3. What could be worse than growing up in America during the
Great Depression? If you ask Frank McCourt, he might answer,
Growing up in extreme poverty in Ireland. Frank McCourt is a
retired public-school teacher born in New York at the beginning of
the Great Depression. His alcoholic father and struggling mother
decided to move the family back to Limerick, Ireland, when McCourt
was four, only to find that their move did not improve their desperate
circumstances. Angelas Ashes is McCourts bestselling memoir of
growing up in extreme poverty, first in New York and then in Ireland,
where he lived until he was nineteen. I think Angelas Ashes is a truly
excellent book
5. Although Angelas Ashes presents a sad picture
of McCourts childhood, its tone is not self-pitying.
McCourt describes the sad actions of adults in great
detail, but he balances those descriptions with
humor and affection. He notes that the familys
financial problems were caused by his fathers
drinking, but the overall picture of his father is
tenderly drawn. In short, unlike many stories of a
difficult childhood, A n g e l a s Ashes has a loving
and forgiving tone.
7. McCourts marvelous writing style also makes
this book a joy to read. Run-on sentences like this one
perfectly capture the thought and speech patterns of
a child
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8. Mam wets an old towel and scrubs my face
till it stings, she wraps the towel around her
finger and sticks it in my ears and claims theres
enough wax there to grow potatoes. She were
my hair to make its lie down she tells me to shut
up and stop the whining .
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9. In addition, vivid details and dialogue bring the story
and the characters to life. For example, McCourts
description of the familys tiny house, with the lavatory
for the whole lane outside the front door,
the lake in the kitchen when the River Shannon floods,
and the ever- present dampness, allows the reader to
see the miserable poverty of McCourts childhood.
Conversations with family members, teachers, and social
workers are recounted word for- word ,making the
memoir come alive for the reader
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10. Angela s Ashes is a great book. Any reader
who enters McCourts world will discover that
even a cold and wet Ireland could not dampen a
childs spirit.