This document provides personal details and qualifications for Lindiwe Precious Msomi. It includes her identity number, date of birth, place of birth, languages spoken, education history, work experience, references, and tax registration confirmation from SARS. She has a matric certificate from 2012 and a certificate in secretarial studies from 2004. Her work experience includes positions at various companies from 2010 to 2014.
El documento describe los principales aspectos de la administraci坦n de recursos humanos, incluyendo por qu辿 es importante, factores externos como sindicatos y leyes que afectan el proceso, y las etapas clave como la planeaci坦n, reclutamiento, selecci坦n, capacitaci坦n, evaluaci坦n del desempe単o y control de costos. Explica que la administraci坦n de recursos humanos es fundamental para la ventaja competitiva de una organizaci坦n y el bienestar de los empleados.
El aprendizaje colaborativo ha existido desde tiempos ancestrales, pero surgi坦 como un concepto formal a fines del siglo XX. El constructivismo sociocultural sostiene que todo aprendizaje es social y mediado. El aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por computador se basa en que los estudiantes construyen conocimiento de forma colaborativa a trav辿s de la discusi坦n y toma de decisiones mediadas por recursos inform叩ticos.
El aprendizaje colaborativo es un m辿todo de instrucci坦n en grupos peque単os que busca desarrollar habilidades mixtas de aprendizaje y desarrollo personal y social. Cada miembro del grupo es responsable de su propio aprendizaje y del de los dem叩s. El aprendizaje colaborativo se basa en la interdependencia positiva entre los miembros del grupo y fomenta la interacci坦n, la contribuci坦n individual y el desarrollo de habilidades grupales e individuales.
Tema 6 CG_Otras formas de control de gesti坦nmatilderuiz
Este documento describe diferentes formas alternativas de control de gesti坦n como los sistemas de retribuci坦n participativos, el gobierno corporativo y el control en el nuevo entorno tecnol坦gico 2.0. Explica c坦mo los sistemas de retribuci坦n pueden evolucionar hacia una gesti坦n por competencias y los beneficios que esto conlleva. Tambi辿n analiza el gobierno corporativo y la distinci坦n entre propiedad, control y direcci坦n en las empresas.
Este documento presenta definiciones de t辿rminos relacionados con 叩cidos y bases como pH, pOH, 叩cido fuerte y d辿bil, base fuerte, hidr坦n, valoraci坦n 叩cido-base, pH-metro, alimento y nutriente esencial. Explica conceptos como la acidez, la disociaci坦n de 叩cidos y bases, y la importancia de medir el pH.
O documento descreve a hist坦ria da educa巽達o no Brasil desde o per鱈odo colonial, quando os jesu鱈tas trouxeram a educa巽達o religiosa para os ind鱈genas, at辿 os dias atuais. Destaca os marcos como a implanta巽達o do ensino p炭blico no s辿culo 18 e a prioridade dada educa巽達o na Constitui巽達o de 1988. Resume tamb辿m a estrutura atual da educa巽達o b叩sica no pa鱈s, incluindo educa巽達o infantil e ensino fundamental.
This document provides information about Ultralam LVL manufactured by Modern Lumber Technology Ltd. It discusses Allied Structural Materials (ASM) as the exclusive distributor in the US, ASM's stocking locations and capabilities for customized deliveries. It also summarizes Ultralam's manufacturing process, certifications, warranties, design values and specifications.
Este documento resume la menopausia. Explica que la menopausia es el cese definitivo de la menstruaci坦n en las mujeres mayores de 45 a単os, marcando el fin de su ciclo reproductivo. Detalla los principales s鱈ntomas de la menopausia como sofocos, cambios de humor e irregularidades en el ciclo menstrual. Tambi辿n identifica factores como el tabaquismo y la malnutrici坦n que pueden influir en una menopausia precoz, mientras que el ejercicio puede retrasarla. Finalmente, se単ala que la menop
El documento habla sobre la biodiversidad y la variedad de vida en un lugar, incluyendo diversos niveles de organizaci坦n biol坦gica como especies de plantas y animales, su variabilidad gen辿tica, ecosistemas y paisajes. Tambi辿n menciona especies en peligro de extinci坦n y las categor鱈as de estado de conservaci坦n seg炭n la UICN. Explica que la extinci坦n es un proceso normal en la evoluci坦n y que el n炭mero de especies extintas a lo largo del tiempo geol坦gico es mayor que las existentes. Adem叩s,
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la sociedad de la informaci坦n a trav辿s de la historia. Se define la sociedad de la informaci坦n y sus caracter鱈sticas clave, como el acceso universal a la informaci坦n a trav辿s de Internet y la transformaci坦n del ciudadano en un usuario de informaci坦n. Finalmente, la generaci坦n de nuevas tecnolog鱈as es fundamental para mejorar la comunicaci坦n social y el acceso a la informaci坦n.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre el pensamiento y el lenguaje. Brevemente resume lo siguiente: El pensamiento se define como la actividad y creaci坦n de la mente, mientras que el lenguaje humano se caracteriza por propiedades como la arbitrariedad, productividad y transmisi坦n cultural. Adem叩s, existen diferentes tipos de lenguaje como el est叩ndar, coloquial, po辿tico y cient鱈fico. Finalmente, se describe la relaci坦n entre el pensamiento y el lenguaje, donde ambos se influyen y determinan mutuamente.
Valores eticos y morales-- Sandra Ospino Snchezsospino8
El contador p炭blico es aquella persona natural que mediante la inscripci坦n que acredite su competencia profesional est叩 en la facultad de dar fe p炭blica de los hechos propios del 叩mbito de su profesi坦n, dictaminar estados financieros para la toma de decisiones.
Este documento describe un proyecto para fomentar el autoempleo a trav辿s de cursos y asesoramiento sobre dise単o, patronaje, corte, marketing digital, creaci坦n de negocios online, tr叩mites de autoempleo y habilidades para el empleo, con el objetivo de mejorar las oportunidades laborales y la autoestima de las personas desempleadas, especialmente las mujeres.
This document discusses body language and nonverbal communication. It notes that nonverbal communication such as body posture, gestures, and facial expressions account for 55% or more of how we communicate, compared to just 7% for words. Mirroring others' body language can create rapport. However, certain gestures like the V sign or thumbs up can have different meanings across cultures. Body language affects how we are perceived and how we feel internally. It plays an important role in many areas of daily life from fashion and movies to news and comedy. The document provides references for further information on these topics.
Las redes sociales son estructuras formadas por grupos de personas relacionadas por amistad, familia u otros intereses en com炭n. Existen diferentes tipos de redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn, las cuales son populares en diferentes pa鱈ses. Mientras que Facebook se enfoca en conexiones entre amigos y conocidos, Twitter se centra m叩s en la distribuci坦n y consumo de informaci坦n a trav辿s de enlaces y noticias. Las redes sociales se distinguen de las redes de informaci坦n en que estas 炭ltimas buscan principalmente compartir contenido m叩s que mantener conexiones personales
El documento habla sobre los riesgos que enfrentan los j坦venes al usar Internet. Se単ala que a trav辿s de un solo clic pueden acceder a contenido peligroso como drogas, pornograf鱈a y manuales de fabricaci坦n de bombas. Tambi辿n advierte sobre los riesgos de interactuar con desconocidos en el chat y ser reclutados por grupos virtuales. El documento insta a los padres a conocer los sitios que visitan sus hijos en Internet para protegerlos de estas amenazas.
Vay t鱈n ch畉p VPBank l達i su畉t th畉p
vay tin chap, vay theo l動董ng, vay tieu dung, vay tien ngan hang, vay tien nhanh, vay tien mat vpbank
Este documento detalla los costos y condiciones de pago de la matr鱈cula en una universidad, as鱈 como opciones de pago en efectivo, con tarjeta de cr辿dito o mediante cheques post-fechados. Tambi辿n incluye informaci坦n sobre vuelos, hoteles y moneda para un viaje de ida y vuelta entre Bogot叩 y Santiago de Chile, as鱈 como enlaces e informaci坦n de contacto 炭tiles.
El documento proporciona definiciones de t辿rminos relacionados con el pH y las reacciones 叩cido-base. Explica que el pH mide la acidez o alcalinidad de una soluci坦n y depende de la concentraci坦n de iones hidronio. Tambi辿n define conceptos como 叩cidos y bases fuertes y d辿biles, pOH, valoraci坦n 叩cido-base y otros elementos relacionados con las propiedades qu鱈micas de las soluciones.
Practica T6_El control de los prosumidoresmatilderuiz
Este documento presenta una pr叩ctica sobre el control de gesti坦n. Los estudiantes deben trabajar en parejas o grupos para identificar un caso en el que una empresa haya sido sometida al control y evaluaci坦n de agentes externos, y haya tomado decisiones como consecuencia de este control externo. Deben realizar un seguimiento del caso de forma completa con videos, noticias y capturas para exponer las consecuencias. La pr叩ctica debe presentarse en PowerPoint el 31 de mayo con una duraci坦n de 5 a 10 minutos.
- The document is a certificate from the Algerian Petroleum Institute certifying that the individual has obtained an engineering diploma in drilling from the School of Boumerdes.
- It specifies that the diploma was issued on 2007/06/20 from the School of Boumerdes, part of the Algerian Petroleum Institute.
- The certificate is signed by the President General Director of the Algerian Petroleum Institute and the Director of the School of Boumerdes.
1) The document discusses various learning units and steps for completing them. It includes 5 units on different topics.
2) It provides instructions on navigating between the units including starting from unit 1 and moving sequentially to later units.
3) For each unit, it lists the key steps and objectives to be completed, including reviewing content, answering questions, and assessing understanding.
This official transcript from the University of Lancaster documents the educational achievement and qualifications of Martin Andreev. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration with Second Class Honours (Division One) in European Management in July 2014. Over the course of his studies from 2010 to 2014, he completed various course modules, receiving grades ranging from 58 to 21.8. The transcript provides a detailed record of all courses taken, credits earned, and grades received to validate his degree award.
This document is a certificate of provisional registration from the Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine issued to an individual. It provides their registration number and states that they have received provisional registration under section 15A(2) of the Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act, 1961 for the purpose of practical training (internship). The certificate is valid until a specified date in 2005 or completion of the internship, whichever is later. It notes that the provisional registration certificate must be returned when applying for permanent registration after completing the internship.
This document contains three certificates certifying an individual's educational qualifications and achievements:
1. A certificate certifying the individual as a Standard Bank Yellow Belt after successfully completing a Lean Six Sigma project.
2. An Associate Diploma certificate from the Institute of Bankers in South Africa.
3. A certificate in Banking from the Institute of Bankers in South Africa.
This document appears to be a training evaluation form for an individual who received training at Helnan Palestine Hotel. It provides details such as the trainee's name, college/institute, area of training, training duration, and evaluation date. It then lists various evaluation areas like appearance, neatness, punctuality, ability to learn, productivity, job skills, and relationship skills. Each area includes a performance rating and importance rating out of 10. The total grade is 95 out of 100. Signatures are included from the training supervisor, manager, and department head with some additional remarks.
Este documento resume la menopausia. Explica que la menopausia es el cese definitivo de la menstruaci坦n en las mujeres mayores de 45 a単os, marcando el fin de su ciclo reproductivo. Detalla los principales s鱈ntomas de la menopausia como sofocos, cambios de humor e irregularidades en el ciclo menstrual. Tambi辿n identifica factores como el tabaquismo y la malnutrici坦n que pueden influir en una menopausia precoz, mientras que el ejercicio puede retrasarla. Finalmente, se単ala que la menop
El documento habla sobre la biodiversidad y la variedad de vida en un lugar, incluyendo diversos niveles de organizaci坦n biol坦gica como especies de plantas y animales, su variabilidad gen辿tica, ecosistemas y paisajes. Tambi辿n menciona especies en peligro de extinci坦n y las categor鱈as de estado de conservaci坦n seg炭n la UICN. Explica que la extinci坦n es un proceso normal en la evoluci坦n y que el n炭mero de especies extintas a lo largo del tiempo geol坦gico es mayor que las existentes. Adem叩s,
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la sociedad de la informaci坦n a trav辿s de la historia. Se define la sociedad de la informaci坦n y sus caracter鱈sticas clave, como el acceso universal a la informaci坦n a trav辿s de Internet y la transformaci坦n del ciudadano en un usuario de informaci坦n. Finalmente, la generaci坦n de nuevas tecnolog鱈as es fundamental para mejorar la comunicaci坦n social y el acceso a la informaci坦n.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre el pensamiento y el lenguaje. Brevemente resume lo siguiente: El pensamiento se define como la actividad y creaci坦n de la mente, mientras que el lenguaje humano se caracteriza por propiedades como la arbitrariedad, productividad y transmisi坦n cultural. Adem叩s, existen diferentes tipos de lenguaje como el est叩ndar, coloquial, po辿tico y cient鱈fico. Finalmente, se describe la relaci坦n entre el pensamiento y el lenguaje, donde ambos se influyen y determinan mutuamente.
Valores eticos y morales-- Sandra Ospino Snchezsospino8
El contador p炭blico es aquella persona natural que mediante la inscripci坦n que acredite su competencia profesional est叩 en la facultad de dar fe p炭blica de los hechos propios del 叩mbito de su profesi坦n, dictaminar estados financieros para la toma de decisiones.
Este documento describe un proyecto para fomentar el autoempleo a trav辿s de cursos y asesoramiento sobre dise単o, patronaje, corte, marketing digital, creaci坦n de negocios online, tr叩mites de autoempleo y habilidades para el empleo, con el objetivo de mejorar las oportunidades laborales y la autoestima de las personas desempleadas, especialmente las mujeres.
This document discusses body language and nonverbal communication. It notes that nonverbal communication such as body posture, gestures, and facial expressions account for 55% or more of how we communicate, compared to just 7% for words. Mirroring others' body language can create rapport. However, certain gestures like the V sign or thumbs up can have different meanings across cultures. Body language affects how we are perceived and how we feel internally. It plays an important role in many areas of daily life from fashion and movies to news and comedy. The document provides references for further information on these topics.
Las redes sociales son estructuras formadas por grupos de personas relacionadas por amistad, familia u otros intereses en com炭n. Existen diferentes tipos de redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn, las cuales son populares en diferentes pa鱈ses. Mientras que Facebook se enfoca en conexiones entre amigos y conocidos, Twitter se centra m叩s en la distribuci坦n y consumo de informaci坦n a trav辿s de enlaces y noticias. Las redes sociales se distinguen de las redes de informaci坦n en que estas 炭ltimas buscan principalmente compartir contenido m叩s que mantener conexiones personales
El documento habla sobre los riesgos que enfrentan los j坦venes al usar Internet. Se単ala que a trav辿s de un solo clic pueden acceder a contenido peligroso como drogas, pornograf鱈a y manuales de fabricaci坦n de bombas. Tambi辿n advierte sobre los riesgos de interactuar con desconocidos en el chat y ser reclutados por grupos virtuales. El documento insta a los padres a conocer los sitios que visitan sus hijos en Internet para protegerlos de estas amenazas.
Vay t鱈n ch畉p VPBank l達i su畉t th畉p
vay tin chap, vay theo l動董ng, vay tieu dung, vay tien ngan hang, vay tien nhanh, vay tien mat vpbank
Este documento detalla los costos y condiciones de pago de la matr鱈cula en una universidad, as鱈 como opciones de pago en efectivo, con tarjeta de cr辿dito o mediante cheques post-fechados. Tambi辿n incluye informaci坦n sobre vuelos, hoteles y moneda para un viaje de ida y vuelta entre Bogot叩 y Santiago de Chile, as鱈 como enlaces e informaci坦n de contacto 炭tiles.
El documento proporciona definiciones de t辿rminos relacionados con el pH y las reacciones 叩cido-base. Explica que el pH mide la acidez o alcalinidad de una soluci坦n y depende de la concentraci坦n de iones hidronio. Tambi辿n define conceptos como 叩cidos y bases fuertes y d辿biles, pOH, valoraci坦n 叩cido-base y otros elementos relacionados con las propiedades qu鱈micas de las soluciones.
Practica T6_El control de los prosumidoresmatilderuiz
Este documento presenta una pr叩ctica sobre el control de gesti坦n. Los estudiantes deben trabajar en parejas o grupos para identificar un caso en el que una empresa haya sido sometida al control y evaluaci坦n de agentes externos, y haya tomado decisiones como consecuencia de este control externo. Deben realizar un seguimiento del caso de forma completa con videos, noticias y capturas para exponer las consecuencias. La pr叩ctica debe presentarse en PowerPoint el 31 de mayo con una duraci坦n de 5 a 10 minutos.
- The document is a certificate from the Algerian Petroleum Institute certifying that the individual has obtained an engineering diploma in drilling from the School of Boumerdes.
- It specifies that the diploma was issued on 2007/06/20 from the School of Boumerdes, part of the Algerian Petroleum Institute.
- The certificate is signed by the President General Director of the Algerian Petroleum Institute and the Director of the School of Boumerdes.
1) The document discusses various learning units and steps for completing them. It includes 5 units on different topics.
2) It provides instructions on navigating between the units including starting from unit 1 and moving sequentially to later units.
3) For each unit, it lists the key steps and objectives to be completed, including reviewing content, answering questions, and assessing understanding.
This official transcript from the University of Lancaster documents the educational achievement and qualifications of Martin Andreev. It shows that he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration with Second Class Honours (Division One) in European Management in July 2014. Over the course of his studies from 2010 to 2014, he completed various course modules, receiving grades ranging from 58 to 21.8. The transcript provides a detailed record of all courses taken, credits earned, and grades received to validate his degree award.
This document is a certificate of provisional registration from the Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine issued to an individual. It provides their registration number and states that they have received provisional registration under section 15A(2) of the Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act, 1961 for the purpose of practical training (internship). The certificate is valid until a specified date in 2005 or completion of the internship, whichever is later. It notes that the provisional registration certificate must be returned when applying for permanent registration after completing the internship.
This document contains three certificates certifying an individual's educational qualifications and achievements:
1. A certificate certifying the individual as a Standard Bank Yellow Belt after successfully completing a Lean Six Sigma project.
2. An Associate Diploma certificate from the Institute of Bankers in South Africa.
3. A certificate in Banking from the Institute of Bankers in South Africa.
This document appears to be a training evaluation form for an individual who received training at Helnan Palestine Hotel. It provides details such as the trainee's name, college/institute, area of training, training duration, and evaluation date. It then lists various evaluation areas like appearance, neatness, punctuality, ability to learn, productivity, job skills, and relationship skills. Each area includes a performance rating and importance rating out of 10. The total grade is 95 out of 100. Signatures are included from the training supervisor, manager, and department head with some additional remarks.
The document appears to be an exercise for listening comprehension and problem-solving based on a conversation. It provides instructions for the exercise, an example problem involving choices numbered 1 through 4, and an explanation of focusing on requests and responses to determine the correct choice.
This document is a notification of graduation from Gulf College certifying that Riyadh EamoodMohammcd Al-Hadhratui (Student No. 3054) has successfully fulfilled the graduation requirements of BA with honours in Business Management in the academic year 2011/2012. It confirms he has completed his degree requirements and will receive his official award at the annual graduation ceremony. The notification is signed by the College Dean.
Hill Brothers Transportation, Inc. thanked the driver for their diligent work and excellent driving record that has helped the company succeed in the trucking industry. They presented the driver with a Mileage Award on behalf of the entire staff at Hill Brothers Transportation to show appreciation for the driver's patience, dedication, and safe driving. The letter credits the conscientious behaviors and integrity of drivers like the recipient for enabling Hill Brothers Transportation to thrive in the industry.
1. The document provides the course scheme and examination scheme for Bachelor of Commerce (Three Years UG Course in Faculty of Commerce and Management) at Condawana University, Gadchiroli for Semester IV.
2. It lists the subjects offered in areas like AECC (Foundation Course), SEC, Generic Elective, Core Courses and DSE along with the number of credits and marks allotted for internal and external assessments.
3. The subjects include Marathi/Hindi/Supplementary English, Management Accounting, Secretarial Practice, Compulsory English, Monetary Economics, Corporate Accounting and various specialization subjects from groups like Marketing Management, Human Resource Development, Bank
This certificate recognizes completion of 3 hours of training in "Parents as Tender Healers: Understanding the Child Welfare System". It was issued by the Tennessee Department of Children's Services and the Tennessee Center for Child Welfare to demonstrate a commitment to Tennessee's children. The certificate is signed by the University Agency Director and the Director of Foster Care and Adoption.
The document is a statement of result from Marga International College of Education for a student. It indicates that the student, Jaward Fodie, with registration number DAE-00042-05-005, took the Final Examination for the Diploma in Automobile Engineering in July 2005. It states that the student passed the examination and that the awarding body was the National Council Awards. The document also provides contact information for the college's Congo Cross Campus and departments.
The document provides a provisional certificate and grade sheets for Debadatta Ratha who has completed a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering. It shows that he successfully completed the prescribed coursework over 8 semesters between 2010-2012 at Krupajala Engineering College in Bhubaneswar, India and was awarded the degree. His semester and cumulative grade point averages ranged from 6.99 to 8.80 out of 10.
This document contains summaries of 3 certificates awarded to Dyujay M. Roberts:
1. Roberts graduated from the Hooker Washington Institute with a major in general automotive and good conduct.
2. Roberts obtained his Senior School Certificate from the West African Examinations Council with grades in several subjects.
3. Roberts completed training courses at ArcelorMittal on courageous leadership, workplace organization, basic first aid, and basic firefighting.
This document is a promotion letter informing Mr. Fathy Abdelrashid Aly Koura that he has been promoted from Electrical Engineer to Project Manager based on his good performance and productivity. His monthly income will be reviewed accordingly as of July 1st, 2014. The letter congratulates him and wishes him good luck in his new role.
This official transcript of record from Silliman University provides the academic records of a student. It summarizes the courses taken each semester, the grades received, term grade point averages and cumulative grade point average. Silliman University is a private university located in Dumaguete City, Philippines, founded in 1901, with instruction in English. It has been accredited by several organizations and was granted full autonomy by the Commission on Higher Education.
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems *Code of Conduct* f...Terrell Patillo
Titus 2:1-2,7...Amplified Bible (AMP)
Duties of the Older and Younger
2 But as for you, teach the things which are in agreement with sound doctrine [which produces men and women of good character whose lifestyle identifies them as true Christians]. 2 Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in steadfastness [Christlike in character].
7 And show your own self in all respects to be a pattern and a model of good deeds and works, teaching what is unadulterated, showing gravity [having the strictest regard for truth and purity of motive], with dignity and seriousness.
This certificate is awarded to Suhaib Abdul Hameed Al-shukairy for his participation in training. It recognizes his outstanding contribution and effort for the success of an engineering event held in May 2015. The certificate is signed by the head of the engineering department.
This document is an academic record for a student named KAOIE MOMPATI from the University of Botswana. It lists the courses taken in each year/semester of study, along with the grades received. In year 1, semester 1 the student received excellent grades in most core courses. In year 2, the student was awarded a Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with distinction.
1. e U R ffi.: eBJ'LU M "C?T.,3.5
flffisoaMa LErumawE pRfie!#u5
ldentity Number
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Cell Number
E-MailAddress (home)
Postal Address
Marital Status
Home Language
Other Languages
Health Status
Criminal Records
Hobbies & lnterests
Last School Attended
Standard Passed
Year Completed
Subjects Passed
Lindiwe Precious
19 December 1983
Durban (KZN)
South African
Lind iweMsomi368@
C4069 lllovo T/ Ship
P.O. Amanzimtoti
English & Xhosa
Watching Movies & Reading
Esizibeni High School
Zulu 1't Language , English 2nd Language, Afrikaans, Physical
Sciences, Biology,Geography and
Business economics
T'e'rfiary Edu:cation
2. lnstitution Attended
Durban Computer Coliege
Secretary Studies
Computerized Typing,
Office Administration
Fundamental & Concept of
Business Communication
Microsoft Word
National Senior Certificate
Certificate of Course Completion in Global Health
the Computer
Name of Company
Name of Company
Name of Company
Name of Company
Angel Life Style
Micro franchiser
3 Months
6 Months
lnjula Yothando Community Care Centre
Project Manager & Chairperson
Ballot lssuer and Counter
Refe,i es,,
: Mr N,J Blose
: Manager
: Angel Life Style
4. Office
South African Revenue Service
Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens
Uphiko Iwezimali EzingenaYo
eNingizimu Afrika
Tirelomatlotlo Ya Afrika-Borwa
KwaZulu Natal - Durban
Receiver of Revenue
201 West Street, Durban, 4001
PO Box 921, Durban, 4000
Web site:
Telephone 08000O7277
Individual/CC, has been registered for
Taxirayer Service Centre
ogod 00 7277
(031) 333 729516171819
Ground Floor
To Whom It MaY Concern:
Name of client : L P lt/stl tt'tt
I hereby confirm that the abovernentioned
Income Tax purposes with the SARS,
Income Tax Reference number : QTWq GZKTVq
Case no: .1sbq6g*s'g
Yours faithfui
for SAR
Please note that the
Commissioner for the South
African Revenue Seruice
(SARS) will not exercise his
discretionary powers in favour
ofany person with regard to any
interest, penalties and/or
additional tax leviable due to the
late- or underpayment of any
taxes, duties or levies or the late
rendition of retums by any
person as a result of any
computer system not being year
2000 cornpliant.
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7. certificate Na. 2A14I A2-00738
ance Gareers &GorPorate
Development Training
Reg no: zattlLotzzllz3
This is to certify that
Student Number AC00238 1.D, No.8312190788084
Has successfully attended and met the requirements for
the award of a
Conferred on the candidate on the
16'n day of April 2014
At Durban, Republic of South Africa
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This is an original cdiiicate and ctsnnor b re'lssued
8. Glebal F{ealth ffif'*"rniag Center
fll*re&ffis"me* ** il*aetr$# %t*pe*ca*m'
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Awarded to
ldentity number
Subjects passed
iaiTu.Lu : F,itat Language
EngLiah : Second Language
Bua,Lneaa Economiet
AdruLhaana : Second Language
Phqaieal Seienee
I llilt llllt lltli Iffi ]ill ]til ililt ilil ilil |til tilll ilffi lll ill
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With effect from July 2012
Chief Executive
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This certiticate is isiued in accordance with Sectioit I7(A) {6) of Act 58 of 2OOl by
.. Umalus! Gogncil for Ouatity Assurance in General and Fuittret Educatior-r and Traiding.
131 6400 ss73 A
SOUTH AFRICA This certificate is issued without alteration or erasure of any kind
(See reverse for more information) A AonltOZ
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