Lifeware TEK has developed a podcast hosting system that will allow you to create, post, manage and market your podcasts.
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Lifeware TEK Podcast Hosting System
1. Podcast Hosting System 1301 Plantation Island Dr. S. Unit 201, St. Augustine FL 32080 By Joseph Murphy VP Internet and Mobile Marketing [email_address] 904-794-7070
2. 1301 Plantation Island Dr. S. Unit 201, St. Augustine FL 32080 Podcasting uses an XML based technology call RSS. Content publishers describe new content in an XML RSS file which includes dates, titles, descriptions, and links to MP3 files. This auto-generated file is called an RSS feed. What makes podcasting special is that it allows individuals to publish (podcast) radioshows, that interested listeners can subscribe to. Before podcasting you could of course record a radio show and put it on your website, but now people can automatically receive new shows, without having to go to a specific site and download it from there. Lifeware TEK has created a Podcast Hosting system that allows you to upload your audio, create and publish a podcast.
3. 1301 Plantation Island Dr. S. Unit 201, St. Augustine FL 32080 Create a Podcast The customizable elements of the card are shown below. These elements are dynamic and can be changed at any time and as often as you want through our simple postcard wizard. Picture or video. Add a URL. Promotional Copy. Embed a link to any URL. Specify a digital download
4. 1301 Plantation Island Dr. S. Unit 201, St. Augustine FL 32080 Add a URL. Promotional Copy. Audio tracks can be added and play automatically. Embed a link to any URL. Podcast Management Once you create your podcast, you can manage it and review stats on the number of subscribers and circulation.
5. 1301 Plantation Island Dr. S. Unit 201, St. Augustine FL 32080 Create a Podcast Once you create your podcast, you can manage it and review stats on the number of subscribers and circulation. After clicking Send Email, they then click to download their free incentive for Passing it On.
6. 1301 Plantation Island Dr. S. Unit 201, St. Augustine FL 32080 Podcast Management Once you create your podcast, you can manage it and review stats on the number of subscribers and circulation. Picture or video. Add a URL. Promotional Copy. Embed a link to any URL.
7. 1301 Plantation Island Dr. S. Unit 201, St. Augustine FL 32080 By Joseph Murphy VP Internet and Mobile Marketing [email_address] 904-794-7070 Contact me for a free consultation on Internet and Mobile Marketing Strategies