10. The presence of sharks
should not alarm
11. Sutherland Shire
councillor Phil
Blight unearthed
the article on
20. I found a great website to view
really old newspapers in perth.
Just found a few swan river
shark stories
21. Redfin 4 Life: Haha you would never know
there had been that many incidents in the
swan without seeing these
Goodz: Oh how newspapers have changed the
way they write... love the old speak!
Alan James: That's right Goodz, and more
often than not I'm sure they actually
reported the truth.
31. Theres just an enormous, humongous, gigantic
audience out there connected to the Internet that is
starving for authenticity, ideas, and meaning. Were
so accustomed to the scale of attention that we get
from visitation to bricks-and-mortar buildings that
its difficult to understand how big the Internet is
and how much attention, curiosity, and creativity a
couple of billion people can have.
Michael Peter Edson
33. When cultural heritage is digital, open and shareable,
it becomes common property, something that is right at
hand every day. It becomes a part of us.
Merete Sanderhoff
34. We believe culture is a catalyst for social and
economic change. But thats only possible if its
readily usable and easily accessible for people to build
with, build on and share.
Europeana 2020
40. And so as what at first seemed simple descends into
complexity the Mechanical Curator achieves her
peculiar aim: giving knowledge with one hand, carpet
bombing the foundations of that knowledge with the
James Baker
43. These accounts capitalize on a notion that history is
nothing more than superficial glimpses of some
vaguely defined time before ours, one that exists for us
to look at and exclaim over and move on from without
worrying about what it means and whether it
Sarah Werner
47. The cynics, of course, will say that bad actors will do
bad things with all that open data. But heres the thing
about the open web: bad actors will do bad things,
regardless... The flip side of worries about bad actors is
that we underestimate the number of good actors doing
the right thing..
Dan Cohen
48. http://www.localcontexts.org/
an educative and
informational strategy to
help non-community users of
traditional knowledge
understand the importance
and significance of this
49. To whom are we responsible to the people in our
stories, to our sources, to our informants, to our
readers and audiences, to the integrity of the past
itself? How do we pay our respects, allow for dissent,
accommodate complexity, distinguish between our
voice and those of our characters?
Tom Griffiths