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Life Album
  Barbara Fournie

           Created by Carla Libby Gentry
                       For Nursing 4405
                Aging of Self and Others
Early Childhood
   Barbara Libby was born on December 12, 1918 and is the
    youngest of 7 children born to Merton Rudolph Libby and
    Edna Ione Jenkinson Libby.

   1918 was a the year of a virulent influenza epidemic.
    Barbaras mother contracted the flu and died several days
    after Barbaras birth.

   Coming from a large family, that faced lots of challenges, the
    Libbys stuck together and Barbara describes the bond between
    family members and the outside as the Libbys against the

   Barbara spent her early years with grandmother and
    grandfather Jenkinson in Glen Lake, Minnesota. Barbaras
    father lived nearby and kept the older children with him.
Cousin Bruce
 As a child,
  Barbara was close
  to her cousin
  Bruce. Bruce and
  his step mother
  Hazel lived near
  Grandma J. and
  the extended
Im not like any of them
 Barbaras older sister
  Ione took a role in
  caring for her baby

 Barbara describes her
  relationship with her
  brothers and sisters as
  distant because she
  spent so many years
  away from the family
  being raised first by
  her grandmother then
  her great aunt.
 Barbara was a
  precocious child and
  at age 6, her
  grandmother and
  grandfather could no
  longer handle her, so
  she went to live with
  her old maid Great
  Aunt, Dr. Orianna
  McDaniel and her
  housemate, Dr.
  Martha Morehead.
                                     Sometimes Aunt Hazel
                                      would pick her up for the
                                      weekends. Aunt Hazel
                                      would cook for Barbara
   Barbara was raised by             all the foods she liked,
    two old maid doctors,             like Lemon Ice Box Pie.
    who often wondered,
    what do we do with this
                                     Aunt Hazel also helped to
    child? Especially when
    Barbara asked difficult           make Barbaras ill
    questions.                        fitting clothes fit her
   Barbara describes her
    childhood as not being           Dr. Moorhead, or Doctor,
    particularly happy                as Barbara called her,
    because it was different          would take her on house
    from the other children           calls and Barbara would
    around her and it was             stay in the car. Or on
    unusual to be apart from
                                      some occasions she would
    the rest of the family.
                                      spend this time with a
                                      woman named Mrs.
   Barbara would spend the           Allen, until Doctor
    weekend with her                  returned from treating
    brothers and sisters if her       patients.
    father picked her up for
    the weekend.
Growing Up
   Barbara describes
    her life with her
    great aunt as
    being full of
    humor and noted
    an absence of        Barbara was a self
    conflict.             sufficient child, she was
                          expected to get herself up
   Barbara admits to     and off to school on
    being a difficult     time. She spent sometime
    child and was         during the day with the
    often sent to her     housekeeper, Marie.
    room to bed. She
    jokes about
    spending most of     If she wanted something,
    her childhood in      she would just ask . Her
    bed.                  needs were met.
Eriksons Stages 1-4
                                In spite of loosing her mother at birth, Barbara had a
 Basic Trust vs. Basic          family that cared for her and allowed her to develop
                                 trust in humanity and hope for the future.

                                Barbaras independent nature developed during this

 Autonomy vs. Shame             time. Having so many caregivers and changing
                                 environments prepared her well for her the
                                 adaptations she would have throughout her life.
  and Doubt
                                Barbara decided in early childhood she wanted to be
                                 a nurse. Barbara has always been purposeful in her
 Initiative vs. Guilt           actions and fearless. Although not a goal setter, she
                                 is able to meet those imposed from outside herself.
                                 These skills were learned in childhood.

 Industry vs. Inferiority      Barbara has been known as describing herself as
                                 never having met a stranger. She was able to move
                                 into a more independent life as seen in her

 Barbaras 13th year was a difficult year for her. It was
  during this year that her grandfather Jenkinson, to
  whom she was very close, died.

 Barbara was given no preparation for this event .
  Nobody told her what to expect. Barbara remembers
  her Aunt Hazel taking her to the casket to her dead
  grandfather. She didnt know what to expect and
  found the experience to be one that has formed her
  attitudes toward funerals to this day. To this day,
  Barbara does not go to funerals. Barbara describes
  viewing the body as inane.
 When Barbara was 13 遜 she had an
  emergency appendectomy.

 Soon after her appendectomy she
  had surgery to correct the deviated
  septum that she obtained during a
  major childhood accident when she
  caught her toe on a slanted
  retraining wall and fell on her face.
Discovering Who I Am
 During her early
  teens, Barbara
  acquired a
  boyfriend who
  carried her books
  home from school
  for her, but she
  never took him
  home to meet
  Auntie and
  Doctor. Barbara
  didnt think they
  needed to know.
First Job
   Barbara felt she needed more spending money so
    applied for a job she found in the want ads. She
    took the street car to the interview and found out
    the job was doing house work. Barbara didnt
    want to do house work, so when she returned
    home, Doctor asked her about the interview.
    Barbara said I didnt get the job.

   Soon after that interview, Doctor found Barbara
    a job caring for one of her patients who need
    some help as she recovered from a fracture.
    Barbara learned basic caregiving-nursing skills
    and helped the woman with her business, which
    was selling dresses. Barbara indicated that she
    was pretty good at selling dresses. She was 15.
Early Faith
   Although she had to attend Church every Sunday with Dr.
    Morehead, Barbara said it didnt stick.

   It would not be until her elderhood, that Barbara would get
    back involved with a formal faith community.

   Barbara didnt go to Sunday School because the girls in her
    class went to the exclusive Northrup school and didnt accept
    her and commented on her clothes and shoes. Instead she
    hung out at the YWCA across the street and made her way to
    the assigned pew in time for the Sunday worship service.
    Doctor never knew she didnt attend Sunday School. Auntie
    never attended church.

   Sometimes she attended Youth Group on Sunday nights, but for
    the most part, Barbara did not go out at night.
Life on the Farm
   Her favorite time during her adolescence was going to the farm in the summers
    when she was 16-18. (1933-1935)

   At the farm, Barbara was responsible for keeping the household running with a
    wood stove and no running water. She was to cook for her brothers who ran the

   Barbara points out that without the experiences on her familys farm, she would not
    have been able to do her work as a Public Health nurse in rural Mississippi later in
    her life.

   Barbara speaks fondly of learning how to fish and going swimming as well as the
    work involved with cooking for her brothers and father.

   Cooking errors were fed to Keilers Pigs.

   Barbara helped the family out by listening in on the party phone line and finding
    out when the neighbors planned to go to market so her brothers could beat the
    neighbors to market with their strawberries.
Rural Living for a City Girl
   The butter churn went to town on each trip and
    when the churn came back, there was always
    butter. This was a trick Barbara learned from
    her father.

   Having just learned to drive, Barbara was once
    sent to town and had the boy she dated, who
    worked at the grocery, carry the groceries to the
    car and back her car out for her because she
    had not yet learned how to do that. The young
    man was none the wiser and Barbara was able
    to complete the important task assigned by her

   After learning to cook on the wood stove,
    Barbara once baked a loaf of Orange Bread,
    thinking that it would last for two meals. Her
    brother Paul came in from the barn mid
    morning and ate 1/3 of the loaf, commenting
    on how good it tasted. Soon after her brother
    Theron came in and ate another 1/3 of the loaf.
     Her father came in a few minutes later and
    finished off the orange loaf. Barbara was
    distraught by this unplanned eating of her
    orange loaf. Barbara soon learned that what
    worked in the Cities didnt work on the farm.
Transition to Adulthood
 Barbara had wanted to be a nurse from early
  childhood, but hated school.

 After graduation from West High School in
  Minneapolis. Barbara had no real plans and thought
  about getting a job.

 Doctor brought home the forms to sign up for business
  school and told Barbara that she needed to go to
  business school or enroll in nurses training at Etile
  Hospital. The next day, Barbara enrolled in the Etile
  Hospital, RN program.

 Auntie and Doctor were determined that Barbara
  obtain an education.
Eriksons Stage 5
 Identity vs. Role    During this time in her
  Confusion             life, Barbara developed a
                        sense of female role
                        identity that moved
                        beyond the typical wife
                        and mother. She learned
                        skills that would help in
                        later in her life as a public
                        health nurse and obtained
                        a sense of purpose for her
Getting and Education
            Libby, I raised You. was
             the phrase often noted by
             her nursing school
             classmate Jill.

            Before Nursing school,
             Barbara had not
             experienced going out
             for a coke and burger
             and knew little of
             fashion and style like
             other young women her
             age. Jill helped educate
             her in these ways.
Love and Marriage
 Barbara went on a blind
  date with William (Bill)
  Fournie and found that
  they had met as children
  in Glen Lake.
 Barbara completed her
  nurses training and Bill
  and Barbara were
  married and remained
  happily married until
  Bills death in 1987.
 Barbara describes Bill as
  a calm, cool, quiet and
  collected individual.
Seeing the US During
the Second World War
              During the War Years while
               her husband Bill was stationed
               at various bases in the US,
               Barbara tagged along and
               found near by nursing jobs and
               moved frequently

              As a Midwesterner, she did not
               experience the lack of certain
               rationed items. Barbara
               shared her ration coupons with
               those she met when she lived on
               the coasts and would send
               rationed items to former
               contacts after she had moved on
               to a new location or went back
               to Minnesota between Bills
Lifes Challenges
 In 1947 Barbara suffered
  from peritonitis and had
  to have a partial
  hysterectomy. The new
  wonder drug penicillin
  saved her life.
Yankees Move South
 After the War, Bill and Barbara decided to move
  to Mississippi where Bill had some relatives. It was
  a way to avoid the ice and snow of Minnesota.

 Barbara worked as a Public Health nurse in
  Benton County, Mississippi and other surrounding
  counties in Northern Mississippi. Her work focused
  on Maternal and Child health.

 As Barbara describes her work she quotes Joseph
  Campbell. I found my bliss.
 Barbara and Bill enjoyed making
  a home together.
 They enjoyed collecting the
  furnishings from local antique
  shops and inherited heirlooms from
  family members.
 Barbara describes her marriage as
 Barbara lived in Holly Springs,
  Mississippi for 45 years.
The Challenges of Addiction and
 34 years into their marriage, Bill faced his
  Alcoholism. The possibility of divorce after 34
  years of marriage was Barbaras biggest

 Living a Sober life was important to both
  Barbara and Bill and they were active in
  promoting a Sober lifestyle during the 70s and

 In the late 1980s Bill experienced several health
  problems with led to his death in 1987. This was a
  very sad and challenging time in Barbaras life.
Eriksons Stages 6-7
 Intimacy vs. Isolation      Barbara was able to form an
                               intimate and loving relationship
                               with her husband Bill.

 Generativity vs.            Although they could not have
  Stagnation                   children, Barbara was able to
                               leave a legacy on several
                               generations by improving the
                               health of rural Mississippians
                               through her public health work.
                                This stage continues into the
                               present with her current
                               activities in retirement.
Life Album
Discovering My Spiritual Self
 After Barbaras move
  from Holly Springs,
  Mississippi to Oxford,
  Mississippi in 1992, she
  became involved with
  the forming the
  Unitarian Universalist
  fellowship in that

 In 1997, the UUA
  granted a charter to this
  fellowship and Barbara
  Fournie is a charter
Moving from Oxford to
            In 1999, Barbara
             moved from Oxford,
             Mississippi to Tupelo,
             Mississippi to the
             Traceway Retirement

            She currently resides
             in an independent
             apartment in the
             Manor and leads an
             active lifestyle.
Going Strong at 84

            In March of 2003, Barbara bought a new Toyota
             Prius. The environmental impact of the hybrid was
             important to her.

            Barbara expected to be driving into her 90s when she
             bought her new car.

            Barbara really enjoys her new car.

            She received her first speeding ticket earlier this year!
Chronic Illness isnt
going to slow me down
 Barbara was recently diagnosed with COPD.

 Barbara quit smoking about 20 years ago. She
  says she enjoyed every cigarette she ever smoked.
  She is not bitter about her condition and she does
  not let her condition slow her down. Although
  she is on oxygen, she takes it with her and uses a
  buggy to assist her in walking long distances,
  not because she is not mobile, but because she
  tires easily if she has to stand or walk long
 Barbara describes her life as a good one.
 She enjoys the freedom she has to do what she
  wants and thinks that staying one age would be

 Her biggest fear is loosing her mental capacities
  and not continuing to develop as a person.
 She thought that this life review interview was
  fascinating and very interesting. I remembered
  things that I forgot I remembered.
Eriksons Stage 8
                         Barbara was chosen for this project
 Ego Integrity vs.       specifically because she exemplifies
                          someone who is aging with a high level
  Despair                 of ego integrity.
                              She is wise and shares her wisdom with
                              She is realistic about her health and
                              She has accepted her mortality and lives
                               her life to its fullest.
                              She is accepting of her physical
                               limitations and adapts well to working
                               with what she has.
                              She has made plans to handle new
                               limitations that the aging process will
                              She is happy with her life and has no
 Special Thank to Barbara
  Fournie for sharing her life
  with me and the wonderful
  weekend in Tupelo.

 Photographs and Mementos
     際際滷   3: Photograph of Bruce Jenkinson and Barbara Libby circa
     際際滷   4: Photograph of Ione Libby holding Barbara Libby circa 1919
     際際滷   5: Photograph of Barbara Libby age 5, circa 1923
     際際滷   6: Photograph of Barbara Libby, age 10, circa 1928
 Photographs and Mementos
    際際滷 7: Fleur de Lis Watch pins given to Barbara by her
     grandmother Jenkinson.
    際際滷 9: Cover of porcelain box that sat on Barbaras mothers
     (Edna Jenkinson Libby) dresser. Given to Barbara by her
     grandmother Jenkinson.
    際際滷 11: Photograph, Barbara Libby circa 1935
    際際滷s 12-15: Microsoft Clip Art
    際際滷 18: Photograph, Barbara Libby, nursing school graduation,
     circa 1938
    際際滷 19: Photograph: Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Fournie,
     wedding photo, circa 1938.
    際際滷 20: Photograph, Barbara Fournie, circa 1940
    際際滷 21: Microsoft Clip Art
    際際滷 22: Map of Mississippi, AAA
    際際滷 23: Flow Blue Plate from Grandmother Libbys Attic
 Photographs and Mementos (cont.)
      際際滷 26: Article from the Oxford Eagle newspaper, Thursday, December 3,
      際際滷 27: Unitarian Universalist Association Chalice 
      際際滷 28: Traceway Retirement Community Entrance Sign 
      際際滷 29: Photo of Toyota Prius  www.cars.com,
      際際滷 30: Plate was a wedding gift and part of a collection of eight
       others in various colors with the same floral pattern.

 This Life Album for Barbara Fournie prepared by Carla
  Libby Gentry in partial fulfillment of course
  requirements for Nursing 4405, Aging of Self and
  Others, Professor Julie Clawson, Ph.D.

 Due, October 13, 2003

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Life Album

  • 1. Life Album For Barbara Fournie Created by Carla Libby Gentry For Nursing 4405 Aging of Self and Others
  • 2. Early Childhood Barbara Libby was born on December 12, 1918 and is the youngest of 7 children born to Merton Rudolph Libby and Edna Ione Jenkinson Libby. 1918 was a the year of a virulent influenza epidemic. Barbaras mother contracted the flu and died several days after Barbaras birth. Coming from a large family, that faced lots of challenges, the Libbys stuck together and Barbara describes the bond between family members and the outside as the Libbys against the world. Barbara spent her early years with grandmother and grandfather Jenkinson in Glen Lake, Minnesota. Barbaras father lived nearby and kept the older children with him.
  • 3. Cousin Bruce As a child, Barbara was close to her cousin Bruce. Bruce and his step mother Hazel lived near Grandma J. and the extended family.
  • 4. Siblings Im not like any of them Barbaras older sister Ione took a role in caring for her baby sister. Barbara describes her relationship with her brothers and sisters as distant because she spent so many years away from the family being raised first by her grandmother then her great aunt.
  • 5. Childhood Barbara was a precocious child and at age 6, her grandmother and grandfather could no longer handle her, so she went to live with her old maid Great Aunt, Dr. Orianna McDaniel and her housemate, Dr. Martha Morehead.
  • 6. Childhood Sometimes Aunt Hazel would pick her up for the weekends. Aunt Hazel would cook for Barbara Barbara was raised by all the foods she liked, two old maid doctors, like Lemon Ice Box Pie. who often wondered, what do we do with this Aunt Hazel also helped to child? Especially when Barbara asked difficult make Barbaras ill questions. fitting clothes fit her better. Barbara describes her childhood as not being Dr. Moorhead, or Doctor, particularly happy as Barbara called her, because it was different would take her on house from the other children calls and Barbara would around her and it was stay in the car. Or on unusual to be apart from some occasions she would the rest of the family. spend this time with a woman named Mrs. Barbara would spend the Allen, until Doctor weekend with her returned from treating brothers and sisters if her patients. father picked her up for the weekend.
  • 7. Growing Up Barbara describes her life with her great aunt as being full of humor and noted an absence of Barbara was a self conflict. sufficient child, she was expected to get herself up Barbara admits to and off to school on being a difficult time. She spent sometime child and was during the day with the often sent to her housekeeper, Marie. room to bed. She jokes about spending most of If she wanted something, her childhood in she would just ask . Her bed. needs were met.
  • 8. Childhood: Eriksons Stages 1-4 In spite of loosing her mother at birth, Barbara had a Basic Trust vs. Basic family that cared for her and allowed her to develop trust in humanity and hope for the future. Mistrust Barbaras independent nature developed during this Autonomy vs. Shame time. Having so many caregivers and changing environments prepared her well for her the adaptations she would have throughout her life. and Doubt Barbara decided in early childhood she wanted to be a nurse. Barbara has always been purposeful in her Initiative vs. Guilt actions and fearless. Although not a goal setter, she is able to meet those imposed from outside herself. These skills were learned in childhood. Industry vs. Inferiority Barbara has been known as describing herself as never having met a stranger. She was able to move into a more independent life as seen in her adolescence.
  • 9. Adolescence Barbaras 13th year was a difficult year for her. It was during this year that her grandfather Jenkinson, to whom she was very close, died. Barbara was given no preparation for this event . Nobody told her what to expect. Barbara remembers her Aunt Hazel taking her to the casket to her dead grandfather. She didnt know what to expect and found the experience to be one that has formed her attitudes toward funerals to this day. To this day, Barbara does not go to funerals. Barbara describes viewing the body as inane.
  • 10. When Barbara was 13 遜 she had an emergency appendectomy. Soon after her appendectomy she had surgery to correct the deviated septum that she obtained during a major childhood accident when she caught her toe on a slanted retraining wall and fell on her face.
  • 11. Discovering Who I Am During her early teens, Barbara acquired a boyfriend who carried her books home from school for her, but she never took him home to meet Auntie and Doctor. Barbara didnt think they needed to know.
  • 12. First Job Barbara felt she needed more spending money so applied for a job she found in the want ads. She took the street car to the interview and found out the job was doing house work. Barbara didnt want to do house work, so when she returned home, Doctor asked her about the interview. Barbara said I didnt get the job. Soon after that interview, Doctor found Barbara a job caring for one of her patients who need some help as she recovered from a fracture. Barbara learned basic caregiving-nursing skills and helped the woman with her business, which was selling dresses. Barbara indicated that she was pretty good at selling dresses. She was 15.
  • 13. Early Faith Development Although she had to attend Church every Sunday with Dr. Morehead, Barbara said it didnt stick. It would not be until her elderhood, that Barbara would get back involved with a formal faith community. Barbara didnt go to Sunday School because the girls in her class went to the exclusive Northrup school and didnt accept her and commented on her clothes and shoes. Instead she hung out at the YWCA across the street and made her way to the assigned pew in time for the Sunday worship service. Doctor never knew she didnt attend Sunday School. Auntie never attended church. Sometimes she attended Youth Group on Sunday nights, but for the most part, Barbara did not go out at night.
  • 14. Life on the Farm Her favorite time during her adolescence was going to the farm in the summers when she was 16-18. (1933-1935) At the farm, Barbara was responsible for keeping the household running with a wood stove and no running water. She was to cook for her brothers who ran the farm. Barbara points out that without the experiences on her familys farm, she would not have been able to do her work as a Public Health nurse in rural Mississippi later in her life. Barbara speaks fondly of learning how to fish and going swimming as well as the work involved with cooking for her brothers and father. Cooking errors were fed to Keilers Pigs. Barbara helped the family out by listening in on the party phone line and finding out when the neighbors planned to go to market so her brothers could beat the neighbors to market with their strawberries.
  • 15. Rural Living for a City Girl The butter churn went to town on each trip and when the churn came back, there was always butter. This was a trick Barbara learned from her father. Having just learned to drive, Barbara was once sent to town and had the boy she dated, who worked at the grocery, carry the groceries to the car and back her car out for her because she had not yet learned how to do that. The young man was none the wiser and Barbara was able to complete the important task assigned by her father. After learning to cook on the wood stove, Barbara once baked a loaf of Orange Bread, thinking that it would last for two meals. Her brother Paul came in from the barn mid morning and ate 1/3 of the loaf, commenting on how good it tasted. Soon after her brother Theron came in and ate another 1/3 of the loaf. Her father came in a few minutes later and finished off the orange loaf. Barbara was distraught by this unplanned eating of her orange loaf. Barbara soon learned that what worked in the Cities didnt work on the farm.
  • 16. Transition to Adulthood Barbara had wanted to be a nurse from early childhood, but hated school. After graduation from West High School in Minneapolis. Barbara had no real plans and thought about getting a job. Doctor brought home the forms to sign up for business school and told Barbara that she needed to go to business school or enroll in nurses training at Etile Hospital. The next day, Barbara enrolled in the Etile Hospital, RN program. Auntie and Doctor were determined that Barbara obtain an education.
  • 17. Adolescence: Eriksons Stage 5 Identity vs. Role During this time in her Confusion life, Barbara developed a sense of female role identity that moved beyond the typical wife and mother. She learned skills that would help in later in her life as a public health nurse and obtained a sense of purpose for her life.
  • 18. Getting and Education Libby, I raised You. was the phrase often noted by her nursing school classmate Jill. Before Nursing school, Barbara had not experienced going out for a coke and burger and knew little of fashion and style like other young women her age. Jill helped educate her in these ways.
  • 19. Love and Marriage Barbara went on a blind date with William (Bill) Fournie and found that they had met as children in Glen Lake. Barbara completed her nurses training and Bill and Barbara were married and remained happily married until Bills death in 1987. Barbara describes Bill as a calm, cool, quiet and collected individual.
  • 20. Seeing the US During the Second World War During the War Years while her husband Bill was stationed at various bases in the US, Barbara tagged along and found near by nursing jobs and moved frequently As a Midwesterner, she did not experience the lack of certain rationed items. Barbara shared her ration coupons with those she met when she lived on the coasts and would send rationed items to former contacts after she had moved on to a new location or went back to Minnesota between Bills assignments.
  • 21. Lifes Challenges In 1947 Barbara suffered from peritonitis and had to have a partial hysterectomy. The new wonder drug penicillin saved her life.
  • 22. Yankees Move South After the War, Bill and Barbara decided to move to Mississippi where Bill had some relatives. It was a way to avoid the ice and snow of Minnesota. Barbara worked as a Public Health nurse in Benton County, Mississippi and other surrounding counties in Northern Mississippi. Her work focused on Maternal and Child health. As Barbara describes her work she quotes Joseph Campbell. I found my bliss.
  • 23. Adulthood Barbara and Bill enjoyed making a home together. They enjoyed collecting the furnishings from local antique shops and inherited heirlooms from family members. Barbara describes her marriage as happy. Barbara lived in Holly Springs, Mississippi for 45 years.
  • 24. The Challenges of Addiction and Illness 34 years into their marriage, Bill faced his Alcoholism. The possibility of divorce after 34 years of marriage was Barbaras biggest challenge. Living a Sober life was important to both Barbara and Bill and they were active in promoting a Sober lifestyle during the 70s and 80s. In the late 1980s Bill experienced several health problems with led to his death in 1987. This was a very sad and challenging time in Barbaras life.
  • 25. Adulthood: Eriksons Stages 6-7 Intimacy vs. Isolation Barbara was able to form an intimate and loving relationship with her husband Bill. Generativity vs. Although they could not have Stagnation children, Barbara was able to leave a legacy on several generations by improving the health of rural Mississippians through her public health work. This stage continues into the present with her current activities in retirement.
  • 27. Discovering My Spiritual Self After Barbaras move from Holly Springs, Mississippi to Oxford, Mississippi in 1992, she became involved with the forming the Unitarian Universalist fellowship in that community. In 1997, the UUA granted a charter to this fellowship and Barbara Fournie is a charter member.
  • 28. Moving from Oxford to Tupelo In 1999, Barbara moved from Oxford, Mississippi to Tupelo, Mississippi to the Traceway Retirement Community. She currently resides in an independent apartment in the Manor and leads an active lifestyle.
  • 29. Going Strong at 84 In March of 2003, Barbara bought a new Toyota Prius. The environmental impact of the hybrid was important to her. Barbara expected to be driving into her 90s when she bought her new car. Barbara really enjoys her new car. She received her first speeding ticket earlier this year!
  • 30. Chronic Illness isnt going to slow me down Barbara was recently diagnosed with COPD. Barbara quit smoking about 20 years ago. She says she enjoyed every cigarette she ever smoked. She is not bitter about her condition and she does not let her condition slow her down. Although she is on oxygen, she takes it with her and uses a buggy to assist her in walking long distances, not because she is not mobile, but because she tires easily if she has to stand or walk long distances.
  • 31. Summary Barbara describes her life as a good one. She enjoys the freedom she has to do what she wants and thinks that staying one age would be boring. Her biggest fear is loosing her mental capacities and not continuing to develop as a person. She thought that this life review interview was fascinating and very interesting. I remembered things that I forgot I remembered.
  • 32. Elderhood: Eriksons Stage 8 Barbara was chosen for this project Ego Integrity vs. specifically because she exemplifies someone who is aging with a high level Despair of ego integrity. She is wise and shares her wisdom with others. She is realistic about her health and healthcare. She has accepted her mortality and lives her life to its fullest. She is accepting of her physical limitations and adapts well to working with what she has. She has made plans to handle new limitations that the aging process will present. She is happy with her life and has no regrets.
  • 33. Credits Special Thank to Barbara Fournie for sharing her life with me and the wonderful weekend in Tupelo. Photographs and Mementos 際際滷 3: Photograph of Bruce Jenkinson and Barbara Libby circa 1922 際際滷 4: Photograph of Ione Libby holding Barbara Libby circa 1919 際際滷 5: Photograph of Barbara Libby age 5, circa 1923 際際滷 6: Photograph of Barbara Libby, age 10, circa 1928
  • 34. Credits Photographs and Mementos (cont.) 際際滷 7: Fleur de Lis Watch pins given to Barbara by her grandmother Jenkinson. 際際滷 9: Cover of porcelain box that sat on Barbaras mothers (Edna Jenkinson Libby) dresser. Given to Barbara by her grandmother Jenkinson. 際際滷 11: Photograph, Barbara Libby circa 1935 際際滷s 12-15: Microsoft Clip Art 際際滷 18: Photograph, Barbara Libby, nursing school graduation, circa 1938 際際滷 19: Photograph: Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Fournie, wedding photo, circa 1938. 際際滷 20: Photograph, Barbara Fournie, circa 1940 際際滷 21: Microsoft Clip Art 際際滷 22: Map of Mississippi, AAA 際際滷 23: Flow Blue Plate from Grandmother Libbys Attic
  • 35. Credits Photographs and Mementos (cont.) 際際滷 26: Article from the Oxford Eagle newspaper, Thursday, December 3, 1989. 際際滷 27: Unitarian Universalist Association Chalice http://uuoxford.com/ 際際滷 28: Traceway Retirement Community Entrance Sign www.umssm.org/traceway.htm 際際滷 29: Photo of Toyota Prius www.cars.com, http://www.cars.com/carsapp/national/?srv=parser&act=display&mknm=Toy 際際滷 30: Plate was a wedding gift and part of a collection of eight others in various colors with the same floral pattern. This Life Album for Barbara Fournie prepared by Carla Libby Gentry in partial fulfillment of course requirements for Nursing 4405, Aging of Self and Others, Professor Julie Clawson, Ph.D. Due, October 13, 2003

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Photograph of Bruce Jenkinson and Barbara Libby circa 1922
  • #5: Photograph of Ione Libby holding Barbara Libby circa 1919.
  • #6: Photograph of Barbara Libby age 5, circa 1923
  • #7: Photograph of Barbara Libby, age 10, circa 1928
  • #8: Fleur de Lis Watch pins given to Barbara by her grandmother Jenkinson.
  • #10: Cover of porcelain box that sat on Barbaras mothers (Edna Jenkinson Libby) dresser. Given to Barbara by her grandmother Jenkinson.
  • #12: Photograph, Barbara Libby circa 1935
  • #13: Microsoft Clip Art
  • #14: Microsoft Clip Art
  • #15: Microsoft Clip Art
  • #16: Microsoft Clip Art
  • #19: Photograph, Barbara Libby, nursing school graduation, circa 1938
  • #20: Photograph: Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Fournie, wedding photo, circa 1938.
  • #21: Photograph, Barbara Fournie, circa 1940
  • #23: Map of Mississippi, AAA
  • #24: Flow Blue Plate from Grandmother Libbys Attic
  • #27: Article from the Oxford Eagle newspaper, Thursday, December 3, 1989.
  • #28: Unitarian Universalist Association Chalice http://uuoxford.com/
  • #29: Traceway Retirement Community Entrance Sign www.umssm.org/traceway.htm
  • #30: Photo of Toyota Prius www.cars.com, http://www.cars.com/carsapp/national/?srv=parser&act=display&mknm=Toyota&tf=/features/2003overview/toyota/toyota.tmpl#prius
  • #32: Plate was a wedding gift and part of a collection of eight others in various colors with the same floral pattern.