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Take the time to read this message
Once upon a time there was a boy with a very difficult character. His father gives him a bag full of nails and tells him to drive one nail in the garden fence every time he loses his patience and/or has an argument with someone.
The first day the boy drives 37 nails in the garden fence. In the following weeks, the boy learns to control himself and the number of nails driven in the fence gets lower every day:  The boy discovers that it is easier to learn to control himself than to hammer nails in the fence.
At last, the day comes when the boy does not drive any nail in the garden fence. Then he goes to his father and tells him that today he did not  need to hammer any nail.
His father then tells the boy to take out one nail from the fence for every day  he succeeds in controlling his temper and not loosing his patience.  Many days pass and finally the boy can tell his father that he  took out all nails from the fence.
The father brings his son in front of the fence and tells him:  束油My son, you behaved well, but look how many holes you left in the fence油損
It will never be the same.  When you have an argument with someone and tell him bad words,  you leave him with wounds like these ones.
You can stab a man and then take the knife out, but you will always leave a wound. 油 It does not matter how many times you say sorry, the wound will stay.  A wound caused by words hurts just as bad as a physical wound. Friends are rare jewels, they make you smile and support you.  They are ready to listen to you whenever you need it,  they are behind you and they open their heart to you. Show to your friends how much you love them. 油
Send this letter to all of those whom you consider your friends, even if this means to send it back to the person who send it to you. If this message is sent back to you that  means that you are part of a group of friends.
Last: 束油A good thing about friendship is to know with whom to confide a secret油損  (Alessandro Manzoni)
A few lines to meditate... If you receive this message it is because someone cares about you and  you too have someone you care about .  If you are too busy to send it to someone and say to yourself:  I will send it later It may be that you will never send it. This Tantra comes from the North of India.
Whether you are superstitious or not, read these little thoughts, they may be useful in life:
Give people more than they expect
When you say I love you", mean it...
when you say I am sorrry", look into the eyes of that person
Do not ever make fun of other peoples dreams ,  love deeply and with passion. You may get hurt, but it is the only way to live your life to the full.
Do not offend and judge other people according to how their relatives behave
Speak slowly , but think quickly.
If someone ask you a question that you do not want to answer, smile and ask him: why do you want to know?'
Remember that the greatest love and the greatest success involve the greater risks.
When you loose, do not miss the lesson,
Remember the three  "Rs": - Respect yourself  Respect others -  Responsability for all your actions.
Do not let a small misunderstanding ruin a great friendship;  when you realise you made a mistake, correct it immediately.
Smile when you answer the phone,  who calls will be able to hear it in your voice.
Read between the lines
Remember that sometimes not getting what you want may be quite fortunate.
Do not keep this message,  theTANTRA TOTEM  must be away from your hands within 96 hours.
If you reached the end, you are truly amazing

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Life's secret

  • 1. Take the time to read this message
  • 2. Once upon a time there was a boy with a very difficult character. His father gives him a bag full of nails and tells him to drive one nail in the garden fence every time he loses his patience and/or has an argument with someone.
  • 3. The first day the boy drives 37 nails in the garden fence. In the following weeks, the boy learns to control himself and the number of nails driven in the fence gets lower every day: The boy discovers that it is easier to learn to control himself than to hammer nails in the fence.
  • 4. At last, the day comes when the boy does not drive any nail in the garden fence. Then he goes to his father and tells him that today he did not need to hammer any nail.
  • 5. His father then tells the boy to take out one nail from the fence for every day he succeeds in controlling his temper and not loosing his patience. Many days pass and finally the boy can tell his father that he took out all nails from the fence.
  • 6. The father brings his son in front of the fence and tells him: 束油My son, you behaved well, but look how many holes you left in the fence油損
  • 7. It will never be the same. When you have an argument with someone and tell him bad words, you leave him with wounds like these ones.
  • 8. You can stab a man and then take the knife out, but you will always leave a wound. 油 It does not matter how many times you say sorry, the wound will stay. A wound caused by words hurts just as bad as a physical wound. Friends are rare jewels, they make you smile and support you. They are ready to listen to you whenever you need it, they are behind you and they open their heart to you. Show to your friends how much you love them. 油
  • 9. Send this letter to all of those whom you consider your friends, even if this means to send it back to the person who send it to you. If this message is sent back to you that means that you are part of a group of friends.
  • 10. Last: 束油A good thing about friendship is to know with whom to confide a secret油損 (Alessandro Manzoni)
  • 11. A few lines to meditate... If you receive this message it is because someone cares about you and you too have someone you care about . If you are too busy to send it to someone and say to yourself: I will send it later It may be that you will never send it. This Tantra comes from the North of India.
  • 12. Whether you are superstitious or not, read these little thoughts, they may be useful in life:
  • 13. Give people more than they expect
  • 14. When you say I love you", mean it...
  • 15. when you say I am sorrry", look into the eyes of that person
  • 16. Do not ever make fun of other peoples dreams , love deeply and with passion. You may get hurt, but it is the only way to live your life to the full.
  • 17. Do not offend and judge other people according to how their relatives behave
  • 18. Speak slowly , but think quickly.
  • 19. If someone ask you a question that you do not want to answer, smile and ask him: why do you want to know?'
  • 20. Remember that the greatest love and the greatest success involve the greater risks.
  • 21. When you loose, do not miss the lesson,
  • 22. Remember the three "Rs": - Respect yourself Respect others - Responsability for all your actions.
  • 23. Do not let a small misunderstanding ruin a great friendship; when you realise you made a mistake, correct it immediately.
  • 24. Smile when you answer the phone, who calls will be able to hear it in your voice.
  • 26. Remember that sometimes not getting what you want may be quite fortunate.
  • 27. Do not keep this message, theTANTRA TOTEM must be away from your hands within 96 hours.
  • 28. If you reached the end, you are truly amazing