Design of a Li-ion battery: component selection, cell installation, connections, control, protection, isolation, thermal management, mechanical design.
From the book "Li-ion Batteries and Applications" by Davide Andrea
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Li-ion Batteries and Applications, chapter 6: Battery design
1. Li-ion batteries
and applications
Bater鱈as de iones de litio
y aplicaciones
Davide Andrea
Elithion Inc.
Volume 1: Batteries
Ch 6: Battery design
Vol炭men 1: Baterias
Cap. 6: Dise単o de la bater鱈a
2. Chapter 6.1
Battery design - Introduction
Dise単o de la bater鱈a - Introducci坦n
Ch 6.1: Battery design - Introduction
3. Ch 6.1: Battery design - Introduction
A battery has:
One current
One State of Charge
One protector switch (or a set of switches, for
charging and discharging separately)
Two power terminals (or more, for charging
and discharging separately)
4. Ch 6.1: Battery design - Introduction
Battery use classification
Clasificaci坦n de las bater鱈as en funci坦n de su uso
5. Ch 6.1: Battery design - Introduction
Battery design checklist, 1
Lista de verificaci坦n de dise単o de bater鱈as, 1
Should I design a battery?
Establish application requirements
Produce battery specifications
Propose 2~3 solutions, select one
6. Ch 6.1: Battery design - Introduction
Battery design checklist, 2
Lista de verificaci坦n de dise単o de bater鱈as, 2
Main component selection
Cell mounting design
High power design
Low power design
Thermal design
Mechanical design
7. Ch 6.1: Battery design - Introduction
Application requirements
Requerimientos de aplicacion
The application
Desired life (years), number of cycles
Nominal battery voltage
Profile of the current during a cycle
Required energy density
Cost for first article, cost in quantity
8. Ch 6.1: Battery design - Introduction
Create battery specifications
Crear especificaciones de bater鱈a
Nominal capacity at the start of life
Actual capacity at the end of life
Initial range of SoC
Final range of SoC
Cell chemistry
Maximum value of MPT
9. Chapter 6.2
Battery design - Component selection
Dise単o de la bater鱈a - Selecci坦n de componentes
Ch 6.2: Battery design - Component selection
10. Ch 6.2: Battery design - Component selection
Cell format, BMS suggestions
Formato de celdas, sugerencias de BMS.
11. Chapter 6.3
Battery design - Cell installation and
Dise単o de la bater鱈a - instalaci坦n e interconexi坦n de
Ch 6.3: Battery design - Cell installation
41. Ch 6.7: Battery design - Control
Control inputs
Entradas de control
42. Ch 6.7: Battery design - Control
Switch driven control input
Interruptor conectado a una entrada de control
43. Ch 6.7: Battery design - Control
Control outputs
Salidas de control
44. Ch 6.7: Battery design - Control
Open drain outputs
Salidas con drenador abierto
45. Chapter 6.8
Battery design - Protection
Dise単o de la bater鱈a - Proteccion
Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
46. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Protection is required
La protecci坦n es necesaria
47. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Protector switch topologies
Topolog鱈as de interruptor de protecci坦n
48. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Single switch topology
Topolog鱈a de un solo interruptor
49. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Dual switch single port topology
Topolog鱈a de doble interruptor, puerto 炭nico
50. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Dual port topology
Topolog鱈a de doble puerto
51. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Switch components
Componentes para un interruptor
52. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Single port MOSFET topology
Topolog鱈a MOSFET con puerto 炭nico
53. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Dual port MOSFET topology
Topolog鱈a MOSFET de doble puerto
54. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Single port contactor topology
Topolog鱈a contactor con puerto 炭nico
55. Ch 6.8: Battery design - Protection
Dual port contactor topology
Topolog鱈a contactor de doble puerto
56. Chapter 6.9
Battery design - Precharge
Dise単o de la bater鱈a - Precarga
Ch 6.9: Battery design - Precharge
57. Ch 6.9: Battery design - Precharge
Current with no precharge
Corriente sin precarga
58. Ch 6.9: Battery design - Precharge
Current with no precharge
Corriente sin precarga
59. Ch 6.9: Battery design - Precharge
Pulse duration with no precharge
Duraci坦n del pulso sin precarga
65. Chapter 6.10
Battery design - Battery isolation and
ground faults
Dise単o de la bater鱈a - Aislamiento de la bater鱈a y
fallas a tierra.
Ch 6.10: Battery design - Isolation
67. Ch 6.10: Battery design - Isolation
Which batteries need isolation?
多Qu辿 bater鱈as necesitan aislamiento?
68. Ch 6.10: Battery design - Isolation
Grounded applications
Aplicaci坦nes conectadas a tierra
69. Ch 6.10: Battery design - Isolation
Battery isolation
Aislamiento de la bater鱈a
70. Ch 6.10: Battery design - Isolation
Risks of grounded batteries
Riesgos de las bater鱈as conectadas a tierra
71. Ch 6.10: Battery design - Isolation
Automatic ground fault detection
Detecci坦n autom叩tica de fallas a tierra
Isolation loss
Ground fault current
75. Ch 6.11: Battery design - Chargers
Multiple charger control
Control de m炭ltiples cargadores
76. Ch 6.11: Battery design - Chargers
Charger selection
Selecci坦n de cargador
CCCV output
Output voltage, current
AC input
Not adjustable
Adjustable with screwdriver adjustments
Remotely configurable (e.g.: though the CAN bus)
Multiple chargers:
For parallel operation
For series operation
77. Chapter 6.12
Battery design - Radio noise, EMI
Dise単o de la bater鱈a - Ruido radioel辿ctrico
Ch 6.12: Battery design - Radio noise, EMI
78. Ch 6.12: Battery design - Radio noise, EMI
Noise sources
Fuentes de ruido
Switching converters
Radio transmitters
79. Ch 6.12: Battery design - Radio noise, EMI
Switch-mode noise generation
Ruido generado por fuentes de alimentaci坦n conmutadas
95. Ch 6.14: Battery design - Mechanical design
Mechanical design
Dise単o mecanico
Protect from wandering fingers
Offer an environmental protection
appropriate for the use
Be electrically insulated from the
Be sufficiently rugged against expected
abuse, without adding excessive mass