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Life & Key Contributions in Singapore:Mr Gan Eng SengAlan Primary 4Beacon Primary School
Mr Gan  Who is he?Gan Eng Seng油 (18441899) was one of the early油Chinese油pioneers of油Singapore油known for his generosity to many charitable causes during the era of the油British油Straits Settlements油of油Malaya油and Singapore.
More about life  before and after marriageLife
Life - Overview
Before Marriage Gan was of油Hokkien油Chinese descent, born and educated in油MelakaEldest son of five in his family. Had an elementary school education in which he learnt to read and write in simple English and keep accounts.Taken to Singapore  16 years oldFather died when he was 16 years old.After fathers death - was involved in the油nutmeg油business on a very small scale.Taken on as an apprentice by Messrs.油Guthrie and Company. Gan was diligent and capable, and his ability won him the recognition and keen interest of Thomas Scott, one of the partners in the company. Gan was promoted to the post of Assistant Storekeeper and then Chief Storekeeper of the company. 1874, he became the company's Chief Compradore, a position which he held for the next 25 years.
After MarriageGan married his first wife, KohChwee Neo, at the age of eighteen1859 adopted his first son, GanTiangTockHe had in total five wives, seven sons and two daughters. Onnly two of his children were born by his wives; his other children were mostly adoptedNext Page  His immediate family members
Life & key contributions in Singapore - Gan Eng Seng
Things he contributed to Singapore that made him an important figure in Singapore historyKey Contributions To Singapore
Gan Eng Seng SchoolCause:Had little education, he realised its value as he prospered and became  wealthy.Had a dream to build a school for the poor which taught both English and ChineseInformation about the School:In 1885, built the油Anglo-Chinese Free School油for boys in some油shophouses油in油Telok Ayer Street.油In 1923, it was renamed to油Gan Eng Seng School油(GESS) in his honour.Specalities:The only one initiated, established and maintained by a local citizen with a gift of freehold property, buildings and adequate funds until his demise.油Most other schools of the time were established by missionary or communal organisations.Continuation:In later generations, some of Gan Eng Seng's descendants choose to return to serve the school:Three sons of the founder, GanTiangKwee, GanTiangChoon and GanTiangTok, were on the Board of Trustees.Gan Hock Chye, grandson of Gan Eng Seng was a pupil at the school and later return to serve as the Master of Gan House and Committee Member of the GESS Old Students' Association in the 1950s.[GanKee Soon, one of the great grandsons of Gan Eng Seng was a Math teacher in GESS at its Anson Road site from 1960 to 1969 teaching Pre-U classes.Current Location:In 2002, it is located at 1 Henderson Road after it has moved eight times during its 122-year history; the most ever known in Singapore schools due to expansion needs.
DonationsThong Chai Medical InstitutionThe油Thong Chai Medical Institution油was another major charity which Gan strongly backed and financed. It began treating the poor of all races and religions in a rented shophouse at 31 Upper Pickering Street. In 1975, it was relocated to 50 Chin Swee Road and till today, the institution continues to provide free medical consultation and herbal medicines to all.Tan Tock Seng Hospital The annual report of油Tan Tock Seng Hospital油for 1892, made mentioned of the generous gift by Gan of a freehold property at Rochor to the hospital.Ee Hoe Hean ClubIn 1895, he was one of the co-founders of the油Ee Hoe Hean Club, a social-cum-business club where like-minded Chinese businessmen could mingle and exchange ideas. It was originally located on Duxton Hill油but moved to油Bukit Pasoh Road油in 1925. The club plays an active role in community services and charity work to this day.
Additional facts about himAddiitional Facts
DeathOn 9 September 1899, Gan Eng Seng died at the age of 55 in his house at No. 87油Amoy Street. His total assets were worth an estimated油S$550,000.油He was buried at油LengKeeSua油somewhere on the hill. Due to redevelopment of the area, his body was disinterred and reburied in a family grave at Bukit Brown Cemetery.
Sources for Images and Texthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:87_Amoy_Street.jpghttp://www.gess.edu.sg/gess/main/images/ganengseng.gif
The EndThe EndThe EndThe End

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Life & key contributions in Singapore - Gan Eng Seng

  • 1. Life & Key Contributions in Singapore:Mr Gan Eng SengAlan Primary 4Beacon Primary School
  • 2. Mr Gan Who is he?Gan Eng Seng油 (18441899) was one of the early油Chinese油pioneers of油Singapore油known for his generosity to many charitable causes during the era of the油British油Straits Settlements油of油Malaya油and Singapore.
  • 3. More about life before and after marriageLife
  • 5. Before Marriage Gan was of油Hokkien油Chinese descent, born and educated in油MelakaEldest son of five in his family. Had an elementary school education in which he learnt to read and write in simple English and keep accounts.Taken to Singapore 16 years oldFather died when he was 16 years old.After fathers death - was involved in the油nutmeg油business on a very small scale.Taken on as an apprentice by Messrs.油Guthrie and Company. Gan was diligent and capable, and his ability won him the recognition and keen interest of Thomas Scott, one of the partners in the company. Gan was promoted to the post of Assistant Storekeeper and then Chief Storekeeper of the company. 1874, he became the company's Chief Compradore, a position which he held for the next 25 years.
  • 6. After MarriageGan married his first wife, KohChwee Neo, at the age of eighteen1859 adopted his first son, GanTiangTockHe had in total five wives, seven sons and two daughters. Onnly two of his children were born by his wives; his other children were mostly adoptedNext Page His immediate family members
  • 8. Things he contributed to Singapore that made him an important figure in Singapore historyKey Contributions To Singapore
  • 9. Gan Eng Seng SchoolCause:Had little education, he realised its value as he prospered and became wealthy.Had a dream to build a school for the poor which taught both English and ChineseInformation about the School:In 1885, built the油Anglo-Chinese Free School油for boys in some油shophouses油in油Telok Ayer Street.油In 1923, it was renamed to油Gan Eng Seng School油(GESS) in his honour.Specalities:The only one initiated, established and maintained by a local citizen with a gift of freehold property, buildings and adequate funds until his demise.油Most other schools of the time were established by missionary or communal organisations.Continuation:In later generations, some of Gan Eng Seng's descendants choose to return to serve the school:Three sons of the founder, GanTiangKwee, GanTiangChoon and GanTiangTok, were on the Board of Trustees.Gan Hock Chye, grandson of Gan Eng Seng was a pupil at the school and later return to serve as the Master of Gan House and Committee Member of the GESS Old Students' Association in the 1950s.[GanKee Soon, one of the great grandsons of Gan Eng Seng was a Math teacher in GESS at its Anson Road site from 1960 to 1969 teaching Pre-U classes.Current Location:In 2002, it is located at 1 Henderson Road after it has moved eight times during its 122-year history; the most ever known in Singapore schools due to expansion needs.
  • 10. DonationsThong Chai Medical InstitutionThe油Thong Chai Medical Institution油was another major charity which Gan strongly backed and financed. It began treating the poor of all races and religions in a rented shophouse at 31 Upper Pickering Street. In 1975, it was relocated to 50 Chin Swee Road and till today, the institution continues to provide free medical consultation and herbal medicines to all.Tan Tock Seng Hospital The annual report of油Tan Tock Seng Hospital油for 1892, made mentioned of the generous gift by Gan of a freehold property at Rochor to the hospital.Ee Hoe Hean ClubIn 1895, he was one of the co-founders of the油Ee Hoe Hean Club, a social-cum-business club where like-minded Chinese businessmen could mingle and exchange ideas. It was originally located on Duxton Hill油but moved to油Bukit Pasoh Road油in 1925. The club plays an active role in community services and charity work to this day.
  • 11. Additional facts about himAddiitional Facts
  • 12. DeathOn 9 September 1899, Gan Eng Seng died at the age of 55 in his house at No. 87油Amoy Street. His total assets were worth an estimated油S$550,000.油He was buried at油LengKeeSua油somewhere on the hill. Due to redevelopment of the area, his body was disinterred and reburied in a family grave at Bukit Brown Cemetery.
  • 13. Sources for Images and Texthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:87_Amoy_Street.jpghttp://www.gess.edu.sg/gess/main/images/ganengseng.gif
  • 14. The EndThe EndThe EndThe End