The document contains motivational quotes about living an uncommitted and undisciplined life not being worth it, the importance of getting started even if not great and improving over time, focusing one's heart on their treasures, and taking chances pursuing your dreams rather than failing at things you don't want. It encourages taking action and improving yourself instead of always running from challenges, and that how you make others feel is the most important thing.
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Life quotes
1. The uncommittedlife isntWORTHliving. Socrates
An undisciplinedlife isanINSANElife. Socrates
Anythingthatisworthdoing,isworthdoingbadlyif you dontknow how to do it,itsworthdoing
badlyuntil yougetit right. Les Brown
You donthave to be great to getstarted,but youhave to getSTARTED to be GREAT. Les Brown
If you RUN now,youwill be ALWAYSrunning! Mr. Washington
Where yourtreasure is,there will be yourHEART also. Luke 12:34
Whateveryouseeking,itseekingyou YOU CAN HAVE IT!! Les Brown
Life doesnthappenedtoyou,ithappensFORyou. JimCarrey
You can FAIL at whatyou DONTwant;mightas well TAKEA CHANCEon doingwhatyouLOVE. Jim
The EFFECT youhave on othersisthe most valuable currencythere is. JimCarrey