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  Front cover, contents page and
        double page spread.
Liiar analysis
Conventions              Hook

 Masthea                                  Plug

                                          Main Image

 images                                       Pull

                                                 Cover Lines

                        Bar code
Media Language
                                                 Codes and Conventions
  The masthead follows magazine conventions by being placed at the left top corner. It is very large
   and bold. The yellow color makes it stand out from the simplistic grey background therefore it
   captures the audience attention.
  Selling line:
  "New Magazine Express" . The selling line makes it easier to identify the genre of the magazine
   and also clarifies its full name.
  Main pull-quote:
  The main pull-quote is a quote by Cobain, that suggests that we can find more about that artist in
   the magazine. It's in yellow like the masthead so that it stands out more and the font in which is
   written is very chaotic with letters of different sizes and on slightly different lines: that represents
   the state of mind of the artist (connotation)
  There are other pull-quotes on the left side of the cover. They are also quotes extracted from
   interviews that can be found in the magazine. They are used to interest the audience.
  Cover lines:
  At the right bottom corner and on the left (names of artists) there are cover lines that tells us more
   about the topics of the week. All the artists' names are written either in red (on the left) to make
   them more visible, or in black and white (right bottom corner) to separate them from each other in
   a clear way.
  Main Image:
  The main image of the front cover is a mid shot of the lead singer of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain. Cobain
   is wearing a leopard skin hoodie and a big pair of eccentric white glasses 50s, while smoking a
   cigarette. The photo clearly reflect his crazy and eccentric personality.
  Secondary images:
  There are also other 4 images on the cover. Three of them are on the left side and they are close-
   ups of the celebrity whose interviews or stories are featured in the magazine. The one at the top
   right corner represents a poster that would be given with the magazine. They are inserted to
   catch the viewer's eyes, images being a more powerful and effective means than words.
Media Language
                   Codes and Conventions
       The hook is at the top and it is used to attract fans of the
      band. The name of the band is in yellow so that it is more
       The plug is on the right, under the masthead and near the
        ma in image. It is used to tell the audience about a specific
        topic that may interest them. It is visible because of the red
        color and the contrast with the text "SPECIAL LYRICS
        ISSUE" being black and white. There's also a question that
        challenges the audience and catches its interest.
      Bar code:
       The magazine follows codes and conventions, as it has a
        bar code that indicates price and date of release.
             Publisher, company...?
     NME is published by IPC MEDIA (formerly
      International Publishing Corporation ).

     IPC MEDIA is a consumer and digital publisher in the
      United Kingdom with a large portfolio.

     It sells over 350 million copies each year.

     IPC MEDIA is owned by Times Inc which is the
      publishing side of Time Warner Inc.
   Message, moral values...?

   NME is a music magazine that focuses mostly on
    genres like rock, indie and alternative.

   It mainly focuses on artists that were really big in the
    past (as Kurt Cobain on the front cover) and relieve their
            Who's reading it?

   NME's audience is both relevant to female and male
    readers however is aimed more towards a male

   IPC MEDIA defines their typical young-man-reader like

  "The guy whose uniform includes woven shirts, narrow
    ties and vintage-style accessories. Whos downloaded
    Arctic Monkeys to his iPod and Lucy Pinder to his

   The range: 18-34 years old.
                How is it represented?

     Cobain is wearing a white shirt under a leopard skin

     On the lenses we can see the reflection of a stage with
Contents page
Logo and
                         Media Language
                                   Codes and Conventions
The title "Contents" tells
where he is in magazine.
It stands out because
there's the contrast with
black and white.
                                                                      Date and website
   Features:                                                                      Main
   The features tells us
                                                                              The main image is a mid-
    about what we can find                                                    shot of artist Jon Bon Jovi.
    in the magazine. The                                                      He is standing on profile,
    different articles are                                                    with his hands firmly in the
    separated from each                                                       pockets and looking
    other: the titles of each                                                 directly at the audience.
    issue is written in a
    bigger bold font. The
    page number next to
    all the titles makes it
    easier to audience to                                                         Pull-quote
    find what they're                                                              It attracts the reader by
    interested in and also                                                         giving out a little of
    the orange makes it                                                            information about what
    more visible. For each                                                         he can find in the article.
    article featured there's                                                       The page number is
    a little "ironic"                                                              written in a bold orange
    explanation of what the                                                        font, to make it more
    article is about: that                                                         visible.
    makes it more
    interesting for the
                                Secondary image
                                The secondary image shows the reader a
                                little more of what can be found inside and
                                makes him more curious. It is a mid shot
                                of the band "Coldplay"
           Publisher, company...?
     Q Magazine was founded by Mark Ellen and David

     Q was first published in October 1986, by Bauer
      Media Group, setting itself apart from much of the
      other music press with monthly production and higher
      standards of photography and printing.

     In the early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The
      modern guide to music and more".

     Originally it was to be called Cue (as in the sense of
      cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was
      changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker
      magazine. Another reason, cited in Q's 200th edition,
      is that a single-letter title would be more prominent on

     There is also a Q TV television channel in the UK,
      although it is due to close on 3 July 2012.

     Q also holds a yearly awards ceremony called the Q
   Message, moral values...?

  - Q magazine focuses on different genres
    including pop, rock, hip-hop.

  - It has a more sophisticated view on the music
    industry, thats why it also has a different
    range of audience, different from magazines
    like NME.
     Who's reading it?
                 How is it represented?

      Jon Bon Jovi is the artist represented in the main
       image of the page.

      It's a mid-shot.

      He's standing on a profile looking straight to the
       camera. His hands are firmly in his pockets and he's
       wearing a necklace with a skull. He also has a slight
       smile on his face, meaning as it's reported from the
       interview, that he "can be the nicest guy, but a prick

      The pose of his body (arms firmly stretched and the
       muscles) and his face (chin high, looking directly at
       the audience, little smile) tells the reader about his
       personality: a really strong and determined man, that
       can be really nice though.

      The image is very simple. The background is white
       and it gets brighter in the upper part of the image so
       that it looks like there is a light spot on the singer.
Double page
Double page spread
 The title is a quote                                                             She is wearing really
  from Lily Allen                                                                  heavy and dark make
  extracted from the                                                               up.                  Her
  article. The font is                                                             hair is really dark and
  really particular, with                                                          short. The darkness of
  letters of different                                                             the make up and the hair
  sizes that looked cut                                                            creates a contrast with
  and put together. This                                                           her pale skin.
  type of the text is
  used to emphasize
  the state of mind of
  the singer and her

                                                                                  The singer stands with
                                                                                  her body toward the
                                                                                  camera and her arms on
 There is a brief                                                                 the sides. She looks
 introduction to the                                                              directly to the camera.
 article, where the name                                                                     This position
 of the singer is written                                                         reflects her strong
 in red, so that it stands                                                        personality that comes
 out and catches the                                                              out from her words, too.
 reader's eyes.

                             The article is written in a very simple font.
                                                                              The red tartan shirt
                             The 'I' at the beginning of the article is       makes her stand out as it
                             written in bold and is bigger than the rest of   is a bright color and
                             the text: that is a convention used to begin     there is a strong contrast
                             an article.                                      with the black and white
                                                                              that dominate the pages.

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Liiar analysis

  • 1. LIIAR ANALYSIS Front cover, contents page and double page spread.
  • 3. Conventions Hook Masthea Plug d Selling Line Main Image Secondary images Pull quote Cover Lines Bar code
  • 4. Media Language Codes and Conventions Masthead: The masthead follows magazine conventions by being placed at the left top corner. It is very large and bold. The yellow color makes it stand out from the simplistic grey background therefore it captures the audience attention. Selling line: "New Magazine Express" . The selling line makes it easier to identify the genre of the magazine and also clarifies its full name. Main pull-quote: The main pull-quote is a quote by Cobain, that suggests that we can find more about that artist in the magazine. It's in yellow like the masthead so that it stands out more and the font in which is written is very chaotic with letters of different sizes and on slightly different lines: that represents the state of mind of the artist (connotation) Pull-quotes: There are other pull-quotes on the left side of the cover. They are also quotes extracted from interviews that can be found in the magazine. They are used to interest the audience. Cover lines: At the right bottom corner and on the left (names of artists) there are cover lines that tells us more about the topics of the week. All the artists' names are written either in red (on the left) to make them more visible, or in black and white (right bottom corner) to separate them from each other in a clear way. Main Image: The main image of the front cover is a mid shot of the lead singer of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain. Cobain is wearing a leopard skin hoodie and a big pair of eccentric white glasses 50s, while smoking a cigarette. The photo clearly reflect his crazy and eccentric personality. Secondary images: There are also other 4 images on the cover. Three of them are on the left side and they are close- ups of the celebrity whose interviews or stories are featured in the magazine. The one at the top right corner represents a poster that would be given with the magazine. They are inserted to catch the viewer's eyes, images being a more powerful and effective means than words.
  • 5. Media Language Codes and Conventions Hook: The hook is at the top and it is used to attract fans of the band. The name of the band is in yellow so that it is more visible. Plug: The plug is on the right, under the masthead and near the ma in image. It is used to tell the audience about a specific topic that may interest them. It is visible because of the red color and the contrast with the text "SPECIAL LYRICS ISSUE" being black and white. There's also a question that challenges the audience and catches its interest. Bar code: The magazine follows codes and conventions, as it has a bar code that indicates price and date of release.
  • 6. Institution Publisher, company...? NME is published by IPC MEDIA (formerly International Publishing Corporation ). IPC MEDIA is a consumer and digital publisher in the United Kingdom with a large portfolio. It sells over 350 million copies each year. IPC MEDIA is owned by Times Inc which is the publishing side of Time Warner Inc.
  • 7. Ideology Message, moral values...? NME is a music magazine that focuses mostly on genres like rock, indie and alternative. It mainly focuses on artists that were really big in the past (as Kurt Cobain on the front cover) and relieve their successes.
  • 8. Audience Who's reading it? NME's audience is both relevant to female and male readers however is aimed more towards a male audience. IPC MEDIA defines their typical young-man-reader like this: "The guy whose uniform includes woven shirts, narrow ties and vintage-style accessories. Whos downloaded Arctic Monkeys to his iPod and Lucy Pinder to his phone." The range: 18-34 years old.
  • 9. Representation How is it represented? Cobain is wearing a white shirt under a leopard skin On the lenses we can see the reflection of a stage with
  • 11. Logo and Contents Media Language Codes and Conventions The title "Contents" tells where he is in magazine. It stands out because there's the contrast with black and white. Date and website Features: Main The features tells us image The main image is a mid- about what we can find shot of artist Jon Bon Jovi. in the magazine. The He is standing on profile, different articles are with his hands firmly in the separated from each pockets and looking other: the titles of each directly at the audience. issue is written in a bigger bold font. The page number next to all the titles makes it easier to audience to Pull-quote find what they're It attracts the reader by interested in and also giving out a little of the orange makes it information about what more visible. For each he can find in the article. article featured there's The page number is a little "ironic" written in a bold orange explanation of what the font, to make it more article is about: that visible. makes it more interesting for the reader. Secondary image The secondary image shows the reader a little more of what can be found inside and makes him more curious. It is a mid shot of the band "Coldplay"
  • 12. Institution Publisher, company...? Q Magazine was founded by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. Q was first published in October 1986, by Bauer Media Group, setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing. In the early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more". Originally it was to be called Cue (as in the sense of cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine. Another reason, cited in Q's 200th edition, is that a single-letter title would be more prominent on newsstands. There is also a Q TV television channel in the UK, although it is due to close on 3 July 2012. Q also holds a yearly awards ceremony called the Q Awards.
  • 13. Ideology Message, moral values...? - Q magazine focuses on different genres including pop, rock, hip-hop. - It has a more sophisticated view on the music industry, thats why it also has a different range of audience, different from magazines like NME.
  • 14. Audience Who's reading it?
  • 15. Representation How is it represented? Jon Bon Jovi is the artist represented in the main image of the page. It's a mid-shot. He's standing on a profile looking straight to the camera. His hands are firmly in his pockets and he's wearing a necklace with a skull. He also has a slight smile on his face, meaning as it's reported from the interview, that he "can be the nicest guy, but a prick too." The pose of his body (arms firmly stretched and the muscles) and his face (chin high, looking directly at the audience, little smile) tells the reader about his personality: a really strong and determined man, that can be really nice though. The image is very simple. The background is white and it gets brighter in the upper part of the image so that it looks like there is a light spot on the singer.
  • 16. Double page spread.
  • 17. Double page spread The title is a quote She is wearing really from Lily Allen heavy and dark make extracted from the up. Her article. The font is hair is really dark and really particular, with short. The darkness of letters of different the make up and the hair sizes that looked cut creates a contrast with and put together. This her pale skin. type of the text is used to emphasize the state of mind of the singer and her personality. Mid-shot. The singer stands with her body toward the camera and her arms on There is a brief the sides. She looks introduction to the directly to the camera. article, where the name This position of the singer is written reflects her strong in red, so that it stands personality that comes out and catches the out from her words, too. reader's eyes. The article is written in a very simple font. The red tartan shirt The 'I' at the beginning of the article is makes her stand out as it written in bold and is bigger than the rest of is a bright color and the text: that is a convention used to begin there is a strong contrast an article. with the black and white that dominate the pages.