario, manejo del tiempo y responsabilidad para los estudiantes. La universidad m叩s antigua que ofrece educaci坦n a distancia es la Universidad de Sud叩frica, que comenz坦 en 1946.
Este documento presenta diferentes t辿cnicas y operadores para realizar b炭squedas efectivas de informaci坦n en Google, incluyendo b炭squedas por frases exactas, con restricciones de palabras, por rangos de fecha, por definici坦n, por tipo de archivo, y en sitios espec鱈ficos. Se propone como actividad aplicar estos operadores para realizar b炭squedas sobre el tema de inter辿s de "TICs en Educaci坦n a Distancia" y presentar los resultados.
Surface chemical immobilization of parylene c with thermosensitive block copo...fjsjtu
This document describes a study that immobilized thermosensitive block copolymer brushes containing poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) and poly(N-tert-butylacrylamide) (pNTBAM) onto parylene C (PC) surfaces via surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). The modified PC surfaces exhibited temperature sensitive hydrophobicity. Cell adhesion/detachment studies showed that PC grafted with pNIPAM brushes allowed low cell adhesion and proliferation at 37属C, and detachment at 24属C, while PC grafted with pNTBAM or their copolymer brushes improved cell adhesion and proliferation over
際際滷Share was using a third party localization service that posed a security risk, so they moved to an internal localization stack. This involved manually extracting over 700 templates to property files, writing a custom parser and backend to support multiple languages, and localizing the templates within two days through documentation, training, and assigning tickets. Testing and involvement from the localization engineering team helped ensure high quality.
This document discusses trends in innovation and digitalization. It notes the transition from analog to digital technologies across various industries that is enabled by advances in areas like quantum computing, encryption, and blockchain technologies. It also describes how new Internet-based tools are facilitating open innovation, collaboration, crowdfunding, and prediction markets. Specific examples of these tools and trends in media, social media, and gaming are provided. The document suggests these changes should be understood through frameworks like network theory and the linkages between individuals, organizations, and ecosystems. It raises two potential "wild cards" - a logical language for human-computer communication and cellular automata-based approaches to modeling complex systems.
O documento discute o conceito de avalia巽達o da conformidade, que 辿 a atividade de verificar se produtos, processos ou servi巽os atendem aos requisitos estabelecidos em normas e regulamentos. A avalia巽達o da conformidade 辿 essencial para garantir que apenas itens seguros e de qualidade sejam disponibilizados no mercado. O documento tamb辿m descreve os principais tipos de avalia巽達o da conformidade e as normas t辿cnicas brasileiras relacionadas ao tema.
This statement of attainment certifies that STIENBERG TAN GEOK YONG has successfully attained competencies in administering and managing the use of licensed copyright materials created. The training and assessment were accredited under the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification System by Singapore Media Academy Private Limited on December 3, 2015.
Los factores que han llevado al aprendizaje a distancia incluyen los avances sociopol鱈ticos, la necesidad de aprender a lo largo de la vida y las transformaciones tecnol坦gicas. La educaci坦n a distancia ha evolucionado y ofrece flexibilidad de horario, manejo del tiempo y responsabilidad para los estudiantes. La universidad m叩s antigua que ofrece educaci坦n a distancia es la Universidad de Sud叩frica, que comenz坦 en 1946.
Este documento presenta diferentes t辿cnicas y operadores para realizar b炭squedas efectivas de informaci坦n en Google, incluyendo b炭squedas por frases exactas, con restricciones de palabras, por rangos de fecha, por definici坦n, por tipo de archivo, y en sitios espec鱈ficos. Se propone como actividad aplicar estos operadores para realizar b炭squedas sobre el tema de inter辿s de "TICs en Educaci坦n a Distancia" y presentar los resultados.
Surface chemical immobilization of parylene c with thermosensitive block copo...fjsjtu
This document describes a study that immobilized thermosensitive block copolymer brushes containing poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) and poly(N-tert-butylacrylamide) (pNTBAM) onto parylene C (PC) surfaces via surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). The modified PC surfaces exhibited temperature sensitive hydrophobicity. Cell adhesion/detachment studies showed that PC grafted with pNIPAM brushes allowed low cell adhesion and proliferation at 37属C, and detachment at 24属C, while PC grafted with pNTBAM or their copolymer brushes improved cell adhesion and proliferation over
際際滷Share was using a third party localization service that posed a security risk, so they moved to an internal localization stack. This involved manually extracting over 700 templates to property files, writing a custom parser and backend to support multiple languages, and localizing the templates within two days through documentation, training, and assigning tickets. Testing and involvement from the localization engineering team helped ensure high quality.
This document discusses trends in innovation and digitalization. It notes the transition from analog to digital technologies across various industries that is enabled by advances in areas like quantum computing, encryption, and blockchain technologies. It also describes how new Internet-based tools are facilitating open innovation, collaboration, crowdfunding, and prediction markets. Specific examples of these tools and trends in media, social media, and gaming are provided. The document suggests these changes should be understood through frameworks like network theory and the linkages between individuals, organizations, and ecosystems. It raises two potential "wild cards" - a logical language for human-computer communication and cellular automata-based approaches to modeling complex systems.