This document provides tips and encouragement for lifting the lid on leadership potential and effectiveness. It stresses finding struggling members in an organization and working with them through taprooting, which involves showing love, praise, protecting the team, surrounding oneself with rock stars, and sharing visions. The overall message is that leaders have the power to positively impact their teams and help them grow with a little effort each day.
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Lifting the lid
2. Lifting The Lid
Lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes, for you shall expand to the right
and to the left, and your descendants (generations!) will inherit the nations.
Isaiah 54:2
6. YOU have the power
to lead your team.
Our oils are the most effective when we lift the lid and
APPLY THEM. They don¡¯t do us much good sitting in the
bottle on the shelf.
12. My organization is my
Their people are my people.
I am their leader, too.
13. Young Living example:
Adam Green
Attended three conventions as a Silver, then
decided to become a leader.
14. When the country is in
chaos, everybody has
a plan to fix it, but it
takes a leader of real
understanding to
straighten things out.
Proverbs 28:2
15. If you have a downline
that is struggling,
tap root.
Find the person in the organization, no matter how far
down, and work with them, help them grow!
16. Here are some tips to help you tap root in your organization:
1. Love your team.
This is about relationships, not PV or volume!
2. Give praise.
Simple gestures, compliments, take time for your people!
3. Seldom use your power, except to defend and protect
your team.
4. Surround yourself with ROCK STARS!
You become like those you are with the most!
5. Cast your vision.
Let your team know your WHY and find out theirs!