Physical therapist, occupational therapist and nutritionist, Dr. Grace Walker currently serves as the director of the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center, where she uses her extensive experience, knowledge, and resources to deliver effective care. Outside of Dr. Grace Walkers physical therapy work, she is a fan of the composer Mozart.
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Like Father, Like Son - Mozart's Musical Offspring
2. Introduction
Physical therapist, occupational therapist and nutritionist, Dr. Grace Walker
currently serves as the director of the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center,
where she uses her extensive experience, knowledge, and resources to deliver
effective care. Outside of Dr. Grace Walkers physical therapy work, she is a fan
of the composer Mozart.
Though certainly the most prolific and accomplished Mozart, Wolfgang
Amadeus was not the only musical Mozart. His son, Franz Xaver, who
professionally called himself Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Junior, was an
accomplished musician in his own right, but he was never able to escape the
monolithic shadow cast by his father.
Despite having the musical genius blood flowing through his veins, Franz
Xaver never met his father, who died when the child was just four months old.
Still, young Xavers mother made it a point to see that her son received the best
music education available, studying under notable teachers like Frantisek
Dusek, Hummel, and Albrechtsberger.
3. Mozart's Musical Offspring
As an adult, Xaver relocated to Lemberg, in modern-day Ukraine, where he
taught and performed his own music alongside his fathers. Styling himself as
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Junior, Xaver toured Europe with his music for over
two years.
After returning to his fathers home in Salzburg, Xaver became the Honorary
Director of the Mozarteum, the citys music and drama university, where he
continued to teach and perform despite also battling stomach cancer. He took a
leave of absence to rest and recuperate in the nearby town of Karlsbad, passing
away before he could return to his work.
After his death, Franz Xaver was buried in a local Karlsbad cemetery. Today, the
remodeled greenspace is known as Mozart Park, where the composers grave
still stands. Though Xaver never reached the soaring heights his father did, his
own pieces, coupled with his teaching work, helped the Mozart legacy to live
on forever.
For an appointment with an expert Physical Therapist call Walker Physical
therapy and Pain Center at 714-997-5518.