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                                                                                                                                              Strategic Communications Agency www.lowdandklea.com

 O, Brave New World...
  This is an original article compiled from desk-based research undertaken by Lowd&Klea.

  As we enter a new fiscal year what will have the greatest influence on our
  lifestyle in the areas of fashion, technology and social trends? In this document
  we aim to provide you with a snapshot overview of what to expect, what trends
  are in their ascendancy and whats likely to be left behind by this time next year.


Sensible and spirited                       Sensible and Spirited. As a result,           Fast-Fashion
Where better to start in fashion than       Honeysuckle will be joined by colours           This trend in the UK over the last decade
with the colours that get it noticed and    that add stability to wardrobes such            signified by rapidly changing styles and
dictate the theme for the seasons and       as Coffee Liqueur, Nougat and Orchid            collections, offered at cheap prices has
their styles. Hopefully as you already      Hush. We await full details of S/S 12s         changed the overall structure of the
know, Pantone offered us an escape from     Wonder theme and as soon as we                industry. We have to ask the question
the economically imposed austerity that     have them, youll be the first to know.         of whether its due to continue to lead
surrounds us with their colour for the                                                      in light of increased raw materials costs
year 18-2120 Honeysuckle. A vibrant and     Cause and effect                                and continued austerity measures. Fast-
playful pink that led the S/S 11 theme      The rising price of cotton has seen             Fashion, now that it is established will
of An exotic journey citing inspiration   dramatic rises over the last twelve             always have a place, but will consumers
from destinations such as Africa, India,    months as the result of its scarcity and its   take a second look at quality garments
Peru and Turkey. This core colour was       impact on the industry has been severe.         that will last them longer when the
supported by equally fresh, fanciful and    Just-Styles report from October 2010           constant purchasing of the fast-fashion
alluring colours including Blue Curacao,    claimed that price increase was 127% in         cycle starts to feel like an extravagance?
Coral Rose and Peapod.                      the 18 months leading up to September
                                            2010. At least one of the outcomes of           Well have to wait and see, but we hope
For Autumn / Winter it would seem
that global upheaval and the continuing
                                            this has been forecasting from retailers
                                            including Primark, Next and H&M,
                                                                                            that the route to retail economic growth
                                                                                            can be found in a return to these steadfast
                                                                                                                                          March 2009  September 2010 price of cotton rose
need for courage in the face of economic    that retail prices will have to increase        labels and quality over quantity.             127% from 51 cents per lb to 116 cents per lb
adversity has informed in a focus on        in order to reflect the exponential
the art of colour and the theme of          growth in raw material prices.
Social trends

TV switch                                      as well as older archive programming.
On the whole television watching is still      The flexibility that weve gained has
top of the list when it comes to how the       meant an end to appointment-to-view
majority of us spend our free time. What       programming and as a result given us
is and, for the greater part has, changed is   more time to spend elsewhere  an
how we choose to make use of it based on       elsewhere which is predominantly
rapidly changing technology.                   becoming the net.
Nearly 89% of homes in the UK had a
digital television service at the end of       High Street in the Home
the first quarter of 2009 and although         This additional time spent on the Internet
satellite services had initially led the       has had an impact on a number of
way, much of the recent growth in digital      traditional UK lifestyle habits, but one of
TV has come from the take-up of digital        the areas feeling it most is retail. The
terrestrial television. Although not swift     High Street has continued to suffer,
its a change that has been quite dramatic     not only as the result of issues with the
in the space of a decade. In Q1 2000,          economy, but also because of where we
only 3% of households had this service         are choosing to make our purchasing
connected to their main television set,        decisions. In comparison to the rest of
by Q1 2009 this had increased to 38% of        Europe, the UK leads the way in the
households.                                    buying or ordering of goods or services
                                               over the Internet. In a Eurostat EU
Unsurprisingly one of the most                 comparison from 2009, nearly 75%
significant changes to viewing habits in       of people aged 16 to 74 had bought or
recent years has been led by the advent        ordered on the Internet in the 12 months
of on-demand Internet television services      prior to interview in comparison to the
provided by all of the major broadcasters      EU average of just under 40%.
and offering us both 7 day catch-up TV

What are we doing?

           UK TOP SELLING ALBUM                                                                   ADMIT ONE
                1956-2009                        THE 10 LONDON-BASED                              In 2009 British
                                                                                                                                                     To find out more
                                                                                                                                                      Contact us at
                                                 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER TITLES                                                 According to the
                                                                                               consumers in the UK                                 Lowdandklea.Com
                                                                                                                            National Lottery
                                                 SELL AN AVERAGE                             spent 贈3.4bn on all forms
                                                                                              of movie products and       Commission 70% of

         Greatest Hits                         9,540,993 A DAY                                       services.          adults play the lottery
                                                                                                                           on a regular basis
            Queen                                                                                ADMIT ONE
                  5.7 m

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Lifestyle Insight

  • 1. Lowd&Klea Strategic Communications Agency www.lowdandklea.com O, Brave New World... This is an original article compiled from desk-based research undertaken by Lowd&Klea. As we enter a new fiscal year what will have the greatest influence on our lifestyle in the areas of fashion, technology and social trends? In this document we aim to provide you with a snapshot overview of what to expect, what trends are in their ascendancy and whats likely to be left behind by this time next year. Fashion Sensible and spirited Sensible and Spirited. As a result, Fast-Fashion Where better to start in fashion than Honeysuckle will be joined by colours This trend in the UK over the last decade with the colours that get it noticed and that add stability to wardrobes such signified by rapidly changing styles and dictate the theme for the seasons and as Coffee Liqueur, Nougat and Orchid collections, offered at cheap prices has their styles. Hopefully as you already Hush. We await full details of S/S 12s changed the overall structure of the know, Pantone offered us an escape from Wonder theme and as soon as we industry. We have to ask the question the economically imposed austerity that have them, youll be the first to know. of whether its due to continue to lead surrounds us with their colour for the in light of increased raw materials costs year 18-2120 Honeysuckle. A vibrant and Cause and effect and continued austerity measures. Fast- playful pink that led the S/S 11 theme The rising price of cotton has seen Fashion, now that it is established will of An exotic journey citing inspiration dramatic rises over the last twelve always have a place, but will consumers from destinations such as Africa, India, months as the result of its scarcity and its take a second look at quality garments Peru and Turkey. This core colour was impact on the industry has been severe. that will last them longer when the supported by equally fresh, fanciful and Just-Styles report from October 2010 constant purchasing of the fast-fashion alluring colours including Blue Curacao, claimed that price increase was 127% in cycle starts to feel like an extravagance? Coral Rose and Peapod. the 18 months leading up to September 2010. At least one of the outcomes of Well have to wait and see, but we hope For Autumn / Winter it would seem that global upheaval and the continuing this has been forecasting from retailers including Primark, Next and H&M, that the route to retail economic growth can be found in a return to these steadfast March 2009 September 2010 price of cotton rose need for courage in the face of economic that retail prices will have to increase labels and quality over quantity. 127% from 51 cents per lb to 116 cents per lb adversity has informed in a focus on in order to reflect the exponential the art of colour and the theme of growth in raw material prices.
  • 2. Social trends TV switch as well as older archive programming. On the whole television watching is still The flexibility that weve gained has top of the list when it comes to how the meant an end to appointment-to-view majority of us spend our free time. What programming and as a result given us is and, for the greater part has, changed is more time to spend elsewhere an how we choose to make use of it based on elsewhere which is predominantly rapidly changing technology. becoming the net. Nearly 89% of homes in the UK had a digital television service at the end of High Street in the Home the first quarter of 2009 and although This additional time spent on the Internet satellite services had initially led the has had an impact on a number of way, much of the recent growth in digital traditional UK lifestyle habits, but one of TV has come from the take-up of digital the areas feeling it most is retail. The terrestrial television. Although not swift High Street has continued to suffer, its a change that has been quite dramatic not only as the result of issues with the in the space of a decade. In Q1 2000, economy, but also because of where we only 3% of households had this service are choosing to make our purchasing connected to their main television set, decisions. In comparison to the rest of by Q1 2009 this had increased to 38% of Europe, the UK leads the way in the households. buying or ordering of goods or services over the Internet. In a Eurostat EU Unsurprisingly one of the most comparison from 2009, nearly 75% significant changes to viewing habits in of people aged 16 to 74 had bought or recent years has been led by the advent ordered on the Internet in the 12 months of on-demand Internet television services prior to interview in comparison to the provided by all of the major broadcasters EU average of just under 40%. and offering us both 7 day catch-up TV What are we doing? UK TOP SELLING ALBUM ADMIT ONE 1956-2009 THE 10 LONDON-BASED In 2009 British To find out more Contact us at NATIONAL NEWSPAPER TITLES According to the consumers in the UK Lowdandklea.Com National Lottery SELL AN AVERAGE spent 贈3.4bn on all forms of movie products and Commission 70% of Greatest Hits 9,540,993 A DAY services. adults play the lottery on a regular basis Queen ADMIT ONE 5.7 m