This document discusses the anatomical landmarks that limit the periphery of maxillary dentures, including the labial frenum, labial vestibule, buccal frenum, buccal vestibule, pterygomaxillary notch, and vibrating line of the palate. Each structure is defined along with considerations for how it impacts the design of dentures, such as ensuring frenums can pass through notches and ensuring flanges do not extend beyond vestibules or risk interfering with other structures like the coronoid process. The vibrating line of the palate specifically marks where hard and soft palates meet and is used to determine the posterior border of dentures.
2. In relation to Maxillary
Labial Frenum
Labial Vestibule
Buccal Frenum
Buccal Vestibule
Ptergomaxillary (Hamular) notch
Vibrating line of Palate
3. 1-The maxillary labial frenum:
Fibrous band covered by mucous
membrane that extends from the
labial side of the ridge to the lip,
it has no muscle fibers, its
position in the denture called the
labial notch which should be
wide and deep enough to allow
the frenum to pass through
4. 2- Labial vestibule (sulcus)
It is a space bounded by the
labial aspect of the alveolar
ridge, muco-labial fold and
orbicularis oris muscle between
labial frenum and buccal frenum,
it is occupied by labial flange of
the denture, the length of this
flange should not extend more
than the vestibule, the thickness
of the flange depends upon the
degree of alveolar resorption.
5. 3- Buccal Frenum
It may be single or double,
its position in the denture
called buccal notch which
should be wide enough to
prevent dislodgment of
the denture during broad
6. 4- Buccal vestibule
It is a space posterior to buccal
frenum and extend to
notch, it houses buccal flange of
the denture, the thickness of
the buccal flange of the denture
must not be thick to avoids
coronoid process of the
mandibule, the zygomatic
process often needs relief.
7. 5- Pterygomaxillary ( hamular)
this notch is formed by the
pterygoid process of sphenoid
bone and the posterior end of
the maxilla back of the
tuberosity, it is used to
determination of the posterior
border of the denture due to its
8. 6-Vibrating line of the palate
It is imaginary line drawn
across the posterior part of
the palate that marks the
beginning of vibrating in the
soft palate when the patient
says ( ahhhhh ), it extends from
one pterygomaxillary notch
to the other, it is always on
the soft palate.