Troubleshooting and repair of a Li-ion battery, pitfalls to avoid.
From the book "Li-ion Batteries and Applications" by Davide Andrea
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Li-ion Batteries and Applications, chapter 9: Dysfunctions
1. Li-ion batteries
and applications
Baterías de iones de litio
y aplicaciones
Davide Andrea
Elithion Inc.
Volume 1: Batteries
Ch 9: Dysfunctions
Volúmen 1: Baterias
Cap. 9: disfunciones
3. Ch 9.1: Dysfunctions - Introduction
Troubleshooting and repair
Diagnóstico y reparación
Troubleshooting and repair
1)Troubleshooting comes first
2)Repair comes second
4. Chapter 9.2
Dysfunctions - Cell and battery
Ch 9.2: Dysfunctions - Cell and battery damage
Disfunciones - Da?os a celdas y baterías.
5. Ch 9.1: Dysfunctions - Introduction
Cell damage
Da?o a las celdas
Thermal runaway
Mechanical abuse
6. Ch 9.: Dysfunctions - Cell and battery damage
Disconnected cells and taps
Celdas y grifos desconectados
17. Ch 9.3: Dysfunctions - BMS damage
Other BMS damage
Otros da?os al BMS
Power supply inputs and output
Driver outputs
Communication ports
Signal inputs
19. Ch 9.4: Dysfunctions - Protector switch damage
Protector switch damage
Da?o al interruptor de protección
High MOSFET temperature
Multiple batteries in series
Shorted charging port in a dual port
Precharge resistor
21. Chapter 9.5
Dysfunctions - Power up
Ch 9.5: Dysfunctions - Power up troubleshooting
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
22. Ch 9.5: Dysfunctions - Power up troubleshooting
Power up troubleshooting
Diagnóstico de problemas de encendido
No BMS power
BMS power cycles constantly
Warnings and faults troubleshooting
Current limits troubleshooting
23. Chapter 9.6
Dysfunctions - Measurements
Ch 9.6: Dysfunctions - Measurements
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
24. Ch 9.6: Dysfunctions - Measurements
Measurements troubleshooting
Diagnóstico de problemas de mediciones
Cell voltage troubleshooting
Wired BMS troubleshooting
Distributed BMS troubleshooting
Battery voltage troubleshooting
Temperature troubleshooting
Current troubleshooting
25. Chapter 9.7
Dysfunctions - Mismatched cell
voltages troubleshooting
Ch 9.7: Dysfunctions - Mismatched cell voltages
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
voltajes de celda no coincidentes
26. Ch 9.7: Dysfunctions - Mismatched cell voltages
Mismatched cell voltage identification
Identificación del problema de voltajes no coincidentes
27. Chapter 9.8
Dysfunctions - Data evaluation
Ch 9.8: Dysfunctions - Data evaluation
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
evaluación de datos
28. Ch 9.8: Dysfunctions - Data evaluation
Data evaluation troubleshooting
Diagnóstico de problemas de evaluación de datos
State of Charge troubleshooting
Actual capacity troubleshooting
Actual resistance troubleshooting
State of Health troubleshooting
29. Chapter 9.9
Dysfunctions - CAN bus
Ch 9.9: Dysfunctions - CAN bus
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
bus CAN
30. Ch 9.9: Dysfunctions - CAN bus
CAN bus troubleshooting
Diagnóstico de problemas de bus CAN
No communications
Poor noise immunity
Poor data throughput
31. Chapter 9.10
Dysfunctions - Troubleshooting other
Ch 9.10: Dysfunctions - Other communications
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
otras comunicaciones
32. Ch 9.10: Dysfunctions - Other communications
Troubleshooting other communications
Diagnóstico de problemas de otras comunicaciones
Windows GUI troubleshooting
Command line terminal
Slave communications
33. Chapter 9.11
Dysfunctions - Ground faults
Ch 9.11: Dysfunctions - Ground faults
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
fallas a tierra
34. Ch 9.11: Dysfunctions - Ground faults
Ground faults troubleshooting
Diagnóstico de problemas de fallas a tierra
False positive
False negative
35. Chapter 9.12
Dysfunctions - Troubleshooting
inputs and outputs
Ch 9.12: Dysfunctions - Inputs and outputs
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
entradas y salidas
36. Ch 9.11: Dysfunctions - Ground faults
Troubleshooting inputs and outputs
Diagnóstico de problemas de entradas y salidas
Digital inputs
Analog inputs
Logic outputs
Relay outputs
Analog outputs
Open drain drivers
37. Ch 9.12: Dysfunctions - Inputs and outputs
Open drain output measurement
Medición de una salida de drenaje abierto
38. Chapter 9.13
Dysfunctions - Troubleshooting
power circuits
Ch 9.13: Dysfunctions - Power circuits
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas en
los circuitos de potencia
39. Ch 9.1: Dysfunctions - Introduction
Troubleshooting power circuits
Diagnóstico de problemas en los circuitos de potencia
Contactors troubleshooting
Precharge troubleshooting
40. Chapter 9.14
Dysfunctions - Troubleshooting fault
Ch 9.14: Dysfunctions - Fault messages
Disfunciones - Diagnóstico de problemas de
mensajes de fallo
41. Ch 9.14: Dysfunctions - Fault messages
Troubleshooting fault messages
Diagnóstico de problemas de mensajes de fallo
Killing the messenger
Battery shutdown, high cell voltage
Battery shutdown, low cell voltage
Vehicle, high acceleration, up a long hill
Stationary, battery is empty
Battery shutdown, charge over-current
Battery shutdown, discharge over-current
Isolation fault